• How to weave a violet from beads. Violets from beads: beautiful flowers with your own hands (photo). Violet flower from beads - assembly


    Do you think violets in winter are possible only in a fairy tale known from childhood? But no. You can create them with your own hands from beads and wire. If you love these delicate and touching spring flowers - our master class with step by step photo and the pattern of their weaving is created especially for you. In it we will tell you how to make a violet from beads. Our beaded violet will delight you with its freshness and beauty all year round!

    Tools and materials Time: 5 hours Difficulty: 4/10

    • beads following colors: purple, white, yellow, green;
    • wire with a diameter of 0.37 mm (you can also use a diameter of 0.3 or 0.5);
    • scissors;
    • green threads (floss, iris or any others at your discretion);
    • a small pot for indoor plants;
    • alabaster.

    If you have never been into beads before, this beaded violet is your opportunity to join a fascinating activity.

    Beading is a very entertaining hobby, which in terms of its popularity is in second place among handicraft types of creativity. Beads can be used to make jewelry, keychains, animals, trees, flowers and much more. Well, flower beading is, one might say, a separate direction of beadwork. The process of making any flower is an exciting experience that will suit many girls and women.

    Today, beautiful flower arrangements not only serve as interior decoration. You can sell a beautiful bouquet, because handicraft is always in price, because it is unique, and many housewives (and not only them) make money on this type of handicraft.

    By the way, a violet made of beads is an ideal option for those who are just starting to bead.

    Therefore, if you have no experience in creating flowers from beads, feel free to start weaving violets - you will succeed. You will also train your hand: after all, many beadwork techniques closely overlap with each other. And of course you will experience positive emotions from this type of needlework.

    Step-by-step master class

    Let's move on to creating a flower step by step. The beaded violet is very simple to make.

    Step 1: weaving violet flowers

    Our "bush" will consist of nine violet flowers (if you wish, you can make more).

    We take a wire 60 cm long and string 4 purple beads. We move them to the end of the wire so that from this end about 7-10 cm of wire. And we twist it as in the photo.

    Then we string another 10-14 purple beads (depending on the size of the beads), and make a loop around the 4 previously strung beads.

    The last loop is made of white beads, the amount of which is determined in accordance with the size of the previous loop and next to it we add 4 more purple beads for the second petal.

    These are the petals you get.

    Next to these petals, we begin to weave the next one. To do this, we string 4 beads and do the following in the same way.

    After that, weave 2 more petals. One flower has 5 petals. And here he is.

    Step 2: make the middle

    To weave the middle, you need to take a wire 20 cm long and put 7 yellow beads on it. Next, we twist the wire, as shown in the photo (photo # 7).

    We put on the same number of beads nearby and repeat the action. The middle turns out to be the same as in the photo, and consists of two identical loops.

    After the middle is ready, we connect it to the flower - insert it into the middle of the violet and twist the wire.

    Stamens need to be made 9 pieces - in accordance with the number of flowers.

    Step 3: weave the leaves

    For our violet, you need to weave 8-10 leaves. They are performed using the circular weaving technique. Both large and smaller leaves are required.

    Advice! For weaving violet leaves, it is better to use green wire with a diameter of 0.5, so that the product keeps its shape well.

    First, we will weave large sheets. To do this, take a wire 60 cm in length, twist it as in the photo and string 15-17 green beads onto the base (short end of the wire). Then, on the working end (the longest part of the wire), put on a large amount of green beads (about 35 cm of wire) so that you can make five full circular

    We make five turns around the base.

    After this work is done, secure the top wire by passing it through the top 2 beads and carefully cut off the excess wire with scissors. After these actions, the flower will take on its proper form.

    Here's a leaf we got.

    We give it a curved shape.

    We make 5 leaves of this "format".

    In a similar way, we need to make 5 more leaves, but smaller. To do this, we string 14-15 green beads onto the base and make not 5 turns, as in the previous version of the leaf, but four. Also give them a slightly curved shape similar to the large ones.

    In total, we make 10 leaves. In principle, more can be done. The more leaves you prepare for the violet, the richer and more beautiful your plant will look.

    Now you need to wrap the stem with green threads so that it looks more neat and similar to the real stem of this plant.

    Step 4: beaded violet - assembly

    After the main steps are completed, we proceed to the assembly. We connect the middle with the flower. We do this with each flower and collect a bouquet from our violets. Apply leaves around the violets.

    We tie the bouquet with green threads.

    Step 5: plant the violet in a pot

    Now we need to "plant" our plant in a flower pot. For this we need alabaster. It is necessary to prepare a solution of water and alabaster in proportions 1: 2 (for example, for 0.5 kg of alabaster you need to take 1 liter of water), stir well. Take a pot in which the violet will "grow", put your bouquet there and slowly fill it with alabaster solution.

    If the pot is rather large, you can hide the "white soil" with the help of decor - decorative stones, dark beads and other decorative elements that can be sprinkled with alabaster. Having performed this action, the alabaster will not be visible, and the flower in the pot will be even more attractive due to the beautiful embankment.

    And here is our violet.

    Choose a place for her in your interior or put it on the windowsill. I hope you enjoyed my master class, and you will try to weave a violet yourself. You can take the color scheme at your discretion, and the number of flowers and leaves can also be increased if you took, for example, a large flower pot and you need to fill its space. In general, the free flight of your imagination!

    We hope you enjoyed our master class with a step-by-step photo and weaving pattern. We wish you inspiration, creative success and of course beautiful, bright and creative flower arrangements!

    And if you still have any doubts about your own abilities - watch this bonus video. After reading this master class, you will definitely make sure that the beaded violet is one of the easiest flowers to work with.

    If you are just a beginner in weaving from beads, then you will like terry violet. How to make a beaded flower with your own hands, you will learn from the next master class on weaving a bright indoor plant with step by step photos.

    To weave terry violets, we need:

    • Beads number 10 in four colors - dark purple, white, yellow, green.
    • Wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm.
    • Threads (floss or iris).
    • PVA glue.
    • Flower pot.
    • Alabaster solution.

    We start weaving terry violets from beads.

    Flowers for terry violets from beads

    We will start weaving from the petals, and from them we will collect flowers. Each petal is woven using technique.

    We take a wire 45 cm long, we collect 7 beads on it. We place it 9-10 cm from the beginning of the wire and make a loop.

    Then, on the long end of the wire (it will be a working one), we collect the required number of beads and make a second loop.

    Now we collect 4 beads on the working wire in the following sequential pattern:

    • 1 purple;
    • 3 white;
    • 1 purple;

    Take a wire with beads and pass it between stitches 2 and 3. Pulling up we fix it.

    Such loops need to be made around the entire circle. At the end, we twist the ends of the wire together.

    For one flower, you need to make 5 such petals.

    We take 5 pieces of petals, folding them on top of each other, twist them together. We spread the petals in the form of a fan. Then we bend the wire so that we get a round flower.

    Stamens for terry violets from beads

    On a segment 25 cm long, string 4 beads, place the beads 9 cm from the edge. Now pass the short tip through the bead. We tighten it to form a loop.

    Take the same end of the wire and pass it through the first bead. We tighten to form a loop. It turned out to be two small loops.

    We continue to weave the third and fourth loops in the same way.

    When all four loops are woven, take both ends of the wire and twist them together in two turns. Bend the wire at a right angle and put 4 beads on it. We advance them tightly to the loops.

    In the same way, we weave 3 pieces of a flower for a terry violet from beads.

    Leaves for terry violets from beads

    The leaves will be weaved round, in two sizes - medium and larger. How to weave a round sheet can be seen in this.

    • For an average leaf, take a wire 75 cm long, make a loop. Collect 12 green beads. We do 5 turns. You will get a middle leaf. We make 7 such medium leaves.
    • For a large leaf, take a wire 95 cm long, make a loop. We collect 14 beads on the axis. We make 6 turns. You will get a large leaf. We make 4 such large leaves.

    Every woman has a desire to decorate her home. Bring an irreplaceable touch of comfort to your home by making beaded violets! Such flowers are much better than other artificial ones, because the soul is invested in them. And they are also more convenient, because they are characterized by capriciousness in care and cultivation. Such beauties in a pot do not require watering or replanting, but delight with their flowering all year round.

    Learning the basics

    Creating a violet with a step by step photo will not be difficult. Unlike a capricious houseplant, such a wicker flower is perhaps one of the easiest to implement. It is called a flower for the very beginning craftswomen.

    But before you start beaded violets, as in the photo, you need to learn about the basics of beading in order to have at least a minimal idea of \u200b\u200bits main techniques.

    Note! If this is yours, then you need to start with a test sample on which you need to test the technique, feel the material. And only after that start creating violets.

    The first step is to familiarize yourself with the weaving pattern, which should be easy to implement and simple. Another important task is the selection of the beads themselves. For beginners, a large one is suitable.

    It is worth remembering that appearance the finished product largely depends on the selection of materials, or rather, on their quality. Irregularities on the wire, blotches of a different color on the beads indicate low quality. In this case, it is better to look for other options.

    Advice! For the first attempt, you do not need to take a very large product. Before creating a craft from beads, you need to fill your hand and hone your skills.

    Materials selection rules

    • The color and shape of the beads must be selected in accordance with those indicated in the diagram.
    • When buying, carefully inspect the beads, they should not be defective.
    • You can determine the size by the numbers on the package: the smaller they are, the larger the beads themselves.
    • For beginners, it is convenient to use a modeling wire that will allow you to shape the petals, and besides, you do not have to buy a needle to thread through the holes. It is needed if a fishing line is chosen as a frame.


    If there is an opportunity to select a separate secluded place for beading, this is good. But often this is not possible, so it is important that the workplace is at least comfortable. The table for such an occupation should be quite large, high-quality lighting plays a role.

    On the table you will need to place:

    1. Wire.
    2. Beads - each color in its own capacity.
    3. Schemes.
    4. Wire twisting tools and more.

    Weaving an ordinary violet

    A beaded violet according to the presented master class with step-by-step photos will come out successfully and will be able to decorate the house. It can even be made as a gift, and it will be a unique author's present.

    Materials and tools

    In order to create such beauty, you will need:

    • Blue beads (any other natural violet color can be used) - 30 g.
    • beads for petals - 50 g.
    • beads for stamens, it only needs 1 g.
    • Weaving wire.
    • Round nose pliers.

    Operating procedure

    In order for the most beginner to be able to create violets from beads, we offer step by step master class with a photo and a detailed description.


    It is not difficult to make them, but it is important to strictly follow the instructions, and in this case, the petals will turn out to be neat and realistic. Step by step description:

    1. String 4 blue beads onto the wire. Moreover, they need to be placed so that one end of the wire is somewhat shorter - by 10 cm.
    2. Next, fold the first dialed row with a loop and secure by twisting the ends of the wire.
    3. String 11 beads onto the long end of the wire.
    4. Fold them in an arc over the first row and twist again.
    5. Next, the third row - 20 elements will be needed to form it. They also need to be twisted in the form of a ring.

      Important! In order for the petals to turn out to be dense without gaps, it is important to ensure that the loops fit snugly against each other, and the beads strung on them sit without gaps.

      This creates one petal, and all of them are needed for our violets. Moreover, each subsequent one should not start with a new wire, but string the first 4 beads onto the free edge of the existing one. This will create a complete violet.

      The number of violets depends on the splendor of the bouquet and your own perseverance.


      What is a flower without a pistil? It also needs to be made for the violet, and it will be created from beads yellow color by simple technique:

      • You need a wire 20 cm long.
      • String 4 beads onto it and place them in the middle.
      • Now fold in half and twist the loose ends of the wire.
      • Put on 2 more elements of the same color on the folded ends of the wire.

      As a result, you should get something like a fungus or an umbrella: the first 4 beads are a hat, the last 2 are a leg. The number of pistils - according to the number of "blossoming" violets in the composition.


      Since a realistic composition is being created, it should contain not only blossoming flowers, but also buds. They can be created like this:

      1. String 7 green beads onto the wire, twist them with a loop so that the leg of the wire is 5 mm high.
      2. Make the next such element on the free edge of the wire. They will need 5 in total.
      3. Next, you need to make 3 petals from blue beads using the same technique.
      4. Place the blue workpiece inside the green one and twist the ends of the wire.


      This is the most time consuming task, since there are most of them in this composition. In this case, we will use green beads. The order of weaving a petal is as follows:

      • Take a piece of wire and make a small loop. Moreover, one end of it should be 5 cm shorter than the other.
      • Now you need to string 8 beads on the short end, and 10 beads on the long end.
      • Fold both ends and twist to create a ring.
      • Now the ring needs to be squeezed so that the rows fit snugly together.
      • String 10 beads onto the long end.
      • Twist this row with the previous ones. The result should be a small petal with a core of 8 elements.
      • The second and subsequent circles are made as follows: string 12 (14, 16, etc.) beads on the wire on both sides of the core and twist them from above.

      The number of petals depends on the density of the flowerpot. Moreover, it is better to make them of different sizes: 4-6 large ones for 5-6 rows, the same number of medium ones for 3-4 rows and very small for 2-3 rows. This will make the composition look harmonious.

      Note! In order to make the legs of the petals beautiful, you need to wrap them with green tape, which is used for.

      Assembling the flower and the whole bouquet

      Now you don't need to weave anything, but there is an equally crucial moment ahead - this is the assembly of all the elements together. Work order:

      1. Introduce the pistil into the center of the flower and twist the ends of the petals and pistil.
      2. Next, you need to connect 3, 4, 5 flowers and buds to each other - as much as was done. In this case, you need to leave about 5 cm of free wire.
      3. Connect the leaves together. In this case, the largest should be below, and the smallest should be closer to the flowers.
      4. Attach the leaves to the bouquet, use the same technique to attach other elements, if any.
      5. The final chord is to beautifully spread the bouquet.
      6. Terry violet

        In the photo you can see a terry violet made of beads - it looks gorgeous. Its creation is somewhat more complicated than weaving an ordinary one, but if the first master class helped in creating a real masterpiece, then you can start making such a violet.

        The main difference in this case will be when creating leaves and pistil - they are more "fluffy", for which the species got its name.

        Terry violet petal

        Differences in the creation of such a petal begin only when 3 circular rows are made in the technique proposed above. Further, the order is as follows:

        1. String 1 blue, 3 white and 1 more blue beads on the long edge of the wire.
        2. Next, you need to pass the wire between the 2 and 3 beads of the previous row.
        3. The next element is created in the same way, now you need to pass the wire between the 4th and 5th beads of the previous row. And so in a circle.

        Important! It is necessary to tighten and secure after two similar terry elements.

        Terry violet consists of 5 petals, they need to be fastened together with a fan.

    Violet is a wonderful velvet flower that amazes with its sophistication. The plant is quite capricious and requires careful maintenance. It is not always possible to satisfy all his needs and the flower, unfortunately, dies. In order not to get upset every time because of the loss of a flower, the needlewomen found an interesting solution - to weave a plant from beads. The maintenance-free beaded violet will be a worthy substitute for a living flower.

    1. To make the flower look like a real one, get several shades of the selected color.
    2. Buy beads from trusted brands to be sure of the quality of the goods.
    3. Stock up on beads with different dyeing techniques (transparent, matte). This will make the violet look more expressive.
    4. Strictly follow the scheme - the final result of the work performed depends on it.
    5. All care consists in brushing off dust from petals and leaves.

    From words to deeds

    Violet is the easiest flower to weave. For beginners to comprehend the basics of beading, it will not be difficult to understand the step-by-step instructions we have proposed.

    Prepare the beads for the petals. Choose the color depending on which violets you prefer: pink, blue, purple. For the leaves, take the green beads, the yellow ones for the stamens.

    Let's start a master class. We make the stamens. Measure out approximately 22 cm of wire. Start stringing yellow beads on it (4 pieces in total). Twist the wire, making a 90-degree angle between it and the beads. Add two more beads.

    Make as many such stamens as you want to see flowers in the pot.

    Form the petals, working with blue. Cast on 5 beads on a wire about 45 cm long. We twist.

    That is, collect two more rows of beads, gradually wrap the first row. You should get the first petal, as in the photo:

    Then, next to the first, twist the second, third, fifth petals.

    As a result, a five-leafed flower is created.

    We pass the finished stamen into the middle of the flower.

    To make an unopened bud, proceed as follows - dial two rows of a regular petal, and then twist the beads, pressing tightly against each other.

    Tie the put green beads into a knot.

    Leaves are perhaps the hardest part of the craft. They need to be made a lot and preferably in different sizes.

    Measure a piece of wire 45-50 cm. Twist as shown in the picture:

    On one side, dial 13-15 pieces, and on the other - as many as possible, so that it is enough to make a few turns around the base.

    Cut off the excess wire and hide the tip by threading it into the beads. You will get a nice curved leaf.

    Make the rest of the leaves according to this scheme. Experiment with the number of beads and turns to get different sizes. Wrap the stems of the leaves with green silk thread, floss or other handy material.

    Ready-made flowers can be assembled into mini bouquets by wrapping the stems together with ribbon.

    Arrange flowers and leaves into one bouquet. Prepare an ordinary flower pot, fill it with gypsum and plant your violet in it. The work is done.

    How does the process of birth of violets take place, look clearly at the video:

    Double flower

    A violet with the so-called terry edges looks more dazzling. But it is also more difficult to make it than usual. But if you have already weaved a simple flower, you know the basic technology of creation, then you can confidently move to a new level.

    The main difference is that the petals and stamens must be given a terry effect.

    Start making the petal as in the previous description. Form three rows. Next, carefully look at the images:

    Draw the tip of the wire between the second and third stitches.

    Continue repeating the action until the end of the circle. In this case, it is better to take the beads of a different shade.

    Make 5 such petals, fold them together in the form of a fan, twist them together. Turn the wire 90 degrees in relation to the petals.

    Make the stamens similarly simple. The difference is that they need to be made several things on one wire. This is how it looks:

    Connect the petals with the stamens.

    Make leaves. Collect all the elements together. Choose a pot. You can cover it with pebbles and stick a bouquet there. For a more secure fit, use alabaster. And sprinkle on top with real earth, pebbles.

    So, you got acquainted with the simple and complicated weaving of violets from beads. Follow all the recommendations, step by step and slowly follow the described stages of work. Then, literally in a few hours your windowsill will be decorated with a beautiful plant. Make some pots and decorate each room. They will refresh the interior and add bright colors.

    Related videos

    Watch the master class and you will learn how to weave a violet from beads.

    Violet beaded

    For work we need:

    • blue about 30 grams;
    • green beads of two shades (darker - for the middle of the sheet, lighter - for edging) about 30 grams each;
    • yellow beads about 3 grams;
    • wire to match the beads. Suitable for flowers, for leaves 0.4mm, thin wire for stamens and for assembly;
    • floral ribbon green color for the decoration of stems;
    • flower pot;
    • alabaster (gypsum) for planting violets in a pot;
    • sisal;
    • pliers (round nose pliers);
    • scissors;
    • ruler.

    Our violet will have 7 flowers and 10 leaves (5 larger, 5 smaller).


    We collect several meters of beads on the wire at once in order to be able to weave our petals and flowers one after another. Let's step back from the edge of the wire 10-11 cm and make the first loop of 7 beads.

    We turn the loop around its axis 2 times (and henceforth make sure that all the scrolls we have in the same direction).
    We move the required number of beads from the main wire and make the second loop, as tightly as possible to the first.

    Scroll 2 times, similarly make the third loop and scroll 4 times.

    We have the first petal ready, and the flower should have five.
    We retreat 1-1.2 cm and make the second loop and the petal itself.

    We repeat all the steps until we get 5 petals.

    We make six more such blanks.
    Small petals are made in the same way.

    As a result, you should have seven large and seven small petals.


    Each stamen blank consists of 5 yellow beads.

    There are seven such blanks in total.

    Let's start assembling the flower


    We weave a stepped petal: we make a frame blank for a small leaf. To do this, we need a piece of wire 13 cm long and a second piece of 85 cm. We make a tight twist of them 10 cm long (you should have a short "tail" of about 3 cm (this is an axial wire - an axis) and a long wire with a free edge, on we will recruit it (working wire).

    We collect 6 dark-colored beads on the axis and make the first pair of arcs with dark beads.

    We make the second pair of arcs with the addition of light beads at the top of the future leaf.

    In the third pair of arcs, add even more light beads.

    We begin to make "steps": we do the first, not reaching 5-6 beads to the top of the sheet.
    We measure required amount beads (remove the excess), go through the wire from the inside out to the front of the sheet.

    We collect 7-8 light beads and the required number of dark beads, return to the base of the sheet and make one turn around the axial wire (we draw the working wire between the last and penultimate rows, and not under the last one as usual).

    Similarly, weave the second side of the leaf.

    A small leaf should have only 4 "steps" on each side. When making "steps", be more guided not by the number of beads (how much to retreat), but see that the "steps" are approximately at the same level.

    We make five of these leaves.

    For a large sheet, we make frame blanks from pieces of wire 15cm and 1m long. We twist about 11 cm, free "tail" about 4 cm.

    We collect 7 dark beads on the axis, make the first pair of arcs.

    A large leaf will have 5 "steps" on each side.

    Now all the blanks are ready.

    We decorate all the stems with a floral ribbon. We give the desired look to the flowers and leaves.


    We plant a bush in a pot, fill it with plaster. After complete drying, we decorate with sisal or other decorative elements.

    Our violet is ready!

    We admire and are proud of ourselves!
    We wish you pleasant creativity!
    Author: Evgeniya Volkova
    Author's group.

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