• Musical lesson with the children of TNR “On a visit to the cat Murka. Conducting integrated classes in groups of children with TNR Classes with children with severe speech impairments


    Education(it is necessary to form ideas about the set of numbers, quantities, shape, space and time)

    Development(development of understanding of speech, expansion of passive and active vocabulary, lexical and grammatical structures, sensory and intellectual potential, verbal and logical thinking).

    Upbringing(the formation of moral and volitional personality traits (accuracy, responsibility, organization) in the process of analyzing life situations).

    The methodology of teaching mathematical knowledge is based on general didactic principles: systematic, consistent, gradual, individual approach, scientific approach, accessibility, corrective focus, continuous repetition of the material.

    The selection of mathematical content, its structuring and the development of forms of presentation of material for the mathematical development of children with speech impairments is based on principle of focusing on general development baby, which includes his sensory, motor and intellectual readiness.

    - arithmetic(digit and number from 0 to 10, the main properties of the natural series, etc.);

    - geometric(prototypes of geometric figures in the surrounding reality, shape, size, arrangement of figures on a plane, in space, making their models from paper, etc.);

    The main methods used in mathematics classes are: the method of didactic games and the method of modeling, which are presented in various combinations with each other. In this case, the leader is practical method allowing children to recognize and comprehend practical material (performing actions with objects, modeling geometric shapes, sketching, coloring, etc.).

    Most children with speech underdevelopment have impairments fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Therefore, physical education and finger gymnastics... The phylogenetic relationship of movement with the pronunciation of sounds provides a number of benefits for the development of children. speech groups... Their speech is rhythmized by movements, becomes louder, clearer and more emotional, and the presence of a rhythm has a positive effect on the development of children's auditory perception.
    The prospective physical education minutes and finger exercises in math classes will allow children to master not only speech skills, but also develop math skills while consolidating counting, orientation in space, time, etc. correction of mental processes in children.
    This approach will allow solving the following tasks:
    - stimulation of the action of the speech zones of the child's cerebral cortex;
    - development of attention and memory - mental processes associated with the child's speech;
    - promoting the mathematical development of children with speech disorders.

    The main corrective task is to form in children with developmental disabilities, search methods of orientation when completing a task in mathematics. A child with developmental disabilities requires multiple repetitions based on the principle of functional training. It is also good to offer speech material to consolidate knowledge gained in teaching mathematics outside of math classes. These are poems, fairy tales, stories, in which numbers are always present.

    Development objectives:

    1. Analysis and synthesis of objects (from the general to the particular: "What is in common?"; For example, objects that are different in color, but the same in shape).

    2. Classification of objects (combining objects according to 1 or several criteria into groups; for example, 3 mice, and there is cheese in the box. "Choose the shape of the cheese"). Reference symbols, reference pictures are introduced.

    3. Generalization (games are selected with the operation for generalization: "4th extra", "Expand in shape", "Collect by color", etc.).

    4. Serialization (selection by size, by 1 attribute, by size and color, by 2 attributes, etc.).

    5. Abstraction - a high level of analysis and synthesis.

    6. Conclusion building (in the development of simultaneous gnosis in children, work on the formation of children's understanding of the real situation). For example, the instruction is given: “I will start the story, and you finish. "If cows flew through the air ...".

    Features of classes in mathematics for children with TNR:

    An adult needs to think carefully and clearly formulate questions, to exclude the possibility of children's answers on defective speech material.

    The conclusions must be made and voiced by the adult himself, showing a sample of competent speech;

    It is necessary to pay attention to the correct use of lexical forms when coordinating numerals with nouns; you should require the naming of each number when counting (one knight, two knights, five knights ...);

    Static activity should be combined with small forms of active rest: physical education, physical. pauses, eye gymnastics, finger games;

    For the development of elements of verbal and logical thinking, it is advisable to use modern pedagogical tools: sticks of H. Kuisener, blocks of Dienes.

    When a child sees, feels, touches an object, it is much easier to teach him mathematics. Therefore, one of the basic principles of teaching children the basics of mathematics is clarity.

    A set of methods and techniques in the classroom for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts:

    1 - Practical methods.

    Exercises - repeated repetition of mental practical actions by children of a given content.

    A-Exercises of an imitative-executive character - a specific educational and cognitive task is set for children, a sequence of actions is shown. For example: make a shape of 3 sticks. A sample is given, then the child lays out the figure.

    B-Exercises of a constructive nature - the transfer of the learned method of action to a new content. At the same time, children construct an appropriate method of solution from the actions and operations known to them.

    B-Exercises of a creative nature - involve the use of learned methods in new conditions, as well as the use of new actions and operations that children have not learned. In the classroom, it is useful and appropriate to use logical tasks, poems, riddles of mathematical content.

    2 - Verbal methods.

    Verbal methods are part of any visual and practical method.
    In the classroom in mathematics, explanations, explanations, instructions, questions, pedagogical assessment are used. Explanation and explanation are widely used in the course of counting exercises with the participation of various analyzers.
    Directions effective when the child pronounces the actions when completing tasks: "I shade the tree with a green felt-tip pen." Pedagogical Assessment is considered one of the most important verbal techniques. She helps the child, to establish herself in achieving positive results, to understand the mistakes made. It is especially important for children who are insecure, withdrawn, and have a low level of knowledge.
    At first, the very desire of children to complete the educational task is positively assessed. Then, with an overall positive assessment, mistakes are correctly noted, specific ways of correcting them are indicated, and they instill confidence in the child. Finally, the quality of the result is analyzed, interaction skills are assessed, and the assessment given by the children themselves is used.

    3 - Visual methods.

    In the classroom in mathematics, the following are successfully used:

    Demonstration of pictures like "What has changed?", "What is it like?", "Where is the object?";

    Illustrations depicting the time of day;

    Situations for drawing up tasks;

    Watch dial;

    Show of transparencies, filmstrips, video films;

    Demonstration of methods for measuring bulk and liquid substances.

    4 - Game methods.

    Game methods are also effective in the classroom for the formation of elementary mathematical representations. They involve the use of a variety of components play activities in combination with other techniques: questions, explanations, directions, etc. Various actions are used with toys, play materials, imitation of actions and movements, elements of competition, hiding and searching for objects. All this creates a positive emotional mood in children, increases their activity and interest in the lesson.

    5 - B last years in preschool didactics, such a kind of visual search method appeared as modeling. The availability of this method is reflected in the works of A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Wenger, D.B. Elkonin. Modeling is based on the principle of replacing a real object with another object depicted by a sign. In the lesson in mathematics are used: different plans; chips; models of seasons, months; models in the form of clocks, divided into sectors, etc.
    Modeling is introduced very carefully, as children develop mental operations (analysis, synthesis, inference).

    The work on the formation of mathematical knowledge and skills should be carried out in close cooperation with other specialists. In music lessons, songs about numbers and tasks can be performed. On the physical education it is recommended to carry out work to improve the coordination of movements, orientation in space. The knowledge gained in the classroom is well fixed in riddles, proverbs and sayings. It is necessary to make various didactic games that would contain a great motivational potential for the development of an active cognitive attitude in preschoolers to the world around them.
    It is advisable to arrange a corner of cognitive mathematics, in which you can place various didactic games, counting sticks, numbers, geometric shapes and bodies, various children's literature and other materials.

    From the experience of a speech therapist teacher at a preschool educational institution

    Sotnikova Valentina Nikolaevna - teacher-speech therapist at MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 33" Rainbow "in the city of Gubkin, Belgorod Region.
    I would like to offer a consultation for speech therapists.

    Conducting integrated classes in groups of children with TNR

    Currently, integrated correctional and developmental classes that meet the basic principles are gaining more and more popularity in the system of work in a speech therapy group. preschool education approved in the federal state educational standard of preschool education:
    1) construction educational activities on the basis of the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education (hereinafter - individualization of preschool education);
    2) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;
    3) support for the initiative of children in different types activities;
    4) cooperation of the Organization with the family;
    5) familiarizing children with socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state;
    6) the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities.
    Integrated classes give the pupil a fairly broad and vivid idea of ​​the world in which he lives, the relationship of phenomena and objects, mutual assistance, the existence of a diverse world of material and artistic culture. The main emphasis is not so much on the assimilation of certain knowledge, but on the development of figurative thinking. Integrated classes also imply the obligatory development of the creative activity of pupils. This allows you to use the content of all sections of the program, to attract information from various fields of science, culture, art, referring to the phenomena and events of the surrounding life. One of the important principles of planning an integrated lesson is to determine the ratio of familiar and new material. The latter must necessarily be based on existing and well-mastered knowledge, which contributes to the rapid construction of associations, to involve the child in solving a problem situation from his own experience. In integrated lessons, great importance is attached to the development of a child's communication skills as one of the most important factors in his readiness for school.
    The advantages of integrated classes are that they contribute to increasing the motivation of learning, the formation of cognitive interests.
    To a greater extent than ordinary classes, they contribute to the development of speech and the formation of the ability to compare and generalize.
    Integrated classes deepen the understanding of concepts and patterns, broaden the horizons of children.
    Based on finding new connections between facts, they allow to confirm or deepen certain conclusions, observations of pupils in various subjects.
    By combining different areas, these activities develop children emotionally.
    Approximate structure of the lesson
    1. Introductory part. Created problem situation, stimulating the activity of children to search for its solution (for example, the question is asked: "Guys, what will happen if there is no water on Earth?").
    2. The main part. Children are given new knowledge necessary to solve a problematic issue (for example, the importance of water in nature and human life, etc.) based on the content of different sections of the program, based on clarity. At the same time, work is underway to enrich and activate the vocabulary, to teach coherent speech.
    3. The final part. Children are offered any practical work(didactic game, drawing, etc.) to consolidate the information received or actualize previously learned.
    Integrated classes give the pupil a fairly broad and vivid idea of ​​the world in which he lives, the relationship of phenomena and objects, mutual assistance, the existence of a diverse world of material and artistic culture. The main emphasis is not so much on the assimilation of certain knowledge, but on the development of figurative thinking. Integrated classes also imply the obligatory development of the creative activity of pupils. This allows you to use the content of all sections of the program, to attract information from various fields of science, culture, art, referring to the phenomena and events of the surrounding life.
    The main features of an integrated lesson include synthesis:
    - the content of the studied material, theoretical and practical training;
    - subjects of the educational cycle among themselves;
    - activities of two or more teachers, etc.
    Pedagogical capabilities of an integrated lesson:
    - formation in the unity of knowledge and skills;
    - communication skills;
    - increasing interest in learning;
    - removal of tension, fear, uncertainty.
    - develop children emotionally, as they are based on elements of music, painting, literature, plasticity of movement, etc.
    Patterns of an integrated lesson(O.S. Badovskaya):
    - the whole lesson is subordinated to the author's intention;
    - the lesson is a single whole, the stages of the lesson are fragments of the whole;
    - the stages and components of the lesson are in a logical-structural relationship;
    - the didactic material selected for the lesson corresponds to the concept;
    - the chain of information is organized as "given" and "new" and reflects not only structural, but also semantic connectivity.
    Difficulties in conducting an integrated lesson include:
    - the complexity of the selection of educational material;
    - detailed structuring of the lesson;
    - the problem of personal compatibility of teachers;
    - a general approach to assessing the knowledge and skills of children;
    - consistent use of the same terms and concepts.
    Basic principles of interaction with children:
    1. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards the child, do not show irritation, do not speak in an orderly tone, show sincere interest in the child's actions, be ready for emotional support.
    2. Communicate emotionally, which contributes to the development of the cognitive activity of children, monotonous speech quickly tires, a gradual increase in the emotional saturation of the lesson, so that the most interesting fragments of the work are related to the period of increasing fatigue.
    3. Fewer comments, more praise, since "the psychological characteristics of many children are such that the defect in sensitivity to negative stimuli is very low," to discover the strengths and weaknesses of the child and take them into account in solving the problems of upbringing.
    4. Stay close, maintain eye contact, and if necessary, tactile (to attract attention, take the hand, touch the back, stroke the shoulder).
    In integrated lessons, children learn to communicate with each other and with adults, which contributes to the improvement of spoken language, enrichment of vocabulary and, ultimately, the formation of the communicative function of speech and the successful socialization of children. Integrated activities have a specific impact on the development of children in general. Classes with the participation of different specialists and parents of preschoolers can be held both weekly and once every two weeks or once a month. The question of the frequency of such classes is decided by all specialists participating in them: a speech therapist, educators, psychologist, music director, physical education instructor, physical therapy instructor, massage therapist, etc.
    The duration of the integrated lesson in different age groups can vary from 20 to 35 minutes. Change of specialists and types of activities during the lesson, the use of various methods of work, in particular, logo-rhythmic techniques, game and surprise moments, high tempo of work, obligatory relaxation pause in the middle of the lesson and obligatory physical culture pause allow maintaining high working capacity and interest of children even for a long period of time.
    After the integrated lesson, the free activities of children are organized in the play space of the group room for 25-30 minutes, then the children go for a walk, during which the speech therapist carries out individual work with the children. You can change the order of these regime moments and first send the children for a walk, and then give the children time for independent activities.
    The main load in the preparation of such classes falls on the speech therapist teacher, who develops the structure of the lesson and coordinates the actions of specialists.
    When preparing an integrated lesson, a speech therapist should clearly follow these steps:
    - determine the topic and purpose of the lesson.
    - designate the main stages of the lesson and determine the specialists who will carry out the work at these stages, formulate the tasks of each stage together with these specialists, ensuring the interconnection and interdependence of the stages of the lesson, as well as the integration of educational areas.
    - to include in the lesson a variety of game and didactic exercises;
    - to provide at all stages of the lesson the use of techniques that provide an individual approach to children;
    - when selecting program material, take into account the zone of proximal development of each child, his potential;
    - to determine a vocabulary well known to children, which they will have to update in the lesson, and print it out for all specialists participating in the lesson, thereby ensuring the transition of children from accumulated ideas and passive speech stock to the active use of speech means;
    - select grammatical constructions that have already been worked out with children, taking into account the topic and purpose of the lesson, the stage of correctional education, an individual approach to the speech and mental capabilities of children and provide an opportunity for all specialists to use this material at different stages of the lesson, thus organizing speech practice in which lexical and grammatical meanings;
    - to ensure the gradual complication of speech and speech-thinking tasks;
    include in the lesson regular repetition of what has been learned speech material and involve all the specialists participating in the lesson in this;
    - to involve every child in the dialogue.
    Classes are organized in such a way as to provide each child with the opportunity to participate in collective activities, freely communicate with peers and adults. Free placement of children is assumed during the lesson: sitting or lying on the carpet, sitting or standing in a semicircle near the easel, typesetting cloth, etc. so that it is convenient for children to consider the objects and aids presented to them during the lesson, to look at each other or the teacher, which ensures the completeness of the perception of someone else's speech. At each stage of the lesson, the location of the children necessarily changes. If, while studying with a speech therapist, the children sat on chairs near the easel, then, passing to the music director, they perform movements to the music on the carpet in the center of the group room, and then perform the teacher's tasks for the development of mathematical representations, sitting at tables or standing at a magnetic board ...
    The lesson is structured in such a way that the most emotional, surprise, play moments fall on the period of increasing fatigue in children.
    The aids for the lesson are selected and prepared in advance; teachers who are not participating in the class at this stage can help in placing or cleaning up the manuals so that the pace of work in the class does not slow down and the children's attention is not distracted.
    If speak about correctional work speech therapist in integrated lessons, then it is diverse and can cover all areas of the speech therapist's work, except for the setting of sounds, which, of course, is carried out on individual lessons with kids.
    A speech therapist can include elements of articulatory gymnastics, work on the prosodic side of speech, breathing, the development of auditory and visual perception and attention, phonemic hearing and perception, speech hearing and auditory-speech memory, mastering the skills of sound and syllable analysis and synthesis. The classes can include exercises to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds set, work out the previously passed grammatical categories with the presentation of the requirement for their correct phonetic design, in games and game exercises, work can be carried out to consolidate the already formed word formation skills.
    V preparatory group, in the course of integrated lessons, children learn to communicate coherently about what they saw, to express their impressions of the games they played, the exercises they did. In such classes, children learn to hear mistakes in someone else's and their own speech, they develop a linguistic flair, a sense of language.
    In integrated lessons, the task of including in the work of all analyzers of a preschooler can be successfully solved for the development of his emotional world, the world of his feelings. After all, it is emotions and feelings that are involved in the formation of volitional control of actions, lie at the basis of voluntary behavior, the beginning of which falls on preschool age, characterized by significant changes in functioning sensory systems and the perception of information through all senses. In integrated lessons, the child's perception mechanisms are improved, sensorimotor and emotional reactions are developed, and on this basis, the formation of the motivational-need sphere and higher mental functions - attention, memory, thinking, speech - is carried out.
    Using a variety of teaching techniques, application didactic aids provide the child with aesthetic pleasures, promote positive emotional experiences, form a stable sensory background for life, relieve irritability and anxiety. The use of a variety of activities in one lesson provides a gradual and smooth preparation of the child for the transition from play to learning activities.
    Parents of preschoolers can become full participants in integrated activities, taking part in their decoration, connecting to work at various stages of its implementation.

    Individual lesson for children with severe speech impairments

    senior group

    Topic: Automation of sound [p] in words and sentences.


    • exercise in the correct pronunciation of the sound [p] in words and sentences;
    • to consolidate the ability to select the sound [p] from a number of sounds;
    • exercise in the formation of diminutive forms of nouns;
    • to consolidate the ability to classify objects;
    • develop phonemic hearing, auditory and visual attention, logical thinking, auditory memory, visual perception, constructive skills;
    • improve the kinesthetic basis of finger movements according to verbal instructions, mimic and articulatory motor skills, physiological respiration;
    • improve the ability to concentrate;
    • develop self-regulation.

    Equipment: cut object pictures, dummies of fruits, plates, plot pictures, ball, soft toy Bear, signal cards, colored pencils.

    Course of the lesson

    1. Organizational moment

    Mishka came to visit us. He wants to hear how you learn to pronounce the sound [p] correctly in words and sentences.

    2. Mimic, respiratory and articulatory gymnastics

    Let's treat Mishka. Bear has never tasted lemon and banana. Let's show him how they taste.

    Exercise "Sour lemon" [wrinkle],

    Exercise "Pinched the tongue" [blowing on the protruding tongue with the sound of f-f-f ...],

    “Delicious banana” [imitation of chewing movements],

    “Lick our lips” [lick the upper and lower lips in a circle, mouth open];

    We will put things in order in the house and at the workplace, before we study.

    Let's clean the rug [ex. ‘Swing’]

    We wash and rinse the handkerchiefs [ex. ''Turkey"]

    We will hang handkerchiefs on the balcony, let the breeze dry them [exercise '' Sail '']

    Now you can study.

    3. Sound warm-up

    Let's remember how the helicopter is buzzing -Dr ...

    The tractor starts up-Tr ...

    The mouse is trembling from the cold-Br ...

    Grandpa snores-Chr ...

    The swimmer floats-Fr ...

    The dog growls-R ...

    4. Did.andgra. "Cut pictures"

    And what about Mishka? [Letter.]

    Let's see what's in it?

    It is necessary to fold the cut pictures and name all the words correctly:

    cancer, chamomile, watermelon, camel, cucumber, grapes, firewood.

    Where is the tongue when we pronounce the sound [p]? [above, rests against the upper teeth and trembles]

    5. Did. game "Traffic light"

    I will name the words. If you hear the sound [p] in a word, raise a green card, and if not, a red one.

    [Ax, owl, sugar, cancer, milk, fence, ship boat, road, brick, yard]

    6. Game "Finish the word"

    topo ... tracto ...

    tomato ... shofyo ...

    gobo ... moto ...

    bone ... boxing ...

    kove ... kefi ...

    talk ... muhomo ...

    7. Game "Negotiating proposals"

    The fisherman catches ... [fish]

    The drummer drumming loudly on ... [drum]

    The sky is multi-colored ... [rainbow]

    The ram has large ... [horns]

    They chop with an ax ... [firewood]

    Hair is being combed ... [with a comb]

    8. Did. game "Color the pictures"

    The evil wizard bewitched the pictures and washed away the paint from them. Roma and Raya decided to color the pictures again. Help them please! Roma will paint with a black pencil what is black, and Raya will paint objects that are red.

    9. Did. game "Help Ira do the cleaning"

    Put in the closet items, the names of which have the sound [p], and in washing machine- in the names of which there is no sound [р]

    10. Ball game "Big, small".

    A large bucket is a small bucket.

    Large fence, small fence.

    Big Tomato - Small Tomato.

    Large pencil, small pencil.

    A big shirt is a small shirt.

    11. Lesson summary.

    Mishka really liked how you did and he learned a lot from you. What games did you and I play? Mishka has a present for you. You can go to the group with Mishka and play with him.

    Using games and exercises for mathematics classes in children with TNR

    “Without play, there is and cannot be full-fledged mental development. Play is a huge window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts flows into the child's spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity. "
    V.A. Sukhomlinsky

    Mathematics in mental development children is of great importance. Its study contributes to the development of memory, speech, imagination, emotions, forms perseverance, patience, and the creative potential of the individual. Children begin to better plan their activities, express their thoughts more consistently and more accurately. But teaching kids math preschool age will not be effective without the use of games.
    It is noted that children are very active in perceiving tasks - jokes, various puzzles, logical exercises... They are looking with great desire for a course of solution that will lead them to any result. And then, when the task is also available to the child, he develops a positive emotional attitude towards it, which motivates him to mental activity. The child becomes interested in the final goal.
    In my work, I used games aimed at ordinal and countdown. Children were offered a "tablet" where they needed to find a number and arrange cups with a number in order, in reverse order, or from a given number. Children not only reinforced the count to 10, but also reinforced the skills of orientation on the plane.
    The greatest interest among children was aroused by such a game as "Mathematical puzzles". In this game, they not only fixed the score to 10, but also got an interesting picture as a result.

    Great help in solving examples, getting to know the composition of the number, was provided by - number houses, which are always in the field of vision of children. They can refer to them, both during the lesson and in direct activity.
    The favorite game of older children is Lego and construction set. Therefore, it was also used to form elementary mathematical representations, namely for quantitative counting (correlation of number and quantity).

    The same problem was solved by the game "Add needles to a hedgehog". Children correlated the number and the number. And with the help of manipulations with clothespins, they developed fine motor skills of the hands.
    Game "Who is faster". The goal of this game is also to consolidate the quantitative score. Children with the help of cubes scored points for themselves and reflected on the stars. The winner is the one who fills it faster.

    One of the biggest difficulties that arose in the classroom in mathematics is computational skills, solving examples for addition and subtraction. Therefore, a wide variety of materials were used to form them. Exercises such as "Help the caterpillar count the points on the back, and the hedgehog needles."
    Particular attention was paid to understanding the concepts of "whole" and "part". Where children could practically reproduce the calculations and note what changed with the decision.

    A very interesting and unusual task for children was solving examples using puzzles. And their main task was to consolidate computational skills.
    Fixing the names of geometric shapes is an integral part of the program, and to make it more interesting, children used game "Find and hide the figure".

    Such a game like "What is what?" not only helped to consolidate the names of geometric shapes, but also to note from the size, color and find among the many shapes.

    To develop the skills of spatial orientation, exercises "Repeat", "Remember and repeat". At first, the children started with a small field of 4 squares, and then it increased.

    A similar problem was solved by game "Russell fish in aquariums". The children practiced orientation on a piece of paper, completing tasks such as - two fish live in the upper right corner, 5 fish live in the lower left corner, etc.

    Much time was devoted to the development of fine motor skills of hands, especially when studying numbers, so that children learned its graphic appearance and location on the sheet. Exercises such as "Lay out the number from beans", "Sculpt from plasticine", "Circle along the contour" were used and the last task of the work was to teach how to navigate according to the scheme, lay out symbolic images of objects from sticks.

    Used Dienesh blocks and Kuisener sticks. Gienesh blocks are a universal didactic material that allows you to successfully implement tasks cognitive development children. Kuisener's sticks allow you to model numbers, properties, relationships. Dependencies between them using color and length.

    The reason for this can be developmental pathologies during pregnancy or birth trauma, birth defects, malocclusion, head injuries. Also, the occurrence of violations is influenced by the transferred severe infectious diseases, problems with the formation of the child's psyche. Children have a tendency to imitate the adults around them, so if someone in the family has problems with speech, the child may have them.

    For children with severe speech impairments, a warm family environment is important for recovery.

    These violations must be identified as early as possible and measures must be taken to get rid of them. For this, the help of psychiatrists, speech therapists, and defectologists is involved.

    In the case of severe speech impairments, education in a regular general education school will be difficult and ineffective. Children are very limited in communication, have a minimal vocabulary, and some do not speak at all. There are special kindergartens and schools for children with such defects.

    Features of conducting training and development classes

    Due to speech disorders, the child may have mental retardation, but this does not mean intellectual retardation. As a consequence of the impossibility of normal interaction with the teacher, problems arise with understanding the curriculum.

    Such children are often withdrawn, unsure of themselves, a negative attitude towards reality, a tendency to nervous breakdowns, lethargy and apathy can develop.

    In addition to exercising with teachers and doctors, the atmosphere in the family is very important for treatment. It is necessary to find close emotional contact with the child, support for the efforts and praise for the successes made. But you do not need to pamper and pity him, or, on the contrary, scold him for his peculiarity, reproach or set an example for others - this will completely kill his self-esteem.
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