• Early appointment of the insurance part of the old-age pension. Law on early retirement: basic provisions, procedure for registration What does early retirement mean


    A labor pension is understood as monthly cash payments to persons who, during the period of their ability to work, made appropriate contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

    The following categories of citizens can count on receiving a labor pension:

    1. Pensioners who have lost their ability to work due to the onset of the retirement age or disability, including at work.
    2. Disabled family members of the insured person, due to his death, if he was the sole or main breadwinner in the family.

    Offensive retirement age characterized by two main aspects - the onset of a certain age at which pension contributions are due for the life of a citizen, as well as the deterioration of human health indicators, which are expressed in his disability.

    The appointment of an early retirement pension determines the ability of a citizen to take a well-deserved rest before he reaches retirement age. Today, the retirement age in Russia is expressed as follows:

    1. For women, it is 55 years.
    2. For men - 60.

    It is worth noting that since 2018, a program has been submitted to the State Duma to gradually increase the retirement age in the country, and soon the retirement age may be 63 for women and 65 for men. On the one hand, these actions will help stabilize the economy, and on the other hand, such a retirement age exceeds the average life expectancy of Russians, which does not correspond to the basic provisions on pensions. The discrepancy lies in the fact that for a working life a citizen will make large pension contributions - up to 22% of his salary - and there will be no one to receive previously made payments.

    So far, the bill is only being considered, but its full or partial adoption is expected soon.

    Legislation on early retirement pensions

    The regulation of the possibility of citizens' early retirement occurs within the framework of Federal Law No. 400-FZ, which establishes the possibility of maintaining the right of employees to receive early pension if the amount of insurance experience is enough to determine the minimum amount of contributions for pensioners while maintaining a decent standard of living. If for some reason the length of service is not enough, then it must be improved even after the retirement age, since without this the amount of the pension will be equal to the minimum social pension which is below the average subsistence level in the country.

      The legislation provides for several types of early pensions, which include:

    1. An old-age pension, which is assigned when a person reaches the age specified by law and has at least five years of insurance experience. If the insurance period is not enough to assign a pension, then the citizen needs to finalize the remaining period.
    2. Disability pension - is assigned upon confirmation of disability by a special medical commission. The amount of the disability pension depends entirely on the type of disability, so the disabled of the first group can expect to receive a much larger amount than the disabled of the third.
    3. Survivor's pension, which is awarded to disabled members of the employee's family in the event of his death. Deductions are not assigned if the dependent has committed a criminal offense against the breadwinner, which led to his death.

    An early labor old-age pension is assigned until the citizen reaches retirement age. When determining the retirement age, the total insurance period of a person is taken into account, since, for example, when working in the regions of the Far North, each year of work goes for two years of insurance experience and therefore the right to receive an insured pension for such workers arises when working for more than twelve years.

    Who is eligible for early retirement

    The right to receive an early pension arises as a result of labor activity in certain types of production, as well as in the presence of other grounds established by law.

    As a general rule, employees of the pedagogical sphere who have continuous work experience for 25 years can go on a well-deserved rest, for example:

    • director;
    • deputy directors who are directly involved in the educational process of the institution;
    • heads of education;
    • teachers and educators of various levels - from teachers primary school to subjects;
    • preschool teachers educational institutions other.

    In addition to teaching staff, employees of the medical sector also have the right to early retirement. The insurance experience of their work must be at least 30 years in the city and at least 25 years in the countryside. In this case, the actual age of the employee of the medical institution is not taken into account.

    Theater artists are also entitled to early retirement, but their experience should be from 15 to 30 years, depending on the position of the artist. The retirement age for this category of citizens is 50 years. Early retirement is due to mothers with many children who, during their working period, were able to raise a large number of children.

    At the same time, in order to be eligible for early retirement, a number of conditions must be met, which include:

    • reaching the age of 50;
    • before reaching retirement age, a woman must raise at least five children;
    • the total insurance experience should not be less than 15 years, taking into account the 6-year insurance experience, which is taken into account at the birth of a child;
    • minimal amount pension points should not be less than 9.

    If at least one condition is not met, the right to receive an early pension does not arise. Citizens who have gone through the liquidation procedure of an organization, subject to certain conditions, also have the right to receive an early labor pension.

    Back in the USSR, a list of professions was approved, the owners of which can retire earlier than they reach a certain retirement age. This list has not changed for many years. In particular, the new pension reform has not changed it either.

    Conventionally, these are 2 lists:

    • list 1 is a list of professions in especially dangerous and difficult working conditions;
    • list 2 is a list of professions in harmful and difficult working conditions. That is, the working conditions cause less harm than in list 1.

    If these lists are combined, then we can conclude that representatives of the following professions have the right to retire a few years earlier:

    • nuclear power workers;
    • chemical industry workers;
    • geologists, search engines;
    • miners;
    • persons working in underground structures;
    • employees of flight crews and civil aviation;
    • persons employed in road transport;
    • military personnel;
    • workers with radioactive substances;
    • women who worked at high intensity or operated heavy machinery;
    • people working in workshops elevated temperatures;
    • doctors and other medical staff;
    • workers of metallurgical production;
    • railway workers;
    • teachers;
    • persons with particularly difficult working conditions;
    • aviation industry workers;
    • public transport drivers;
    • workers of sea and river vessels;
    • employees of the penitentiary service;
    • reindeer herders;
    • emergency workers;
    • creative and theatrical figures.

    The minimum requirements for receiving a pension upon liquidation of an employer include the following:

    • the minimum age for men is 57 years, for women - 53;
    • the citizen has confirmed the status of unemployed;
    • lack of employment opportunities;
    • insurance experience: for men - 25 years, for women - 20.

    If a citizen can find a job after the accrual of an early pension, then payments will stop before he reaches retirement age.

    Under the new pension reform, women now retire at 60 and men at 65. But some conditions for early retirement have been preserved:

    • women who have the official status of having many children. That is, mothers who have successfully raised three or more children have the right to “reset” themselves 1 year for each child. So mothers:
      • who raised three children will be able to retire at 57;
      • who raised four children - at 56 years old;
      • raising 5 or more children will be able to retire at 50 years old.
    • citizens who are due to retire in 2020. That is, persons who, after the introduction of new age brackets, retire during the whole of 2020, will be able to retire six months earlier. For example, a citizen who reaches a new retirement age in February 2020 will be able to retire early in August 2019. This innovation suggests that in the next couple of years the retirement age will increase smoothly:
      • in 2019, women will be able to retire at 55.5 instead of 56, and men at 60.5 instead of 61;
      • in 2020, women will be able to retire at 56.5 instead of 57, and men at 61.5 instead of 65.
    • citizens who have a long work experience. Prior to this reform, it was possible to retire earlier than reaching the retirement age only if there was 40 years of service for women and 45 years for men. Now the president believes that these requirements are somewhat overstated and proposes to reduce the duration of the "early" experience by 3 years. That is, 37 years and 42 years respectively. According to Putin, “those citizens of the Russian Federation who started working early will be able to retire before they reach retirement age, that is, ahead of schedule.”

    In addition, in 2018, a list of citizens was approved who can retire early, but not because of their seniority, but because of their social status. These include the following categories of Russians:

    • mothers of many children;
    • guardians or one of the parents of children with disabilities or childhood disabilities;
    • certain categories of the unemployed; representatives of small indigenous peoples of the Far North engaged in subsistence farming;
    • midgets;
    • disproportionate dwarfs;
    • visually impaired with assigned 1st group;
    • persons who become disabled after receiving military injury;
    • mothers of 2 or more children who worked in the Far North.

    Required experience

    The right to early retirement is granted to those citizens who have been working during the period of their ability to work and have worked out an insurance period sufficient for retirement.

    The legislation defines the types of professions that allow women and men to retire at 50 and 55, respectively, such professions include the following:

    Type of labor activity of a citizen



    Minimum length of service for retirement in years

    Minimum term work for retirement under certain and ladies works in years

    Minimum insurance period for calculating a pension in years

    The minimum period of labor activity for retirement in a certain category of profession in years

    Working in difficult conditions

    12 years and 6 months

    Work as a tractor driver in the field of agriculture or in other areas of labor activity

    Not provided

    Work in the industry associated with textile production or with increased severity

    No insurance requirements

    Not provided

    Work in the forestry industry as a foreman

    12 years and 6 months

    Work as a machinist or in the field of railway safety, as well as work as a driver in the mining industry

    12 years and 6 months

    Work during loading / unloading of cargo as a machine operator

    Navy work

    12 years and 6 months

    Working as a driver public transport

    Work related to expeditions and exploration

    12 years and 6 months

    civil Aviation

    Maintenance work nyu civil aviation ships

    Work in correctional colonies and other work with convicts

    12 years and 6 months

    The presence of insurance experience allows you to receive an early pension at the age of 35-40, depending on the year you started working and on the total length of service in a special type of production.

    Appointment of early retirement

    Early retirement is granted only if the applicant has such a right. If a person does not have enough length of service to determine his early retirement, or he has never worked under an employment contract at all, then it is impossible to talk about the possibility of early retirement.

    In this case, the citizen must wait until he reaches the established retirement age. The appointment of a pension occurs through the Pension Fund, to which you must submit an application and all related documents, as well as confirm your length of service, if necessary.

    Calculation of early pension

    The calculation of pension contributions for early retirement takes place within the framework of the standard formula, since it takes into account not just the period of work, but the length of service earned during the specified period.

    The calculation formula is as follows:


    PC - the sum of pension coefficients that a citizen could earn during the period of his labor activity;

    SPC - the cost of one pension point at the time of submission of documents on the appointment of a pension;

    PV - a fixed payment, which is assigned depending on labor activity.

    In each specific case, it is necessary to appeal to various initial data, since someone may have a number of pension points in the range of 200, while others may have only one or several tens.

    Application for early retirement

    An application for the appointment of a pension is submitted ahead of schedule by employees pension fund and contains all the comprehensive information about the applicant. The application is written according to a strictly established pattern based on the data indicated in the documents of the future pensioner. The application form can be downloaded independently on the official website of the PFR, filled out at home and brought along with other documents to the Pension Fund or the MFC. But only the pensioner himself has the right to enter data. If he has health problems that do not allow him to fill out the document on his own, then this can be done by his official representative.

    The document must be completed by hand or on a computer. If filling by hand, then it can be done in blue or black ink, without blots and strikethroughs. Excessive "dirt" in the application may be a reason for refusal to consider.

    When filling out an application, the future pensioner must indicate the information that is indicated in his documents. These include:

    • name of the territorial branch of the PFR;
    • surname, name and patronymic (if any) of the person who applies for allowances. SNILS;
    • citizenship. If a person is a citizen of another state, it is necessary to indicate "Foreign citizen";
    • place of residence, registration and contact phone number;
    • name of the identity document, its number, series, by whom and when it was issued;
    • if the application is submitted by a legal representative, indicate all similar data about him;
    • it should be noted whether the applicant is currently employed or not;
    • if there are dependents on the maintenance, indicate their number;
    • indicate the type of pension allowance that the citizen is counting on;
    • if a person previously received pension payments, this fact must be indicated;
    • list the documents that are attached to the application;
    • date of completion of the application;
    • the signature of the future pensioner and its transcript.

    After the citizen's appeal, 10 days are allotted for consideration of the application from the date of submission of the relevant document to the Pension Fund. After this period, the citizen receives a letter on the assignment of pension contributions to him.

    If necessary, the ten-day period for calculating pension payments may begin from the moment the full package of documents is provided, if any papers were not available at the time of submitting the application for consideration.

    Documents for early retirement

    The list of documents on the appointment of an early pension can be standard or extended if any length of service needs to be confirmed additionally. The standard package of documents includes:

    1. Applicant's passport.
    2. Employment history.
    3. Military ID, if available.
    4. Certificate of average monthly earnings for 60 consecutive months during working time.
    5. Information about the insurance experience.

    If necessary, the package of documents can be supplemented with other papers establishing the existence of insurance experience or family relations, if the applicant claims to receive a survivor's pension.

    Additional documents are:

    • certificate of incapacity for work of some family members;
    • certificate establishing the fact of dependence of a disabled family member;
    • document on the place of actual residence and permanent registration;
    • documents on changes in personal information;
    • certificate of disability;
    • documents establishing the length of service in the relevant types of work, where a different calculation of the insurance period is required;
    • documents confirming the birth of a child or children;
    • a document on the upbringing of a minor under eight years of age;
    • documents establishing the fact that a dependent has a disability, and so on.

    When considering an application, the Pension Fund may require the provision of the missing document within a certain period, and if the citizen does not provide the documents, then the appointment of a pension may be canceled or suspended until the date the relevant papers are provided.

    Denial of appointment

    Rejection of an early pension is common, but there are only two reasons why a pension can be legally denied. These reasons include:

    1. The citizen does not have the right to receive an early pension.
    2. The absence of part of the documents to confirm the length of service or other information reflected in the application.

    Upon receipt of a refusal, a citizen has the right to apply to the judicial authorities if he considers that these actions are illegal and violate his rights.

    Early retirement is a transition to state security before reaching the legally fixed retirement age.

    The retirement age will increase from now on. However, the right to take a well-deserved rest without waiting for it is reserved for certain categories of citizens. We will figure out whether it is possible to apply for a pension ahead of schedule, as well as when and how to do it.

    The legislative framework

    In accordance with Article 8 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, the right to an insurance pension in 2019 arises for women at 56 years old, for men at 61 years old. However, Article 30 contains a list of 21 categories of persons who do not have to reach this milestone.

    Regardless of the field of activity, these people need to have an IPC of more than 30 points. The individual pension coefficient depends not only on the number of years worked, but also on the amount of insurance premiums paid by employers to the Pension Fund during this time.

    In addition, Article 32 of the mentioned law allows women who have given birth and raised at least until they reach the age of eight (with an experience of 15 years or more) to start receiving benefits earlier:

    • at 50 years old - five or more children;
    • at 56, four children;
    • at 57, three children;
    • at the age of 50 - at least one disabled person since childhood.

    Benefits are also provided for the disabled and people who worked in the Far North.

    How to apply for early retirement with a reduction

    If, after years of service, it was not possible to retire, this does not mean that there are no more opportunities. Law of the Russian Federation No. 1032-1 of April 19, 1991 proposes this as a measure to support the unemployed who were left without a livelihood shortly before reaching retirement age.

    However, the following conditions must be met here:

    • minimum work experience: 25 years for men and 20 years for women;
    • the time remaining until retirement age is two years or less;
    • the reason for the dismissal is a reduction in staff or the liquidation of the organization.

    In such a situation, it will not work to be a working pensioner. If a person suddenly manages to find a job before the retirement age, they will stop paying benefits to him.

    How can I get early retirement

    It all depends on the grounds for the emergence of such a right. If the reason is length of service (Article 30 federal law 400-FZ), then the citizen independently applies to the FIU with the following package of documents:

    • passport;
    • employment history;
    • benefit certificate.

    They can be submitted six months before the possible assignment of benefits. Until the last weeks, the Fund's employees do not recommend delaying.

    Now let's move on to the second option. Earlier, we found out whether it is possible to issue an early pension to the unemployed. Although according to the law, the desire of the citizen himself is enough for this, in practice it turns out a little differently. The employment service is trying to get him a job. And only when she admits that this is impossible, a person can become a premature pensioner.

    To obtain such a status, it is enough to apply to the employment center with a corresponding request. Before the FIU, the body will petition on its own. And instead of a preferential certificate, you will need a certificate from the TsZN.


    Early retirement retirement

    According to the new law, in accordance with which, from January 1, 2019, a phased increase in the retirement age began in Russia, for Russians with a long work experience, new pension benefit- the possibility of early retirement (2 years earlier than the generally established dates). This right can be exercised women in the presence of 37 years and men with 42 years of experience.

    However, this does not mean that the new law raises the requirements for mandatory length of service for calculating a pension.

    On the contrary - such a benefit was proposed by the Government and the President of Russia as mitigation measure the pension reform planned for 2019.


    If a citizen earns the specified number of years, then he will be able to retire 2 years earlier the retirement age established in the relevant year, but not before the age of 55 for women and 60 for men.

    Due to the fact that the retirement age will be raised in stages, in 2019, if you have a long service, it will be possible to become a pensioner ahead of schedule only six months ahead of schedule(so the general retirement age in 2019 will be 55.5 and 60.5 years, respectively - see the table of early retirement).

    Eligibility for early retirement

    Since 2019 an additional preferential basis is planned for the opportunity to become a pensioner ahead of schedule - the presence at least 37 years of experience for women and at least 42 for men.

    With the adoption of such changes, the Russians will have the opportunity to issue payments earlier by 2 years than will be provided for by the new retirement age (and from 2019 it will begin to increase from 55 to 60 years for women and from 60 to 65 years for men).

    It should be noted that initially the Government proposed to establish a standard for early retirement at the level of 40 and 45 years old(women and men respectively). It was with these parameters that the government bill was submitted for consideration to the State Duma on June 16, 2018.

    However, the President's seniority requirements were softened for 3 years - up to 37 and 42 years. Vladimir Putin has already sent the relevant amendments to the State Duma on September 6, 2018.

    During the second reading of the bill on raising the retirement age for Russians, such amendments were approved by the deputies, on September 27, 2018, the bill was adopted in its final content and signed by President Vladimir Putin on October 3.


    It is also necessary to clarify that this standard (37 years for women and 42 years for men) is not mandatory for receiving a pension in the general case - it only allows you to make payments “on preferential terms” ahead of schedule.

    And for registration of an insurance pension in the general order of such long-term employment not required. For example, in 2019, in order to become eligible to become an old-age pensioner, you will need to earn only 10 years of experience.

    What does 37 and 42 years of seniority mean for early retirement (what does it include)?

    Since 2015, to determine the right of a citizen to apply for an insurance pension, the concept has been used insurance experience.

    But the procedure for calculating it to determine the right to early retirement will differ from the standard rules - not all insurance experience will be taken into account for early retirement. Such a restriction was introduced by paragraph 4 of Art. 8 of the new law No. 350-FZ of 03.10.2018

    On the basis of which it does not include periods that are generally included in the length of service (for example, caring for a child under 1.5 years old).

    Only work periods

    Early retirement pension

    Early retirement can be associated with either professional activity citizen, which was carried out in special conditions, or conditions social character.

    • In the first case, in essence, preferential payments are due to a person who has worked for a certain time in difficult, harmful, sometimes dangerous conditions.
    • An important role in making a decision to work in special conditions is played, namely, by the possibility of obtaining various benefits, and among them the most important - the possibility of early retirement.

    Lists of harmful professions were approved during the existence of the USSR by the Decree of the Council of Ministers. According to this document, there are first and second list, which lists professions, positions and types of industries, labor activity in which brings closer the time of leaving for a well-deserved rest.

    The possibility of early appointment of a pension is available to citizens with seniority in the regions of the Far North (RKS), as well as representatives of regions equivalent to the Northern ones and permanently residing in the territories of traditional settlement.

    Is it possible to retire early?

    The current retirement age in our country is 60 for men and 55 for women. But the current pension legislation of the Russian Federation provides for early retirement. The right to a pension can be used by such social categories of citizens:

    • women who have given birth and raised five or more children under the age of 8;
    • one parent of a disabled child who raised a child up to the age of 8 years;
    • disabled as a result of military trauma;
    • visually impaired group 1;
    • midgets and dwarfs;
    • having a "northern" experience or permanently residing in the RCS.

    Employees of hazardous and hazardous industries, whose professions are listed in the lists of professions approved by the Russian government, also have the right to early retirement.

    The right to early appointment of an insurance pension

    The right to early (preferential) pension provision may be purchased subject to certain conditions. The procedure for its acquisition is established by the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013 “On Insurance Pensions”.

    Appointment of pensions earlier than the established date The criterion for determining the right to assign pensions can be either reaching a certain age or working out the necessary length of service in the relevant jobs.

    Lists of privileged professions for early retirement

    To determine eligibility for early retirement, the government has developed certain lists of privileged professions.

    1. First group- workers employed in hazardous industries:
      • underground (in mines, mines, laying of metro tunnels, road and railway tunnels);
      • at oil refineries, the production of ammunition, etc.;
      • in "hot" shops of enterprises;
      • at nuclear power plants;
      • builders.
    2. Second category:
      • employees of one of the modes of transport;
      • food workers or light industry, as well as those who worked in the production of pharmaceuticals;
      • quarry workers;
      • personnel of exploration expeditions;
      • medical workers;
      • flight personnel of civil aviation;
      • employees of emergency rescue services;
      • forestry workers.

    Early retirement for harmfulness (list 1 and 2)

    Early retirement based on seniority. New law

    In order to mitigate the consequences of the pension reform, in addition to a general increase in the retirement age by 5 years, the new law will provide additional early retirement benefits for certain categories citizens.

    One of these benefits is the provision of the opportunity to issue early retirement based on length of service.

    If it is at least 37 years for women and 42 for men, then it will be possible to apply for an old-age insurance pension 2 years earlier the new stipulated retirement age, which will begin to gradually increase starting from 2019 and will reach 60 years for women and 65 years for men (by 2028).

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    • The main limitation is that it will be possible to become a pensioner ahead of schedule due to long-term employment not earlier than when reaching the age of 55 or 60 years(for women and men respectively). That is, it will not be possible to reduce the general retirement age that is valid until the end of 2018 in this way.
    • In the first 2 years of the new reform(in 2019 and 2020) take advantage of the new pension benefit will not work in full- i.e. it will still be impossible to reduce the retirement period by 2 years, since in any case it cannot be less than now - 55/60 years (see the table of retirement by length of service).

    When determining the right to “early retirement by seniority”, not all periods included in the length of service will be taken into account, since the new law limits their list. Not all so-called "non-working" periods defined by law will be included in the preferential period for early retirement - for example, care for each child until the age of 1.5 years will not be included in it.

    It is also necessary to understand that early retirement according to the length of service provided for by the new law with a long insurance period of 37 years for women and 42 years for men will not affect the general requirements for length of service! Those conditions, the fulfillment of which is already provided now for receiving an old-age insurance pension on a general basis, in the course of the reform do not change and remain the same.

    Related article: Early retirement as a result of the reform

    Who can apply for early retirement

    The right to earlier processing of payments is granted according to social indicators:

    • women with many children who gave birth to 5 or more children and raised them up to 8 years;
    • one of the parents or guardian of a disabled person from childhood, subject to the upbringing and care of him until the age of 8;
    • disabled people who received a military injury;
    • visually impaired group I;
    • midgets and dwarfs;
    • permanently residing in the regions of the Far North;
    • the unemployed who lost their jobs at pre-retirement age.
    • A more extensive list of beneficiaries is provided for the appointment of an early labor pension. You can apply for a pension earlier than the generally accepted period:
      • workers in heavy, hazardous and hazardous industries;
      • persons with a "northern" experience;
      • citizens of the Russian Federation whose total experience exceeds 45/40 years.

      To determine groups of professions, areas of activity, preferential lists or hazard nets have been developed.

      List I includes professions associated with dangerous and unhealthy working conditions that give the right to early retirement based on seniority. This opportunity is available to employees who work:

      • in metallurgical, coke-chemical, chemical production;
      • in mining, underground works;
      • in medical institutions with radioactive or radiological substances;
      • on railway, maritime transport, subway, civil aviation;
      • associated with the processing of gas, oil, coal, shale, gas condensate;
      • in glass, pulp, printing industries;
      • with explosive and radioactive, chemical substances;
      • in nuclear energy, etc.

      In total, the list of areas of activity that give the right to early retirement according to the first list has 24 positions.

      List II includes difficult working conditions, which, in addition to the listed areas, include work in the field of communications, agriculture, light and food industries, etc. (a total of 34 positions).

    Length of service giving the right to retire early according to seniority (for women and men)

    The law on raising the retirement age, adopted by the State Duma on September 27, provides an additional basis for early retirement - this is long-term insurance experience, which allows you to become a pensioner 2 years earlier than the period provided for by the new law (subject to the provisions of the transition period).

    Early retirement pension may be appointed if the pensioner has certain circumstances. Consider what is said in the current legislation on the issue early old age pension.

    Early retirement pension - what is it?

    The law of the Russian Federation “On insurance pensions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ, which has been in force since 2015, as well as in the previous law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, provides for the right of citizens to early labor pension old age.

    The list of grounds for establishing an early old-age pension is contained in Art. 30-32 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ. Conventionally, these grounds can be divided into 2 groups, due to the presence of a pensioner:

    • the required length of service in special working conditions (Articles 30 and 31 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ);
    • special circumstances of a personal nature related to health, family or living conditions (Article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ).

    Most of the grounds related to these groups allow reducing the retirement age, regardless of the gender of the pensioner, by up to 5 years if he has:

    • required insurance experience;
    • the required value of the personal pension coefficient;
    • the required length of service or residence in appropriate conditions;
    • documents confirming the existence of special conditions or circumstances.

    At the same time, the law gives only general guidelines for the appointment of an early old-age pension in connection with the peculiarities of work. A specific list of professions, the procedure for determining and confirming periods, and even the procedure for calculating pensions are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Eligibility for early retirement

    Carried out under special conditions, allowing to issue early retirement pension, work is considered:

    • in hot shops, underground, with harmful conditions;
    • with difficult conditions;
    • women as drivers of special (construction, road and loading and unloading) equipment;
    • women - workers in the textile industry, which requires a special intensity of labor;
    • associated with the direct performance of transportation by rail, in the subway and on freight transport used to export minerals from their extraction sites;
    • in the field at geological exploration, forest management, surveying and other similar works;
    • in logging and timber rafting;
    • machine operators for loading and unloading in ports;
    • on seagoing ships;
    • drivers of urban passenger transport;
    • for the extraction of minerals and the construction of mines and mines;
    • for the extraction and processing of seafood on the ships of the fishing fleet;
    • in the flight crew of civil aviation;
    • civil aviation controllers;
    • maintenance personnel of civil aviation;
    • employees of emergency rescue services who actually participated in the elimination of emergency situations;
    • with convicts in places of deprivation of liberty;
    • fire services;
    • teachers;
    • in healthcare institutions;
    • creative workers of theaters;
    • test pilots.

    Each of the listed types of work for the purposes of applying to it the right to early retirement pension has its own set of requirements for:

    • age
    • general insurance experience;
    • work experience in appropriate conditions.

    The age and length of service requirements for men and women, as a rule, differ by 5 years, making up a smaller amount for women. But the numbers can also be the same. In some cases, in a special order, the length of the period for reducing the age of entry into service is calculated. early retirement pension.

    In the length of service in the relevant conditions, the periods that took place before the start of the law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ are taken into account only on the condition that even then they were related to giving the right to early retirement. To calculate the duration of these periods, the rules that were in force during these periods can be applied.

    The harmfulness of working conditions after 2012 must be confirmed by the results of a special assessment.

    Early insurance pensions for individuals

    The list of grounds related to personal circumstances makes it possible to establish an early old-age pension:

    • women with 5 (or more) children, as well as guardians who raised disabled children or one parent of a disabled child.
    • women who have 2 children and have worked for a certain number of years in the regions of the Far North or in areas equivalent to them;
    • persons who have received a disability as a result of a military injury;
    • visually impaired people of the 1st group;
    • dwarfs and midgets;
    • persons who worked in the regions of the Far North or in territories equated to them;
    • reindeer herders, fishermen, hunters permanently living in the Far North or territories equated to it.

    Each of the listed grounds has its own requirements for age and insurance period, and when taking into account the area of ​​​​residence - for the period of life in it. At the same time, the figures for women and men usually differ by 5 years, amounting to a smaller value for women. There may be special rules for accounting for real experience for entering early retirement pension.

    Early retirement pension with downsizing

    Another reason for registration early old age pension, not named in the law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ, contains the law “On employment in the Russian Federation” of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1. This is the lack of employment opportunities for persons who turned out to be unemployed, who were dismissed in connection with (clause 2 of article 32 of the law of the Russian Federation of 19.04.1991 No. 1032-1):

    • liquidation of a legal entity or termination of the functions of an individual entrepreneur;
    • downsizing of the workforce.

    This ground applies only to persons pre-retirement age(who have no more than 2 years left before its onset), having the necessary insurance experience (25 and 20 years for men and women, respectively, or less if there are prerequisites for early registration), and is the result of an agreement with the citizen who will receive a pension.

    Early retirement pension, appointed on this basis, ceases to be paid if the citizen who began to receive it began to engage in activities that, for the purposes of the law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ, are regarded as labor. If there are no grounds for terminating payments, then upon reaching the retirement age, the early pension will be re-registered into a regular old-age insurance pension.


    The current legislation contains several grounds for the early appointment of an old-age pension. The main ones are listed in the law on pensions. An additional basis is present in the law on employment.

    06/19/2019 , Sasha Bukashka

    Early retirement is a legally defined benefit for certain categories of workers, which allows them, subject to certain conditions, to take a well-deserved rest earlier than the general term.

    Norms of pension legislation

    Current pension system provides for the exit of citizens to a well-deserved rest only in the event of an offensive. Of course, we are talking about old age benefits. Since other types of pensions can be assigned regardless of the age of the recipient.

    On January 1, 2019, the pension reform came into effect, in accordance with which the retirement age has changed. The Government of the Russian Federation has approved an increase in the retirement age. Now you can go on a well-deserved rest:

    • at 60 - women;
    • at the age of 65 - men.

    Early retirement for employees of the Far North

    Mothers of many children, parents of disabled people and other social beneficiaries

    Early retirement can be appointed not only in terms of labor activity. A number of social indicators also apply to the benefit. Legislators have identified 10 preferential categories that are entitled to early state payments, regardless of insurance or special length of service.

    The main beneficiaries include:

    1. A mother who has given birth to 5 or more children can apply for a pension at the age of 50, that is, 10 years earlier. A prerequisite: she must independently raise these children up to 8 years at least.
    2. Parents of children with disabilities receive state pension for five years ahead of time. Moreover, not only blood parents, but also the adoptive parents of the baby can apply for money to the FIU.
    3. Citizens who suffer from dwarfism or midget from birth can go to state security 15 years earlier.
    4. Individuals who were wounded or injured in combat operations can receive a pension 5 years earlier (men - at 55, women - at 50).
    5. Mothers who have given birth to 2 or more children, who have worked in the Far North for at least 12 years, can go on vacation at the age of 50. Women workers in territories equated with CSWs will have to work for 17 years.

    Social benefits are enshrined not only in Law No. 400-FZ. Also, the right to early retirement from the state is enshrined in some other regulatory documents.

    Early retirement in case of staff reduction or liquidation of the organization

    In the event of a downsizing or liquidation of the enterprise, some citizens are entitled to early retirement benefits in the year of retirement. This is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. But for early retirement in this case, you need to follow some rules:

    • the citizen must be officially recognized as unemployed by the employment center;
    • inability to get another job;
    • before retirement, according to the latest rules, there must be 2 years or less (no more).

    Only if all these conditions are met, you can count on early retirement after the end of work due to a reduction in staff or the liquidation of the organization.

    The pension is calculated according to general rules, and the formula valid since 2015 is used:

    SP = IPC × SPK + PV,

    • IPK -;
    • SPC - the cost of a pension point (in 2019 it is 87.24 rubles);
    • PV - a fixed payment (it is indexed every year, in 2019 its amount is 5334 rubles 19 kopecks).

    The right of pre-pensioners to early retirement in 2019

    Pre-pensioners are citizens who have no more than 5 years left to receive an old-age pension.

    In order to mitigate the pension reform (raising the retirement age by 5 years), the government has provided some benefits. Basically, this is the right to early retirement. In addition to the fact that this right is granted to certain categories of citizens, it is possible to take a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule after working out a certain length of service, in other words, this is an early retirement according to the length of service.

    If the work experience is 37 and 42 years for women and men, respectively, then it will be possible to retire 2 years earlier than provided for by the new rules. But at the same time, you can become a pensioner ahead of schedule no earlier than 55 and 60 years for women and men, respectively.

    The calculation takes into account only the length of service, including the periods of work itself and periods during which contributions to the Pension Fund were not deducted, but for them were calculated pension points and experience:

    • leave in connection with the care of each child up to 1.5 years, but not more than 6 years in total;
    • military service;
    • periods of caring for a disabled person of the 1st group, a disabled child;
    • temporary disability during which the employee received cash payments in the form of benefits;
    • moving to another area for employment;
    • detention, etc.

    These periods are included in the length of service for the appointment of a pension, if immediately after them there were periods of labor activity, during which the relevant contributions and taxes were paid.

    How to apply for early retirement

    To due allowance was received on time, you need to start applying for early retirement in advance. You can do this:

    • in the branch of the Pension Fund;>
    • multifunctional center;
    • in the HR department of the previous employer.

    In order not to make a mistake and not waste time, it is advisable to consult at the selected department, what documents you need to present, what rules you should follow when applying for a pension.

    Documents can be submitted in person, sent by registered mail with a list of attachments or through a legal representative. In the latter case, you will need a notarized power of attorney and a representative's passport.

    A month before the desired departure for a well-deserved rest, you need to write an application. In this case, you need to adhere to a certain structure:

    1. Name of the FIU branch.
    2. Applicant's data (full name, SNILS, citizenship, place of residence, registration, contact phone number, full passport data - number, series, date and year of issue, issuer).
    3. The text of the application for early retirement. It is necessary to indicate on what grounds a citizen applies for it. You should also indicate whether the future pensioner is employed, whether there are dependents, whether he receives any additional payments whether you have received pension benefits before.
    4. List of documents attached to the application.
    5. Date and signature with decryption.

    The Pension Fund considers the application within 10 days and makes a decision on the appointment of an early pension.

    In case of refusal, the FIU employees are obliged to notify about this within five days.

    If some documents are missing to make a decision or errors are made in the documents provided, the applicant is given three months to correct the situation.

    If the decision was positive, pension payments are assigned.

    Documents for applying for early retirement in 2019

    In addition to a correctly completed application, you must provide documents confirming the right to early retirement. From the main documents you will need:

    • passport;
    • SNILS;
    • documents confirming the experience;
    • salary certificate for any 60-month period preceding 01/01/2002.

    The list of documents can be replenished, as each application is considered individually.

    Certificates confirming the right to early retirement include the following documents:

    • certificate of the presence of dependents;
    • birth certificates of children;
    • confirmation of guardianship;
    • information about the composition of the family;
    • confirmation of work from or work in the Far North or equivalent regions.

    This is an incomplete list of documents confirming the right to early retirement. What documents you need to bring exactly to you, you need to check with the Pension Fund branch, and in accordance with their comments, collect the necessary papers.

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