• The project in the second junior group of the kindergarten "playing the theater, we learn the world." "theatrical activity in the second junior group" Theater class in the 2nd junior group


    Age group: second junior group(3-4 years).

    Objective of the project: Introduce children to theatrical culture.


    Today, when the problem of preschool education and education and the tasks facing teachers of preschool educational institutions are becoming more complicated, the task of introducing children to theatrical activities from an early age remains very important.

    Creative activity and the development of a person's creative abilities are an integral part of the socio-economic and spiritual directions of the modern social order. The word "creativity" in the social sense means to look for, to depict something that has not been encountered in past experience, individual and social. Creative activity is an activity that gives birth to something new; free art of creating a new product that reflects the personal "I". Creativity is not only the creation of something new in material and spiritual culture, but also the improvement of oneself by a person, primarily in the spiritual sphere.

    Children's creativity is one of the urgent problems preschool pedagogy and child psychology. It was studied by L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, L. I. Venger, N. A. Vetlugina, B. M. Teplov, O. M. Dyachenko, A. I. Volkov and many others.

    Theatrical activity is the most common type of children's creativity. It is close and understandable to the child, lies deep in his nature and is reflected spontaneously, because it is connected with the game. The child wants to translate any of his inventions, impressions from the life around him into living images and actions. Entering the character, he plays any role, trying to imitate what he saw and what interested him, and getting great emotional pleasure.

    Theatrical activities help develop the interests and abilities of the child; contribute common development; manifestation of curiosity, the desire to learn new things, the assimilation new information and new modes of action, the development of associative thinking; perseverance, purposefulness, manifestation of general intelligence, emotions when playing roles. In addition, theatrical activities require the child to be decisive, systematic in work, hard work, which contributes to the formation of strong-willed character traits. The child develops the ability to combine images, intuition, ingenuity and ingenuity, the ability to improvise. Theatrical activities and frequent performances on stage in front of the audience contribute to the realization of the creative forces and spiritual needs of the child, emancipation and self-esteem. The alternation of the functions of performer and spectator, which the child constantly assumes, helps him to demonstrate to his comrades his position, skills, knowledge, and imagination.

    Exercises for the development of speech, breathing and voice improve the speech apparatus of the child. Performing game tasks in the images of animals and characters from fairy tales helps to better master one's body, to realize the plastic possibilities of movements. Theatrical games and performances allow children to immerse themselves in the world of fantasy with great interest and ease, teach them to notice and evaluate their own and other people's mistakes. Children become more liberated, sociable; they learn to clearly formulate their thoughts and express them publicly, to feel and cognize the world around them more subtly.

    The love for theatrical creativity, the desire to convey this love to children, the desire to make the life of the child happier through theatrical skills, and the inner world richer, became the reference point for the creation of this project.

    Project objectives:

    1. Create conditions for the development of children's creative activity in theatrical activities.
    2. Teach children various means of improvisation.
    3. To form children's ideas about various types of theater and theatrical genres.
    4. Provide conditions for the relationship of theatrical and other activities.
    5. Involve children in the dramatization of small works.
    6. To teach to convey the habits of animals in movements, create game images, instill communicative qualities, the ability to move in the nature of music.
    7. To develop the dialogic speech of children.
    8. Learn to expressively read individual lines of dramatization.
    9. To form the need to share their impressions with the teacher and parents.

    10. Create conditions for joint activities of children and adults.

    Project participants:

    • Group students.
    • Group teacher.
    • Parents of the children in the group.
    • Musical director.

    Stages and terms of project implementation: March (3-4 weeks) from March 14 to March 25, 2016.

    Expected results:

    Child development in all directions educational areas.

    A significant expansion of children's ideas about theatrical culture.

    Creation of an objective environment conducive to the development of theatrical culture in children.

    Forms of work with children:

    • organization of training, developing and creative activities;
    • organization of joint events with parents;
    • organization of theater evenings (showing fairy tales and performances);

    Theater classes in the second junior group.

    In theater classes, children learn the simplest methods of controlling table theater puppets. You can offer to come up with small stories that happen to the toy so that the child can compose dialogues himself, find expressive intonations. At the same time, help can be provided by leading questions, without giving a ready-made role model. No matter how primitive the stories composed by kids are, compulsory encouragement is necessary. The child must be encouraged to want to play with the doll. Playing out composed fairy tales spiritually liberates the baby and this should be paid attention to. In theater classes, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of goodwill, mutual trust, and respect for each other. A child can create only when he feels a benevolent attitude towards himself from his peers and adults.

    Great importance in the second junior group is given to work on sketches. This is a kind of school that helps children learn the secrets of managing theatrical puppets, the basics of acting. Toddlers in game form learn to express their feelings and understand the feelings of others. This will help them avoid difficulties in communicating with peers and adults. Working on sketches develops the child, gives him the necessary skills to participate in puppet and other performances. Only by creating an atmosphere of creative cooperation, you can start staging a performance. In the second younger group, you can play well-known Russian folk tales with table puppets: “The Hen-Ryaba”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Goby-Resin Barrel”, “Zayushkina Hut”. Here you can also invite children to come up with a dialogue on their own. By the end of the second junior group, children should already master the skills of managing table puppets, they can fully concentrate their attention on the puppet, and listen carefully to their partner. Also, children can compose a small fairy tale on their own.

    Forms of interaction with the families of pupils:

    1. Joint production of toys and manuals for the organization of a subject-developing environment.
    2. Involving parents in joint activities.
    3. Open demonstrations of classes and theatrical performances.
    4. Advising parents on leading and current issues.
    5. Organization of visits to cultural sites and cultural events.

    Final event (form, name): dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip" for parents

    The main stages of the project implementation:

    preliminary work

    • The study of methodological literature.
    • Drawing up a program of activities to implement the tasks of the project.
    • Acquisition of didactic material to create a subject-developing environment

    Main job

    The project is focused on the comprehensive development of the child's personality, taking into account his individuality. It systematizes the means and methods of theatrical and gaming activities.

    Watching puppet shows and talking about them;

    Dramatization games;

    Correctional and educational games; diction exercises (articulatory gymnastics);

    Tasks for the development of speech intonation expressiveness;

    Transformation games (“learn to control your body”), figurative exercises;


    Finger game training for the development of hand motor skills;

    Preparation (rehearsals) and acting out various fairy tales and dramatizations;

    Song creativity, playing children's musical instruments, dance creativity, holidays, leisure activities are planned and held together with the music director at music lessons and in free time.

    Theater classes 1-2 times a week. In the schedule of classes, it is planned in the first half of the day.

    The material for classes is taken from the book of N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical classes", Moscow, publishing house "Arkti" 2007.

    Final work

    Monitoring the implementation of project tasks.

    Final event. Children's staging of the fairy tale "Turnip". Show the play to the parents.

    Educational area/event Content Acquaintance with works fiction Expected Result
    Stage 1 - organizational and preparatory 3 days
    The study of legal documentation and methodological literature on this topic
    • Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1155 of October 17, 2013);
    • SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the arrangement, maintenance and organization of the working hours of preschool educational organizations"(approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 N 26 (as amended on August 27, 2015));
    • N.F. Sorokina, L.G. Milanovich "Development of creative abilities in children from one year to three years, means of puppet theater"; Iris - press, Moscow 2007.
    • A.V. Shchetkin "Theatrical activity in kindergarten with children 3-4 years old", Moscow, "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2008.
    • N.B. Ulashchenko "Organization of theatrical activity in the younger group", publishing house "Korifey", Volgograd.
    • I.P. Koshmanskaya "Theatre in Kindergarten", Rostov-on-Don, publishing house "Phoenix".
    • N.F. Sorokin "Scenarios of theatrical puppet classes", Moscow, publishing house "Arkti", 2007.
    • V.V. Gerbova, M.A. Vasilyeva, T.S. Komarov "The program of education and training in kindergarten" Moscow, Mozaika-sintez publishing house, 2014.
    • http://www.maam.ru/
    Project development Determining the topic of the project, its goals, objectives, relevance, stages and timing of implementation, indicators for achieving the goals of the project, forecasting expected results. Preliminary work with parents of children.
    Creation of a subject-developing environment For the successful implementation of the project objectives, it is necessary to create an appropriate subject-developing environment.
    • Screen for puppet theater
    • Bi-ba-bo dolls.
    • Flat theatres.
    • Flannelgraph.
    • Finger toys.
    • Round tabletop.
    • Masks.
    • Dressing corner.
    • Shadow theater.
    • Folding books.
    • Musical instruments (noise, percussion, keyboards, wind, strings).
    • Attributes for dance improvisations.
    By participating in theatrical games, children become participants in various events from the life of people, animals, plants, which gives them the opportunity to better understand the world around them. Simultaneously theatrical play instills in the child a steady interest in their native culture, literature, theater. The educational value of theatrical games is also enormous. Children develop respect for each other. They learn the joy associated with overcoming the difficulties of communication, self-doubt. Children's passion for theatrical play, their inner comfort, looseness, easy, non-authoritarian communication between an adult and a child, the “I can’t” complex disappears almost immediately
    Stage 2 - implementation (5 days)
    1 day - work with children
    Speech development
    • To teach children to stage the well-known fairy tale "Turnip".
    • Learn to express emotions through facial expressions and gestures
    • Raise a steady interest in children to engage in theatrical and gaming activities
    • Develop dialogical speech, memorize the correct pronunciation of all sounds
    Russian folk tale "Turnip" Children will remember a familiar fairy tale, learn to express emotions with the help of facial expressions and gestures, prerequisites for the development of dialogic speech will be created; a steady interest in theatrical activities will develop.

    "Journey to the fairy tale" Turnip "

    (Appendix No. 1)

    Conversation with children "Going to the theater with parents"
    • Clarify children's knowledge of theater and theatrical performances.
    • Learn to write short stories with the help of a teacher
    • Develop connected speech.
    The knowledge of children about the theater and theatrical performances is systematized.
    Reading art letters.

    Reading a poem by V. Berestov "Petrushka"

    (Appendix No. 3)

    Learn to listen carefully and with interest Children listen carefully to the story.
    Didactic game

    "Guess by the Sound"

    (Appendix No. 6)

    Develop children's auditory attention. Children will learn to distinguish musical instruments by sound.
    Consideration of theatrical sets "Table Theatre", "Puppet Theatre",
    • To give children knowledge about the varieties of theater "Table Theatre", "Puppet Theatre".
    • Teach children to name them correctly and find the differences between types of theater.
    Reading nursery rhymes

    "Cucumber, Cucumber", "Vanya Walks"

    Encourage children to improvise simple dance moves to varied music "Dance of Petrushkas" (music by D. Kabalevsky), Children will learn to improvise the simplest dance movements to different types of music.

    "Dance Art. Dance improvisations:

    Physical development
    • .
    • To develop attention, imagination, resourcefulness, the ability to create images with the help of facial expressions, gestures, plasticity.
    Learning words from the game
    Mobile game on the go

    (Appendix No. 7)

    Physical education "We're going to the theater"

    (Appendix No. 7)

    Learn to perform movements in accordance with the text. Learning words from the game Children will learn to perform movements in accordance with the text
    Action "Costume for the hero of a fairy tale" Involve parents to equip the theater corner in the group and to tailor costumes for theatrical performances. The parents of the group actively responded to the action.
    Day 2 - work with children
    • To teach children to create an image of a kolobok based on a winding path.
    • Learn to independently use such expressive means as line, shape, color.
    • To educate in children an interest in fairy tales, the desire to create images of heroes in productive activities.
    Reading the fairy tale "Kolobok" Children will remember a familiar fairy tale, learn to convey the image of their favorite characters in their drawing.
    Drawing "Kolobok rolled along the path"
    Speech development
    • develop subject-game actions; form an accompanying speech.
    Reading a poem by A. Barto "Bear" Children will learn to accompany their actions with words.
    Didactic game "Let's take the Bear for a walk"

    (Appendix No. 6)

    Finger gymnastics "Flower and butterfly"
    • Develop fine motor skills.
    • Learn to accompany actions with words
    The text of the physical education minute "Flower and Butterfly"

    (Appendix No. 7)

    Developing fine motor skills hands
    Teach children the rules of behavior in public places (theater) Reading an excerpt from the book by G. Shalaeva “Rules of conduct for educated children. Theatre" Children learn proper behavior in the theater.
    Conversation "Rules of conduct in the theater"
    Role-playing game using rubber toy theater

    "Meeting in the Forest".

    (composed by children)

    Involve children in writing short stories and stories, play them out. Children will try to compose a story on their own, focusing on their imagination, to beat it with the help of toys.
    Physical development:
    • Encourage children's attempts to participate in a collective conversation, make joint decisions; develop creative imagination; encourage children to improvise.
    Learning words from the game. Children will learn to carry out joint decisions, an interest in improvisation will develop.
    Mobile game on the go

    We won't say where we were, but we'll show what we did."

    (Appendix No. 4) )


    "We walk around"

    (Appendix No. 2)

    • To teach children to "remove" tightness and stiffness, to coordinate their actions with other children.
    Children will learn to perform movements in accordance with the text
    Interaction with families of pupils
    Screen "Let's go to the theater" Clearly inform parents: how to spend a day off with a child The parents were interested in the information.
    3 day
    Cognitive development: To instill and maintain interest and desire to look at paintings and illustrations, to expand children's knowledge about the theater. Examining the illustrations Children learn to know the world around them by looking at reproductions
    Examination of illustrations on the theme "Children's Theater"
    Reading fiction by S. Marshak "In the theater for children" (Appendix No. 3) Develop the ability to listen carefully to the work, answer questions about its content. Reading the work of S. Marshak "In the theater for children" With the help of a work of art, children expanded their understanding of the theater.
    Artistic and aesthetic development:
    • To give ideas and methods of sound extraction on children's musical instruments.
    • To instill interest and love for music,
    • develop the child's musical abilities,
    • educate an emotional attitude to music through dance movement.
    To form in children characteristic gestures of repulsion, attraction, opening, closing.
    Orchestral accompaniment of free dances Children learn to make sounds from musical instruments, maintain the character and pace of music, learn to improvise the characters of fairy tales with dance movements.

    Children will develop characteristic gestures. There will be a desire to apply them in theatrical activities.

    NOD Music lesson.

    "We play, dance and sing"

    Individual lessons "Fundamentals of acting" Etudes on the expressiveness of the gesture "Hush", "Come to me", "Go away", "Goodbye"

    Speech development:
    • To develop the ability to follow the development of action in a fairy tale,
    • lead children to expressive performance of the role.
    Memorization of the text of the game. Children will develop object-game actions, a desire to accompany their movements with words.
    Improvisation game "Cat and Mouse"

    (Appendix No. 8)

    Social and communicative development: Involve children in the role-playing game through the art word * A. Brodsky "Novichok" (Appendix No. 3) Children develop the story on their own.
    Role-playing game "Beginner in Kindergarten"
    Physical development: Learn to perform movements in accordance with the text , imitate the habits of animals Learning words from the game Children will learn to perform movements in accordance with the text, there will be a desire to imitate animals in the game.
    Outdoor game on a walk "Mice lead a round dance"

    (Appendix No. 4)

    Rhythmoplasty "Birds in nests"

    (Appendix No. 2)

    • Develop an interest in dramatization games,
    • maintain a cheerful, joyful mood,
    • encourage kindness towards each other,
    • encourage them to engage in dramatization games
    Compliance with the rules of the game. Children will have an interest in improvisation games, a joyful mood, a desire to be friends, to help each other.
    Interaction with families of pupils
    Consultation for parents "The role of theatrical activity in the development of children's speech"

    (Appendix No. 9)

    To acquaint parents with the role of theatrical activity in the development of children's speech. Give advice on organizing a home theater and its attributes. Parents expressed interest in counseling.
    Day 4
    Cognitive development:
    • Introduce children to the world of theater
    • arouse interest in theatrical activities,
    • create a warm, friendly atmosphere
    • interaction of the teacher with children;

      Activate and improve vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech;

    • Improve motor skills, coordination, smoothness, switchability, purposefulness of movements;
    Solving theatrical mysteries Children will get acquainted with the world of the theater, become interested in theatrical activities, learn to move smoothly, purposefully.

    "Introduction to the magical world of theater"

    (Appendix No. 1)

    Examination with children of the finger theater To introduce children to the finger theater.

    Describe the ways of acting with elements of the theater.

    Create interest in different types of theater

    Reading the nursery rhyme "Squirrel"

    (Appendix No. 8)

    Children will get acquainted with the finger theater, learn elementary puppetry techniques
    Speech development: Involve children in theatrical activities; teach them to combine words with movements Reading game text

    (Appendix No. 7)

    Children will learn to accompany the movements of the text character with words.
    Didactic game

    "Finger Games"

    Artistic and aesthetic development: Invite children to compose songs for individual syllables in the genre of lullaby or dance Music "The bear is dancing", "The doll is sleeping" by M. Protasov Children will learn to perform movements in accordance with the text
    Song creativity
    Physical development: Develop the ability to justify one's behavior, develop imagination, expand children's knowledge, learn to change their movements in accordance with their plans Memorizing the rules of the game Children will learn to perform movements in accordance with the intended role.
    Mobile game on the go


    (Appendix No. 4)

    Social and communicative development

    Role-playing game

    "Mishka came from a walk"

    (Appendix No. 5)

    Develop object-game actions; form an accompanying speech. Repetition after the teacher of individual words from the text Children develop interest in role-playing games, children enrich their actions with words.
    Interaction with families of pupils
    Consultation for parents "Theatrical activity in kindergarten"

    (Appendix No. 9)

    To acquaint parents with the organization of theatrical activities in kindergarten. Expose a methodological guide for parents to familiarize themselves with

    N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet classes", Moscow, publishing house "Arkti" 2007.

    Parents' knowledge of theater activities in kindergarten with children will expand
    Day 5
    Artistic and aesthetic development Creation of a comic composition based on a literary work. Sculpting individual images according to plan. Reading the poem "Barabek", author K. Chukovsky

    (Appendix No. 8)

    Thanks to the artistic word children, children are happy to reflect objects from the text in modeling, playing around with their work.
    NOD Modeling "Robin Bobbin Barabek" (collective)
    Reading art.lit.

    "Poem by V. Berestov


    (Appendix No. 8)

    Teach children to listen carefully to the work, answer questions about its content.

    To acquaint children with the techniques of puppetry puppet theater

    Reading a poem by V. Berestov "Hand-artist"

    (Appendix No. 8)

    Enrichment of children's knowledge on the topic, awareness of the emotional response to the work.
    Speech development: Teaching children sound imitation Reading the text of the game. Children will learn to imitate
    Didactic game "Animals"

    (Appendix No. 6)

    Social and communicative development: Engage in telling stories, arouse interest in what is happening on stage, enrich children with vivid impressions Children actively participate in games develops the imagination, fantasy of children.
    Role-playing game

    "With puppets to the theater"

    Artistic and aesthetic development: Introduce children to the cone theater, encourage children to independently prepare attributes for theater games Mini-sketch based on the poem by L. Korchagina "Hedgehog"

    (Appendix No. 8)

    Children will develop an emotional response to the action of the mini-scene character
    Paper construction “Cone theatre. Hedgehog"
    Song creativity Encourage children to compose songs to the given text and use them in puppet shows and dramatizations Music by P. Tchaikovsky

    "New Doll"

    Children will learn to accompany the movements of the doll with a song invented by the child.
    Physical development: Learn to perform movements in accordance with the text Learning words from the game Children will learn to perform movements in accordance with the text
    Outdoor game for a walk "Geese, geese, ha-ha-ha!"
    Rhythmoplasty Develop imaginative thinking of children. Motor abilities children Reading game text Children receive positive emotions from the dramatization of the text of the game.
    "Brave Mice"

    (Appendix No. 2)

    Stage 3 - final analytical (2 days)
    Final event

    Children's staging of the fairy tale "Turnip". Show the play to the parents.

    (Appendix No. 3)

    Summarize children's knowledge about the theater and theatrical activities. Develop artistic and aesthetic skills, imagination, fantasy.

    Engage in telling fairy tales, arouse interest in what is happening on stage, enrich children with vivid impressions.

    Enriching children's knowledge on the topic.

    Analysis of the results of the project "Theatre for Kids"

    1. In the group, conditions have been created for the development of the creative activity of children in theatrical activities:

    The performing creativity of children is encouraged (children play various roles in theatrical productions and performances, expressively read textual material in classes, matinees);

    Children are calm and relaxed when speaking in front of adults and peers. The active participation of each child in performances and other performances is ensured;

    Children actively use the means of facial expressions and pantomime for improvisation;

    Distinguish between different experiences and emotional condition characters;

    Children independently choose the means for improvisation and self-expression.

    2. The group has created conditions for introducing children to theatrical culture:

    The subject-developing environment is organized taking into account the active involvement of children in theatrical culture

    The teacher organizes a visit to the theater, shows slides and videos about the theater and theatrical performances, there is a demonstration material for studying theatrical genres;

    The group has different kinds theater: finger, shadow, table, puppet, etc.

    3. Conditions are provided for the interconnection of theatrical and other activities in the pedagogical process:

    Dramatization games are used in speech development classes and music classes;

    Dramatization games are used when reading fiction;

    In labor classes, attributes for theatrical performances are made

    4. Conditions have been created for joint events on theatrical activities of children and adults:

    Joint performances are held with the participation of children, teachers, parents.

    Elza Nuriahmetova
    Abstract of the lesson on fine arts in the younger group. Theme: Table theater "Ryaba Hen". chicken drawing

    Target: consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tale « Ryaba hen»

    Continue to teach kids the culture of communication. Encourage them to take part in telling a fairy tale, teach them to complete sentences with words and fairy tales. Create a friendly environment, express a desire to help others.

    vocabulary work: golden, fluffy, round, chick.

    Material: table theater« Ryaba Hen» , soft toy chick, yellow paint, brushes, whatman paper with a picture of a chicken, an easel, a jar of water.

    Plan lessons:

    1. Listening to a fairy tale « Ryaba hen»

    3. Surprise moment-appearance chicken.

    4. Game "came out chicken walk»

    5. Drawing on an easel.

    6. Consideration of works.

    Lesson progress:

    The children are sitting on the carpet. The teacher is at the table. Today I will tell you a story « Ryaba hen» , but not only tell, but also show. (The story of the tale is accompanied by a display of figurines table theater. The story is told with children. -Did you like the story?

    And now I'll tell you what happened to the testicle.

    There lived a grandfather and a grandmother. They had chicken Ryaba. demolished hen testicle it fell and broke...

    And suddenly, where it fell and broke, appeared the present miracle - golden and fluffy. What do you think this miracle is? (chick) Look at him carefully. (showing chicken) What colour is he? (yellow). What figure does his body look like? (per circle, it's round) And the head? (Also in a circle, only a small one) You see, so yellow, round the chicken appeared at the hen Ryaba. She was very happy with him and went for a walk with him. Let's take a walk too. Physical education minute:The game « Corydalis hen»

    But here it was discovered that chicken lost. We need to help the chicken find chicken. How? Let's draw it. Sit quietly at the tables. Help your chicken find the lost one chicken. What kind of paint do you need it paint? (yellow). What shape is the body? (Round, large). And the head? (round, small). Then we draw the beak and paws. painted? See how our the hen is happy with the chick. Thank you guys. Goodbye!

    Synopsis of theatrical activities for children 3-4 years old "Visiting a fairy tale" Summary of theatrical activities for children 3-4 years old Topic: "Visiting a fairy tale" caregiver: Amosova Anna Vladimirovna Target: To promote the development of creative, acting abilities of children. Tasks: Educational: 1. To teach children to create images of living beings using ...

    Thematic lesson with elements of theatrical activity "Visiting the chicken Ryaba" in the early age group Integration of educational regions Keywords: knowledge, communication, health, socialization, artistic creativity. Target: Generate interest in the puppet show, desire to participate in theatrical game with puppet characters. Educational tasks: Introduce features...

    Theatre. Summaries of classes on theatrical activities - Photo report on theatricalization of the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen" in the second junior group (3-4 years)

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    "Journey of Kolobok" Integration of educational areas: speech development, artistic and aesthetic, physical development. Purpose: To encourage children to speech activity through a theatrical game along the river. researcher "Kolobok". Tasks: 1. Arouse a desire to answer the teacher's questions ...

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    Summary of theatrical activities for children 4-5 years old. Topic: "Through the pages of favorite fairy tales" Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, social and communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development. Tasks: 1. Contribute ...

    Theatricality at an early age Article: Theatricalization at an early age. In the second year of life, children are read the first fairy tales: “Rocked Hen”, “Turnip”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Teremok”. An adult accompanies reading or storytelling by showing toys, pictures. Reading itself should be lively, expressive. Reading adult...


    1. Consideration of illustrations for Russian folk tales.

    Target: Help children understand the content of the fairy tale based on the image. To evoke in children the need for emotional communication.

    2. Mobile exercise “Find the bear”.

    Target: To teach children to walk in a given direction, observing a certain rhythm of movement, to cause joy from playing with a fairy-tale character.

    There at the end of the path
    Look at the house.
    Who is my good
    Lives in it?
    Maybe it's a cat?
    Maybe it's a mouse?
    Maybe fidget
    Is the bear a slut?

    3. Familiarization activity “Who did we meet in the forest?” (according to the fairy tale "Mitten").

    Target: To acquaint children with a fairy tale. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​wild animals, noting and naming their features



    Mobile exercise "Teddy Bear"

    Target: To teach children to accompany their actions with speech, to pronounce the content of their favorite nursery rhyme.

    A clubfoot bear walks through the forest.
    He collects cones and puts them in his pocket.


    1. Puppet show in the music hall.

    2..Consultation for parents "A fairy tale in the life of children."

    Target: To give parents an accessible explanation of the meaning of a fairy tale in the development of children, its influence on the emotional state of children.



    1. Didactic game "Cockerel and his family."

    Target: Continue to introduce children to folklore. Tell children about poultry appearance habits, voice).

    Petya, Petya, cockerel,
    You cast your vote.
    Through the field, across the river
    Shout out to us “KU - KA - RE - KU! ”

    2. Table theater. Playing on the Russian folk tale "Ryaba the Hen".

    Target: Tell a story, accompanying the text with a display of tabletop theater figures. Make children want to listen to the story again.

    Lesson on the development of speech. Reading the fairy tale “Kolobok”, dramatization of the fairy tale.

    Target: Remind the content of the fairy tale, teach children to hum the Kolobok song, promote the development of children's imagination. Cause joy and desire to help the main character of the tale.


    Individual work on FIZO. Didactic game “Who is screaming? ".

    Target: Consolidate children's knowledge about domestic and wild animals. Continue to teach children to imitate the voice and habits of animals.


    1. The outdoor game "The mother hen and chickens."

    Target: To develop attention, speed and dexterity in children.

    2. Games with building materials “Build a house for the Cockerel and his family”.

    Goal: Create a fabulous game situation. To make children want to take part in the venture of an adult. Cultivate a caring attitude towards pets. Give the opportunity to independently act with the building.



    1. Conversation with children about their favorite cartoons.

    Target: To form in children the ability to engage in dialogue, use simple phrases. Make children happy when they remember their favorite cartoons.

    2. Mobile exercise "Bear and children".

    Target: Continue to teach children to run in a given direction, act in accordance with the words of the fairy text. To evoke in children the pleasure of joint actions with a fairy-tale character.

    The bear was walking in the forest.
    The bear was looking for children.
    For a long, long time he searched
    Sat down on the grass and dozed off.
    The children began to dance
    They started banging their feet.
    Mishka, Mishenka, get up,
    Catch up with our kids.

    Lesson drawing "Laid a chicken testicle."

    Target: Teach children to draw round objects, paint over without going beyond the contours. Fix the content of the story.


    Mobile exercise "At the bear in the forest."

    Target: Continue to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other. To develop in children the imagination and the ability to take on a certain role. Generate interest in the game.


    1. Theatricalization of the Russian folk tale "Teremok".

    Target: To teach children to understand the emotional state of the heroes of a fairy tale, to help children understand its content, to promote the development of imagination in children.

    2. Didactic game "Merry - sad."

    Target: Continue to teach children to understand the emotional state, to carry out the transfer of the emotional state of the character to themselves.



    1. Telling the tale "Zayushkina's hut".

    Target: Introduce children to a new fairy tale. Cultivate a kind attitude towards animals, compassion for the main character.

    2. Mobile exercise “Hare”

    Target: Teaching children simple dance moves, creating a fun fairy-tale atmosphere in the group.

    Modeling lesson “Kolobok rolls along the path and sings a song”

    Target: To teach children to sculpt a Kolobok in the shape of a ball, to create conditions for playing out a fairy tale plot. Create a high emotional state.


    Individual work on FIZO. Mobile exercise “Hares run across”.

    Target: To develop children's attention, the ability to run quickly in different directions.

    Bunnies run across
    Now a meadow, now a forest.
    Collecting strawberries.
    Skok yes skok! Skok yes skok!
    The hares fell asleep sweetly.
    The forest is noisy! The forest sings!
    - Run away without looking back!
    The wolf is coming, the wolf is coming!


    1. Didactic game "A hare came to visit us."

    Target: Continue to develop in children the ability to engage in dialogue, use simple phrases, exercise in the pronunciation of sound combinations, encourage and support initiative manifestations of children. Give children the joy of playing.

    2. Finger games.

    Target: To help create a joyful mood in children, draw attention to the rhythmic sound of words, to the intonation of the voice. Continue to teach imitative play actions.



    1. Didactic game "Let's tell a story together."

    Target: To instill in children a sense of mutual assistance. To teach children to correlate facial expressions with the state of the hero, to teach children to correctly reproduce the sequence of the appearance of each hero, to realize the event preceding their appearance.

    2. Didactic game “Guess what fairy tale I am from? ".

    Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of the content of fairy tales, to correctly name and highlight the character of a fairy tale, to develop logical thinking in children.

    Lesson on familiarization with fiction. Reading the Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids".

    Target: To acquaint children with a fairy tale, Accompanying the tex by showing illustrations. To arouse in children the desire to listen to the fairy tale again, to teach them to sympathize with the grief of the goat, to cultivate good feelings.


    Mobile game "Journey to the forest".

    Target: Improve the basic types of movements, continue to learn to imitate animals. To evoke in children a sense of joy from joint actions. Help children to remember the characters of fairy tales.


    1. Dramatization of the Russian folk tale "Kolobok".

    Target: Continue to teach children to participate in dramatization, develop the ability to take on a certain role and perform the actions of a given character. Cultivate good relationships in the team. Creating a magical theater atmosphere


    2. Consultation for parents “On the importance of theatrical activities in the development of a preschooler.”

    Analysis of the work done

    During the week, the children got acquainted with various types of theatrical activities.

    With the rules of conduct and visits to various theaters. (That you need to buy a ticket, get there by transport, be nice and neatly dressed, you can’t talk loudly) And we also practically found out that this work is very interesting and emotional. All classes were held in a playful way, that is, travel classes, which included quizzes, finger, verbal and emotional games, riddles, games for developed fantasies and creative abilities, etc. The children liked these activities very much and they used their knowledge with great interest. knowledge gained in previous lessons. Such activities help children easily memorize new material and learn it better.

    Children know what theater is, its varieties, basic theatrical concepts (stage, screen, scenery, props, intermission, etc.). Get acquainted with the secrets of stagecraft; learned how to make masks, the simplest table dolls, dolls for finger theater from paper. We learned elementary techniques for driving riding puppets and how to control them. Some children are able, by emotionally changing the strength of the voice, to convey the image of the character. With the help of a teacher, children learned to invent short stories and give them a name. With the help of facial expressions, they can convey the emotional state of the heroes of small works (sadness, joy, grief, laughter, grief, etc.) But they do not know how to independently choose a role that suits them. Everyone wants to play the character that they liked more, and not the one that they can beat because of their abilities. They can independently show a small scene, a fairy tale.

    I think that I coped with the tasks in full. The children learned a lot: they made masks, tabletop and finger theater puppets, they wanted to show their skills with great pleasure.

    We tried to involve parents in an active discussion of issues of introducing children to culture, attending performances in theaters in Moscow. For parents, they prepared a consultation called: "So that the fairy tale does not become boring ...". And they gave their recommendations on the choice of fiction for children.

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 18" Crane "

    Synopsis of open theatrical activity

    "Journey to the world of the theater" (second junior group)

    Educator: Tochilkina Marina Petrovna

    Target: develop Creative skills preschoolers, their speech and stage culture, observation, imagination, emotional responsiveness, sociable, communicative, friendly, kind, intellectual, developed, talented, musical, patient, enterprising, erudite, spontaneous, capable of perceiving novelty, the ability to improvise.

    Reincarnation of children in the game through the development of sign language, facial expressions, pantomime. Understanding that there are other means of communication besides speech means.

    Tasks : draw the attention of children to the intonational expressiveness of speech; exercise children in pronouncing words and phrases with different intonation; to develop in children the ability to express their mood; to cultivate interest in a literary work as a means of beating them and theatricalization; to develop speech, fantasy, creative abilities of children through reincarnation in the images of fairy-tale characters.

    Materials and equipment: pictures of emotions, a box, masks of heroes for the fairy tale Teremok.

    Activity progress:

    Organizational part - emotional mood:

    Children stand in a circle.

    Educator: Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello to the guests, to ourselves, to each other and to me.

    Theatrical game "Hello!"

    Hello, sun - friend, (hands up, "flashlights")

    Hello, nose - piglet ( index finger showing nose)

    Hello sponges (show lips)

    Hello teeth (show teeth)

    Sponges "smacked" ("smack")

    Teeth "clicked" ("click")

    Raise the handles up (raise the handles up)

    And they waved (we wave our hands)

    And now all together -

    "Hello! Hello!" - they said (in chorus we say hello)

    Educator: Guys, today we have an unusual day. On this wonderful day, I invite you to makejourney to extraordinary, fairyland, to a country where miracles and transformations take place, where dolls come to life and animals begin to speak. Have you guessed what country this is?

    Children: - THEATER!

    Educator: Do you know who lives in this country?

    Children : – Dolls, fairy-tale heroes, artists.

    Educator: Yes guys. You correctly said. What do artists do, you know?(children's answers)

    Would you like to become artists?

    Children: - Yes

    1. Main part:

    Educator: I know the magic words and now with their help we will turn into artists. Only we must pronounce the words all together, loudly and clearly, otherwise the magic will not work.

    One, two, three spin! Turn from guys into great artists!

    Hooray! we are all artists now. I invite you to enter the wonderful world theater!

    Guys in the theater fairy tale performances are often shown for children. How many fairy tales do you already know? And now I want to check how well you know fairy tales. To do this, you need to solve riddles.

    Beware any disease:

    flu, tonsillitis and bronchitis.

    Calls you all to fight

    Glorious Doctor...(Aibolit)

    Answer the question:

    Who carried Masha in the basket,

    Who sat on a stump

    And wanted to eat a pie?

    You know the story, don't you?

    Who was it? (Bear)

    Baba beat - did not break,

    Grandfather hit - did not break.

    Baba was very sad.

    Who helped the grandmother?

    The little girl ran into the house.

    Broke an egg(mouse)

    A house appeared in the field.

    Settled in that house:

    A mouse named Norushka,

    And the frog Kvakushka,

    Hedgehog, Fox and Bunny.

    And also shaggy Mishka

    Later he settled here.

    What is the name of the house?

    Smoke curls over the chimney.

    This house is ... (Teremok)

    Your home in the winter, in the cold

    She made ice.

    But the house stood beautifully in the cold,

    In the spring it turned into a puddle.

    The bast house was built by Zaika.

    Now, reader, remember

    Who drove the Rooster into the forests?

    Who deceived the Hare?(Fox)

    What a fairy tale: cat, granddaughter,

    Mouse, another dog

    Beetle Grandfather and woman helped,

    Have you harvested root crops?(Turnip)

    Educator: What good fellows you are! All you know.

    What mood do you think people are going to theatre ? (children's answers : with good; when they are sad and want to cheer up; etc).

    The game "Give a good mood"

    Children turn their heads in a circle, look into the eyes of a partner, shake hands and smile.

    Educator: It's great that we are all in a good mood. And now I invite you to play with me some more. To do this, please tell me what you need to do to become an artist.

    (Exemplary answers of children: you can change your appearance with the help of a costume, mask, headdress).

    Educator: How about without a suit?

    Yes, you certainly may! And gestures and, of course, facial expressions help the actors in this.

    What is mime?

    Mimicry is the expression of our face. And gestures are movements.

    Now try to show emotions without words and movements.

    (pictograms of emotions appear - children depict them)

    Emotions to show: sadness, joy, anger, surprise, fear,

    And now we need to convey our mood with a voice. Listen, here's a phrase: "Let's go, let's go to the forest for nuts." Now repeat in unison. Now say this phrase, with the intonation with which I will show the emoticon.

    Well done! Did it! What good fellows you are!

    Guys, look what I have in my hands? Today I was walking along the path to kindergarten and found this beautiful box. Are you wondering what's in it? (trying to open, but it won't open). We won't be able to open it until the riddles are solved. Ready to work hard?

    The children guess the riddle, and the teacher takes out the masks from the box.

    Lives in a mink, gnaws crusts.

    Short legs, afraid of cats. (mouse)

    We are green like grass

    Our song "qua-qua". (Frog)

    He jumps across the field, hides his ears.

    Stands up like a pillar-ears upright. (Hare)

    Who walks cold in winter, angry, hungry? (Wolf)

    The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden.

    He lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village. (Fox)

    Sleeps in winter, stirs hives in summer. (Bear)

    Educator: Well done guys! They guessed all the riddles, oh, how many animals the magic box hid! Guys, did you guess what fairy tale these animals are from?

    That's right "Teremok".

    And now let's show our guests the fairy tale "Teremok". To do this, we will turn into fairy-tale heroes-forest animals. (Children choose the masks of the inhabitants of the tower).

    Even in our fairy tale there will be a fairy forest. (Consists of trees, sun, butterflies).

    (Staging of a fairy tale)

    Educator: There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. He is not low, not high, not high. Here a strong wind rose, the forest swayed, rustled, butterflies flew, the sun came out, joyful, cheerful and mice ran out of the forest, saw the tower, they ask:

    Mice: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem? Nobody responds.

    Educator: The mice entered the tower and began to live there.

    There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. It is not low, not high - not high. A strong wind rose again, the forest swayed, rustled, butterflies flew, the sun came out, joyful, cheerful and frogs jumped out. They saw the tower and ask:

    Frogs: Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?

    Mice: We are mice! And who are you?

    Frogs: And we are frogs.

    Mice: Come live with us!

    Educator: The frogs jumped into the tower. They began to live.

    Runaway bunnies run past. They saw the tower and ask:


    Mice: We are mice!

    frogs We are frogs.

    And who are you?

    Bunnies: We are runaway bunnies!

    Beasts all over the place: Come live with us!

    Educator: The bunnies jumped into the tower. They began to live.

    There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. He is not low, not high, not high.

    They go past the fox-sister. They saw the tower and ask:

    Chanterelles : Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?

    Mice: We are mice!

    Frogs: We are frogs.

    Bunnies: We are runaway bunnies!

    And who are you?

    Chanterelles: And we are fox sisters!

    Beasts all over the place: Come live with us! The bunnies jumped into the tower. They began to live.

    Educator: There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. He is not low, not high, not high. Tops gray barrels came running, looked in the door and asked:

    Tops : Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?

    Mice: we are mice.

    Frogs: we frogs.

    Bunnies: we runaway bunnies.

    Chanterelles: we are fox sisters.

    Wolves: Who are you?

    And we are tops, gray barrels!

    Beasts all over the place: Come live with us! The wolf got into the tower.

    And they began to live. Here they live in a teremka and each one does his own thing. There is a teremok in the field - a teremok. He is not low, not high, not high. Suddenly bears are walking. The bears saw the tower, stopped and roared at the top of their lungs:

    Terem-teremok! Who lives in the terem?

    Mice: we are mice.

    frogs : we frogs.

    Bunnies: we runaway bunnies.

    Chanterelles: we are fox sisters.

    Tops: we tops are gray barrels.

    And who are you?

    The Bears: And we are clumsy bears. Let us live with you.

    All animals : Yes, you can not fit ....

    The Bears: Yes, we will live on the roof .... (imitates the movement of climbing onto the roof) (and all the heroes scatter in different directions)

    Educator: Well done boys! You are real artists.

    And now we need to turn from artists into guys.

    One, two, three, spin! Turn from artists into guys!

    3. Bottom line.

    Educator: Guys, did you like our transformation? What did you like the most?(children's answers) . I also really enjoyed playing with you. I am sure that if you decide to become actors when you grow up, you will be the best and most successful, because you are so talented!

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