• Consultation for parents on innovative activities “What can be made from natural material. Advice for parents "crafts from natural material" Crafts from acorns


    Advice for parents:

    Educator: Pshichenko



    • develops fine motor skills;
    • teaches you to set a goal and visualize it throughout creative process;
    • experiment and look for the best ways to move towards the goal;
    • develops spatial imagination;
    • teaches to see the whole thing in disparate elements;
    • develops attention and accuracy, patience and diligence;
    • stimulates interest in creative design
    • introduces a sense of inspiration;
    • teaches respect for nature.


    Collect the shells you like, rinse with running water and dry in the sun. Sort the prepared shells by color and shape.

    Rinse the shells collected on the beach thoroughly in running water and dry in the sun. Can cover shells clear varnish- they will shine like in water.

    Select a few spirally twisted shells. Take plasticine and fashion a snail figurine: head, horns, tail. Attach the shell to the back of the snail.

    Bright pebbles

    Children love to collect sea pebbles on the beach. A brush and paints will turn a smooth pebble into a bug, ladybug, turtle, owl or fungus. The very shape of the pebble will tell the baby which image is better to create. Paint is applied to the pebble - and the image is ready. Pebbles are glued together with plasticine. After the creation dries, to add shine, cover it with colorless varnish.

    funny little animals

    With a small child, try to do something very simple: for example, make animal figures from tenacious burdock. To do this, make a frame of wool in advance, on which the burdock will be molded. Then invite the baby to form a bear cub, an elephant with a long trunk, a dog or a spider.

    Delightful picture

    Such an amazing picture can be made from pebbles, small pebbles, shells or cereals (beans, peas). Decide which one to start colors will suit for your work plasticine background. Apply plasticine to the cardboard base. Mark the pattern on the plasticine. Now, together with the baby, carefully fill the drawing with the selected material along the contour.

    Leaves picture

    Collect with your child while walking in the park or forest, collect a lot of leaves different shades and shapes, big and small. Dry them between the sheets of an old book or newspaper, placing something heavy on top. To work, you will need sheets of cardboard, glue and natural material. If you are making applications with a small child (1.5-3 years old), then you can simply lay out the leaves beautifully on cardboard. Older children can show their imagination and make an amazing application with your help. The theme of the application can be different birds, animals, fish, cars or even plot pictures.

    Crafts from acorns

    Acorns are different: large and small, oblong and round. In a donkey or horse, the body is made from a large acorn, and the head is made from a small one. Also, from two acorns - smaller and larger - and a few sticks, you can make a beautiful stork. Funny little men can be made: thin and fat, tall and short, in hats. The main thing is that everything must be done while the acorns have not yet had time to dry. Toys made from fresh acorns last a long time.

    And how many funny and glorious figures can be made from chestnuts, cones and nuts! Just countless, especially if the fantasy breaks out during work.

    Flower Elves

    For this craft, you will need some flowers. Gather them together with your child during your walk in the park or forest. To make an amazing picture, you will need: cardboard, pencils or felt-tip pens, glue flowers and petals. First draw the figures on the cardboard, and then proceed to gluing clothes, wings and a magic wand.

    A few more tips:

    • For panels, paintings, toys made from natural material, you will need cones, seeds of various plants, acorns, alder, birch, acacia catkins, fruits of various plants, leaves, roots, flowers, shells.
    • Frames pasted over with cereals (buckwheat, semolina, corn, millet, sunflower seeds) or shells look amazing - for paintings, photos or mirrors, as well as wooden boxes.



    Advice for parents:

    Crafts from natural material

    Educator: Pshichenko



    Children especially love crafts made from natural materials, because they can be created from what they themselves find in the park, in the field, in the forest, on the sea coast or in the mountains. The main thing is to have enough imagination to turn shells, pebbles, pebbles, twigs, dry fruits, cones, acorns, chestnuts, nuts, seeds or inflorescences with your own hands into something extraordinary! In addition, natural material is the most environmentally friendly material for activities with children.

    Making crafts from natural material develops skills:

    • develops fine motor skills;
    • teaches you to set a goal and visualize it throughout the creative process;
    • experiment and look for the best ways to move towards the goal;
    • develops spatial imagination;
    • teaches to see the whole thing in disparate elements;
    • develops attention and accuracy, patience and diligence;
    • stimulates interest in creative design
    • introduces a sense of inspiration;
    • teaches respect for nature.


    Collect the shells you like, rinse with running water and dry in the sun. Sort the prepared shells by color and shape.

    Rinse the shells collected on the beach thoroughly in running water and dry in the sun. You can cover the shells with transparent varnish - they will shine like in water.

    Select a few spirally twisted shells. Take plasticine and fashion a snail figurine: head, horns, tail. Attach the shell to the back of the snail.

    Bright pebbles

    Children love to collect sea pebbles on the beach. A brush and paint will turn smooth pebbles into a bug, ladybug, turtle, owl or fungus. The very shape of the pebble will tell the baby which image is better to create. Paint is applied to the pebble - and the image is ready. Pebbles are glued together with plasticine. After the creation dries, to add shine, cover it with a colorless varnish.

    funny little animals

    With a small child, try to do something very simple: for example, make animal figures from tenacious burdock. To do this, make a frame of wool in advance, on which the burdock will be molded. Then invite the baby to form a bear cub, an elephant with a long trunk, a dog or a spider.

    Delightful picture

    Such an amazing picture can be made from pebbles, small pebbles, shells or cereals (beans, peas). Decide first what color plasticine background is suitable for your work. Apply plasticine to the cardboard base. Mark the pattern on the plasticine. Now, together with the baby, carefully fill the drawing with the selected material along the contour.

    Leaves picture

    Collect with your child while walking in the park or forest, collect a lot of leaves of different shades and shapes, large and small. Dry them between the sheets of an old book or newspaper, placing something heavy on top. To work, you will need sheets of cardboard, glue and natural material. If you are making applications with a small child (1.5-3 years old), then you can simply lay out the leaves beautifully on cardboard. Older children can show their imagination and make an amazing application with your help. The theme of the application can be different birds, animals, fish, cars or even plot pictures.

    Crafts from acorns

    Acorns are different: large and small, oblong and round. In a donkey or horse, the body is made from a large acorn, and the head is made from a small one. Also, from two acorns - smaller and larger - and a few sticks, you can make a beautiful stork. Funny little men can be made: thin and fat, tall and short, in hats. The main thing is everythingmust be done while the acorns have not yet had time to dry. Toys made from fresh acorns last a long time.

    And how many funny and glorious figures can be made from chestnuts, cones and nuts! Just countless, especially if the fantasy breaks out during work.

    Flower Elves

    For this craft, you will need some flowers. Gather them together with your child during your walk in the park or forest. To make an amazing picture, you will need: cardboard, pencils or felt-tip pens, glue flowers and petals. First draw the figures on the cardboard, and then proceed to gluing clothes, wings and a magic wand.

    A few more tips:

    • For panels, paintings, toys made from natural material, you will need cones, seeds of various plants, acorns, alder, birch, acacia catkins, fruits of various plants, leaves, roots, flowers, shells.
    • Frames pasted over with cereals (buckwheat, semolina, corn, millet, sunflower seeds) or shells look amazing - for paintings, photos or mirrors, as well as wooden boxes.

    In order for the child to understand the sequence of work, you should first show how to make crafts. After the kid has learned the first basics of creating a toy from natural material, it will be enough for him to show a drawing, a picture or a photograph of a finished craft, and with an understanding of the process he will be able to make it on his own. Then the child should be offered to make fairy-tale characters or animals seen in the zoo from natural material. Such activities greatly improve Creative skills, fantasy and imagination of children.

    Working with natural material contains great opportunities for bringing the child closer to his native nature, cultivating a thrifty, caring attitude towards it and developing the first labor skills.
    So that children do not become guests in a nature workshop, but become masters in it, let's think about what their meetings with nature in this workshop are fun, filling free time or an interesting thing. Making toys, crafts from natural material is laborious, exciting and very enjoyable. In order for children to be willing to do it, it is necessary to develop their imagination, good feelings, and with the mastery of skills, dexterity in work will also come. A. S. Makarenko drew attention to the importance of using natural material in the activities of the child. He pointed out that materials (clay, wood, paper, etc.) are “closest to normal human activity: from materials, a person creates values ​​and culture ... There is a lot of good realism in a material toy, but at the same time there is scope for fantasy, not just imagination, but a great creative fantasy.
    From a walk, children often bring acorns, cones, branches; from an excursion to the reservoir - beautiful pebbles, shells. The guys examine the collected material for a long time, sort it out, feel it, examine it. This helps to memorize the shape, colors, properties of each type of material. For example, children learn that nuts are round, brown, with a bumpy surface. Acorns - oval, shiny, yellowish brown. Cattail is cylindrical, with a soft velvety surface, brown, etc.
    Meetings with nature expand children's ideas about the world around them, teach them to carefully peer into various phenomena, maintain the integrity of perception when creating crafts from natural materials.
    Making crafts requires dexterous actions from the child, and if at first he often damages the toy with an inaccurate movement of the hand, then later, in the process of systematic work, the hand acquires confidence, accuracy, and the fingers become flexible. All this is important for preparing the hand for writing, for learning activities at school. Manual labor contributes to the development of sensorimotor skills - concordance of the eye and hand, improvement of coordination of movements, flexibility, accuracy in performing actions. In the process of making crafts, a system of special skills and abilities is gradually formed. V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. Figuratively speaking, the thinnest streams flow from the fingers, which feed the source of creative thought."
    Labor with natural material has a great influence on mental development child, on the development of his thinking. If you follow the path of working with children on making crafts from natural material, you can see: first, the guys examine the sample, analyze its structure, manufacturing methods; then, after mastering this process, the tasks become more complicated, the pupils are shown a drawing or photograph of a toy that needs to be made, and, finally, without preliminary analysis, they make crafts according to the assignment or their own plan.
    During such work, conditions are created for the development of not only the planning function of speech, but also speech regulation of behavior. The growing influence of the verbal regulation of the child's behavior is also manifested in an increase in the level of his orientation in the external world and in himself, in the development of new knowledge and skills.
    The amusement of work on the manufacture of toys from natural material contributes to the development of attention in children - its stability increases, arbitrary attention is formed. For example, during the manufacture of a dog, children are first asked to see where to make holes for the paws (they should be located symmetrically, on the same level, not too high and not too low to be like real ones), how to attach the head and other details.

    Crafts made from natural material to a large extent satisfy the curiosity of children. In this work there is always novelty, creative search, the opportunity to achieve more perfect results.
    The favorable emotional mood of children during the manufacture of toys, the joy of communication in work, the pleasure experienced in the process of creating a beautiful toy are very important for general development. How much sincere joy, delight, uncomplicated crafts from shells, cattail bring to kids! Some funny, cheerful little man made by himself becomes a favorite toy of children. Positive emotions are an important incentive to nurture diligence.
    Labor for the manufacture of toys from natural material contributes to the development of the personality of the child, the education of his character. It is not so easy to make a toy: its manufacture requires certain strong-willed efforts. When a child encounters difficulties, he tries to solve them on his own. Sometimes the baby is not able to do any work right away: pick up cones of the desired shape to create a donkey, plushies from acorns for hats, or connect parts of the toy in a certain way. Under the guidance of an adult, the child learns to establish the causes of failures, to overcome them. Gradually, such qualities as purposefulness, perseverance, and the ability to bring the work begun to the end are formed in him.
    In the process of working with natural material, positive conditions are created for the formation of social motives for labor, which acquire significant motivating power in older preschool age. Each child gets the opportunity to feel and experience the joy of personal participation in a common cause.
    In this type of work, there are real opportunities to form in children the control and evaluation of their own activities. So, when making crafts, the guys are faced with the need not only to analyze the sample and plan a sequence of actions, but also to control themselves in the course of work, to correlate their result with the sample. Labor in the manufacture of toys from natural material can be individual and collective. Collective work brings children great joy with its coherence, clear organization. The guys have a desire to help each other, interest in the result of a common cause. It is advisable to use a variety of types of collective work of children to develop their skills to plan their activities, taking into account a common goal, to distribute operations. Collective work has a great influence on the formation of pupils kindergarten friendly, benevolent relations, mutual assistance, camaraderie. The results of collective work, especially approved by adults, inspire the children, encourage them to complete new crafts. For each work they are taken with great emotional upsurge. At proper organization educational process, work with natural material becomes effective tool comprehensive development and education of children preschool age.
    At the beginning school year we conducted diagnostics, the purpose of which was to reveal the level of knowledge of natural material in children and the use of this material in their work.
    The diagnostic technique is based on a conversation with children through pictures.

      Find a picture that shows: maple leaf, oak leaf, rowan leaf, dog rose leaf, hawthorn leaf, alder leaf.

      Find a picture showing maple, linden, ash seeds.

      Find a picture that shows the fruits of spruce, pine, larch, alder.

      Name the fruits of deciduous trees and shrubs (walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, acorns, chestnuts, rose hips).

      Organize the game "Whose seeds?". Reveal the children's knowledge of the seeds of apple, watermelon, grapes, melon, apricot, peach.

      What crafts can be made from acorns, cones, vegetables?

    Advice for parents:

    Crafts from natural material

    Educator: Pshichenko



    Children especially love crafts made from natural materials, because they can be created from what they themselves find in the park, in the field, in the forest, on the sea coast or in the mountains. The main thing is to have enough imagination to turn shells, pebbles, pebbles, twigs, dry fruits, cones, acorns, chestnuts, nuts, seeds or inflorescences with your own hands into something extraordinary! In addition, natural material is the most environmentally friendly material for activities with children.

    Making crafts from natural material develops skills:

  • develops fine motor skills;
  • teaches you to set a goal and visualize it throughout the creative process;
  • experiment and look for the best ways to move towards the goal;
  • develops spatial imagination;
  • teaches to see the whole thing in disparate elements;
  • develops attention and accuracy, patience and diligence;
  • stimulates interest in creative design
  • introduces a sense of inspiration;
  • teaches respect for nature.
  • snails

    Collect the shells you like, rinse with running water and dry in the sun. Sort the prepared shells by color and shape.

    Rinse the shells collected on the beach thoroughly in running water and dry in the sun. You can cover the shells with transparent varnish - they will shine like in water.

    Select a few spirally twisted shells. Take plasticine and fashion a snail figurine: head, horns, tail. Attach the shell to the back of the snail.

    Bright pebbles

    Children love to collect sea pebbles on the beach. A brush and paint will turn smooth pebbles into a bug, ladybug, turtle, owl or fungus. The very shape of the pebble will tell the baby which image is better to create. Paint is applied to the pebble - and the image is ready. Pebbles are glued together with plasticine. After the creation dries, to add shine, cover it with a colorless varnish.

    funny little animals

    With a small child, try to do something very simple: for example, make animal figures from tenacious burdock. To do this, make a frame of wool in advance, on which the burdock will be molded. Then invite the baby to form a bear cub, an elephant with a long trunk, a dog or a spider.

    Delightful picture

    Such an amazing picture can be made from pebbles, small pebbles, shells or cereals (beans, peas). Decide first what color plasticine background is suitable for your work. Apply plasticine to the cardboard base. Mark the pattern on the plasticine. Now, together with the baby, carefully fill the drawing with the selected material along the contour.

    Leaves picture

    Collect with your child while walking in the park or forest, collect a lot of leaves of different shades and shapes, large and small. Dry them between the sheets of an old book or newspaper, placing something heavy on top. To work, you will need sheets of cardboard, glue and natural material. If you are making applications with a small child (1.5-3 years old), then you can simply lay out the leaves beautifully on cardboard. Older children can show their imagination and make an amazing application with your help. The theme of the application can be different birds, animals, fish, cars or even plot pictures.

    Crafts from acorns

    Acorns are different: large and small, oblong and round. In a donkey or horse, the body is made from a large acorn, and the head is made from a small one. Also, from two acorns - smaller and larger - and a few sticks, you can make a beautiful stork. Funny little men can be made: thin and fat, tall and short, in hats. The main thing is that everything must be done while the acorns have not yet had time to dry. Toys made from fresh acorns last a long time.

    And how many funny and glorious figures can be made from chestnuts, cones and nuts! Just countless, especially if the fantasy breaks out during work.

    Flower Elves

    For this craft, you will need some flowers. Gather them together with your child during your walk in the park or forest. To make an amazing picture, you will need: cardboard, pencils or felt-tip pens, glue flowers and petals. First draw the figures on the cardboard, and then proceed to gluing clothes, wings and a magic wand.

    A few more tips:

  • For panels, paintings, toys made from natural material, you will need cones, seeds of various plants, acorns, alder, birch, acacia catkins, fruits of various plants, leaves, roots, flowers, shells.
  • Frames pasted over with cereals (buckwheat, semolina, corn, millet, sunflower seeds) or shells look amazing - for paintings, photos or mirrors, as well as wooden boxes.
  • In order for the child to understand the sequence of work, you should first show how to make crafts. After the kid has learned the first basics of creating a toy from natural material, it will be enough for him to show a drawing, a picture or a photograph of a finished craft, and with an understanding of the process he will be able to make it on his own. Then the child should be offered to make fairy-tale characters or animals seen in the zoo from natural material. Such activities greatly develop the creativity, imagination and imagination of children.

    Pshichenko Svetlana Viktorovna


    Rooster Natalya Alexandrovna

    Children especially love crafts made from natural materials, because they can be created from what they themselves find in the park, in the field, in the forest, on the sea coast or in the mountains. The main thing is to have enough imagination to turn shells, pebbles, pebbles, twigs, dry fruits, cones, acorns, chestnuts, nuts, seeds or inflorescences with your own hands into something extraordinary! In addition, natural material is the most environmentally friendly material for activities with children.

    Making crafts from natural material develops skills:

    • develops fine motor skills;
    • teaches you to set a goal and visualize it throughout the creative process;
    • experiment and look for the best ways to move towards the goal;
    • develops spatial imagination;
    • teaches to see the whole thing in disparate elements;
    • develops attention and accuracy, patience and diligence;
    • stimulates interest in creative design
    • introduces a sense of inspiration;
    • teaches respect for nature.


    Collect the shells you like, rinse with running water and dry in the sun. Sort the prepared shells by color and shape.

    Rinse the shells collected on the beach thoroughly in running water and dry in the sun. You can cover the shells with transparent varnish - they will shine like in water.

    Select a few spirally twisted shells. Take plasticine and fashion a snail figurine: head, horns, tail. Attach the shell to the back of the snail.

    Bright pebbles

    Children love to collect sea pebbles on the beach. A brush and paint will turn smooth pebbles into a bug, ladybug, turtle, owl or fungus. The very shape of the pebble will tell the baby which image is better to create. Paint is applied to the pebble - and the image is ready. Pebbles are glued together with plasticine. After the creation dries, to add shine, cover it with a colorless varnish.

    funny little animals

    With a small child, try to do something very simple: for example, make animal figures from tenacious burdock. To do this, make a frame of wool in advance, on which the burdock will be molded. Then invite the baby to form a bear cub, an elephant with a long trunk, a dog or a spider.

    Delightful picture

    Such an amazing picture can be made from pebbles, small pebbles, shells or cereals (beans, peas). Decide first what color plasticine background is suitable for your work. Apply plasticine to the cardboard base. Mark the pattern on the plasticine. Now, together with the baby, carefully fill the drawing with the selected material along the contour.

    Leaves picture

    Collect with your child while walking in the park or forest, collect a lot of leaves of different shades and shapes, large and small. Dry them between the sheets of an old book or newspaper, placing something heavy on top. To work, you will need sheets of cardboard, glue and natural material. If you are making applications with a small child (1.5-3 years old), then you can simply lay out the leaves beautifully on cardboard. Older children can show their imagination and make an amazing application with your help. The theme of the application can be different birds, animals, fish, cars or even plot pictures.

    Crafts from acorns

    Acorns are different: large and small, oblong and round. In a donkey or horse, the body is made from a large acorn, and the head is made from a small one. Also, from two acorns - smaller and larger - and a few sticks, you can make a beautiful stork. Funny little men can be made: thin and fat, tall and short, in hats. The main thing is that everything must be done while the acorns have not yet had time to dry. Toys made from fresh acorns last a long time.

    And how many funny and glorious figures can be made from chestnuts, cones and nuts! Just countless, especially if the fantasy breaks out during work.

    Flower Elves

    For this craft, you will need some flowers. Gather them together with your child during your walk in the park or forest. To make an amazing picture, you will need: cardboard, pencils or felt-tip pens, glue flowers and petals. First draw the figures on the cardboard, and then proceed to gluing clothes, wings and a magic wand.

    A few more tips:

    • For panels, paintings, toys made from natural material, you will need cones, seeds of various plants, acorns, alder, birch, acacia catkins, fruits of various plants, leaves, roots, flowers, shells.
    • Frames pasted over with cereals (buckwheat, semolina, corn, millet, sunflower seeds) or shells look amazing - for paintings, photos or mirrors, as well as wooden boxes.

    In order for the child to understand the sequence of work, you should first show how to make crafts. After the kid has learned the first basics of creating a toy from natural material, it will be enough for him to show a drawing, a picture or a photograph of a finished craft, and with an understanding of the process he will be able to make it on his own. Then the child should be offered to make fairy-tale characters or animals seen in the zoo from natural material. Such activities greatly develop the creativity, imagination and imagination of children.

    At present, there is a need to take care of strengthening the child's connection with nature and culture, work and art. Now children are moving further and further away from nature, forgetting its beauty and value. Working with natural material helps develop imagination, a sense of shape and color, accuracy, diligence, and instills a love for beauty.



    Advice for parents


    Making crafts from natural materials - an exciting activity. It develops interest and love for nature, respect for it, artistic taste, creative imagination and design abilities, skill, ingenuity, diligence, perseverance and patience. Working with natural material, the child gets acquainted with its properties, he develops fine motor skills hands, coordination of movements, etc.

    More often organize walks, excursions, during which not only observe, but also collect natural material. Learn to collect material so as not to damage nature: birch bark and bark are carefully removed from fallen trees, dry twigs, cones, seeds, leaves.

    Crafts made from natural material allow us to take a trip to Magic world nature.

    The best time to collect material on natural crafts- summer and autumn.

    Do not pass by and be sure to take for work: leaves and flowers, you can make beautiful crafts, good crafts are made from acorns with cups, cones, nuts, suitable for crafts and beans, beans, peas, fruits, vegetables, twigs, you can make natural crafts from sea and river shells, lionfish seeds and much more. Also, very beautiful crafts are obtained from simple pebbles. Beautiful crafts can be made from natural clay and even from sand!

    In the manufacture of crafts, additional materials are also used: paper, cardboard, plasticine, wire, glue, etc.

    Do not stain natural material, our task is to teach children to emphasize its natural beauty. It is much better to cover crafts with a colorless varnish to make them more durable and beautiful;

    Do not use other material for decoration, such as paper, foam rubber, polystyrene, etc. From this, the craft loses its natural charm;

    Do not use material that can cause injury to the child or threaten his health (burdock, poisonous plants, etc.).

    It is necessary to encourage the desire of children to collect and use in their work natural material not only from the Central Russian zone, but also from the southern regions of our country: sea shells, dogwood seeds, dates, white acacia seeds, cones of southern coniferous plants and other gifts of the south.

    Everything that a child creates must find practical application. So children use their crafts as gifts, in various games, decorate play corners with them.

    Making crafts from natural materials is an exciting activity. It develops interest and love for nature, respect for it, artistic taste, creative imagination and design abilities, skill, ingenuity, diligence, perseverance and patience. Working with natural material, the child gets acquainted with its properties, he develops small muscles of the hands, coordination of movements, which is very important for correcting speech and preparing the child for learning activities, for a successful step in entering school. Making crafts from natural material satisfies children's curiosity. In search of something new, children show interest in creativity, design, achieve their goals. Such work has a positive effect on their emotional mood. Do-it-yourself crafts allow everyone to show imagination and ingenuity, children are cheered up, and adults are helped to get rid of accumulated fatigue. And all thanks amazing property natural materials to energize and take away the accumulated negative.

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