• Road traffic rules for children. Recall the rules of the road for children of preschool age and schoolchildren all about road rules for children


    Child learning before school age Road rules - an integral part of their upbringing, which should pay special attention to both young parents and teachers in Dow. From most early years small child Must understand the importance of compliance with these rules, since this depends on the safety of his life and health.

    Nevertheless, the baby is very difficult to explain what it is not recommended to do during walks and movement on the road, and what dangers can tide it on the street. In this article we will give the main rules of the road for children preschool ageoutlined in a simple, affordable and understandable form.

    How to explain the child's rules?

    To convey to a small child, the main rules of the road in the form available to it can be used by the following explanations:

    1. Any movement should be carried out only on the right side. This applies not only to cars and all other types of transport, but also pedestrians who move on the sidewalk.
    2. Where there are no sidewalks, you need to move very carefully on the side of the road, towards the flow of transport.
    3. It is possible to move the territory of the movement of machines only on a specially intended pedestrian crossing, designated "Zebra", or on the green light in those places where there is a traffic light. At the same time, if there is an unregulated pedestrian crossing on the road, it is necessary to initially clearly make sure of its upcoming maneuver and the absence of moving cars and other vehicles, even despite the fact that drivers in such a situation are obliged to pass people. In all cases, it should be understood that a person sitting behind the wheel may simply not notice a child or an adult, turning the road, and the car needs time to stay.
    4. On red and yellow light, movement is prohibited, both for pedestrians and for any vehicles.
    5. When leaving the trolley buse, the bus or tram should not immediately move the road, bypassing the vehicle. It is better to wait for the moment when large transport will move away from the stop, and calmly complete his maneuver, after preparing his safety.
    6. Turning the road together with adults, it is necessary to hold onto the hand to his hand and not to let all the time until the intersection of the carriage part will be completed.
    7. Under no circumstances are allowed to jump onto the road in front of a moving car.
    8. When driving in the car, it is necessary to sit in a specially intended chair and never disassemble seat belts while driving.
    9. Special caution should be exercised during roller skating, skate or.

    We live in a world that inhabit more than 7 billion people, and approximately every 7th resident drives the car. With this abundance of vehicles, the traffic rules need even preschoolers. The parent does not always be 100% inclusive in the situation, and for a collision with a moving car, quite a split second. To tell how to safely go the road, you need from 3-4 years. To school, the child should know the rules for the behavior of a pedestrian izubok. But what to do if there are no such knowledge or are they insufficient?

    When and how to study traffic rules

    Back with diapers, children seek to copy adults. Mom's behavior and dad on the road - the main example, which "postponed on the herbs". If parents violate the rules (in a hurry, by inattentive), the child will unconsciously act as much regardless of whether he knows traffic rules or not. Therefore, the first I. chief Lessonwho can teach adult children - to show in reality that they are conscious pedestrians.

    When to start learning from pDD child? Read all sorts of rhymes, listen to songs, watch cartoons about behavior on the road can already have been from 1 year. From 3-4 years should be an explanatory conversation. For example, talking with a child on the fact that for a complete stop, the car will need the time that it does not know how to instantly slow down. Back in the period of visiting kindergarten The baby must learn what the road is, the pavement, a pedestrian crossing, traffic lights - and how to use them.

    How to help the preschooler learned traffic rules? With children 3-7 years old lessons are held in gaming form And with visual examples - so the material is faster and more fully absorbed. In addition, it is important to take into account the perception of the world, characteristic of this age, the level of the possibilities of the psyche.

    1. About 8 years old, "Tunnel" vision prevails - the child perceives objects in front of him, but not on the side. Therefore, it is important for children to learn before going on the road carefully look around.
    2. Up to 6 years, the child is not able to quickly install the noise source, hear the approaching car.
    3. Up to 5-6 years, the concentration of attention is election. The kid can simultaneously appreciate only one object - in his opinion, the most significant (for example, the baby notices how the truck is approaching, but does not pay attention to the passenger car).
    4. Low growth limits the viewing angle, children can not see everything that happens on the road. Drivers of large-sized cars for the same reason it is difficult to notice the child.

    It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the child's behavior in a dangerous situation. Nine out of ten children with the form of a car carrying on them flow into a stupor and cover their face with their hands. The tenth rushes into panic escape, most often right under the wheels of the machine. Therefore, no matter how intelledible kid, it should be translated across the road with an adult, tightly holding hand.

    List of rules

    Knowledge of traffic signals and zebras for the preschooler is not enough, the picture of the road will not be complete. It is necessary to explain the baby, what types of transport are how they move, talk to him about the purpose of sidewalks, underground transitions, about the strips of movement.

    5 traffic rules for preschoolers:

    1. You can cross the roadway on a green traffic light or transition, and only so.
    2. Before you stand on the road, you need to look left, then, reaching the dividing strip, to see right.
    3. Along the road to move on the sidewalk on the right. If you are outside the city - go towards cars by road.
    4. You can not play near the road. You can not run it, go to red or yellow light, even if there are no cars nearby.
    5. Need to know some road signs. In detail, they are described in the picture below.

    Dangerous situations on the road

    Surrounding on the roadway is from several tens to hundreds of people. Even if one of them makes a mistake, an accident can happen. This is a human factor, and the child should know about him.

    Here are the most dangerous surprises with which you can face on the road:

    1. Because of the car standing at the curb, the car sharply appears. Therefore, before moving the road, you need to view the entire moving strip.
    2. A red light was lit, and the child in the middle of the road. The movement of transport from both sides can be very frightened, but it is impossible to be a panic, run forward or backward.
    3. The car moves slowly, and it seems that you can have time to run. No you can not. It can drive cars at high speed.
    4. The car suddenly left the car. Accidents occur not only on a busy road - in residential arrays a lot of turns, because of which the car may appear at any time.
    5. The driver moved from a place to a green signal for a pedestrian. Yes, such cases are not uncommon. There are violators, there will be. Even moving the road according to the rules, the child must be attentive, not to be distracted by the game, remove the headphones, look around.

    Poems, riddles, songs on the topic

    There are a lot of children's prints for which you can teach children of preschool traffic police. For example, the book is popular S. Volkov "about the rules of the road", A. Usacheva with a similar name. Interesting on the topic road rules Poems I. Gurina "Naughty Pedestrian", "Zebra", "The sidewalk and passing part".

    An example of poem for preschoolers:

    All guys smart clear:
    Where the road is dangerous there!
    Lying, Pedestrian
    Black and white transition!

    Do not burn green light?
    Is there no traffic light?
    What? How so?
    Look at the blue sign.

    The little man in it goes?
    So, this is a transition.
    The road is comfortable standing,
    Do not run, not hooligan,

    Mom by hand take
    Look to the right and left!
    Invites the transition:
    - Come on me forward!

    (I. Gurina)

    There are rhymes in verses and therefore they are easier to remember the child. Here is another poetic variant of traffic rules for preschool:

    Fast in Mount Riding? - Yes.

    Rules Do you know the movement? - Yes.

    Here in the traffic lights the red light burns,

    Can you go across the street? - Not.

    Well, and green burns, then

    Can you go across the street? - Yes.

    I got into the tram, but did not take a ticket.

    So what do you think? - Not.

    Old woman, advanced very years,

    Do you give way to the tram to her? - Yes.

    After several readings, the child will be answered or "no". To secure the material very well listen to the songs of A. Shacheva, A. Pineginine "Road is not a path" and "This world consists of pedestrians" from a collection of children's songs.

    It is useful and very fascinating to make a baby riddles. Example:

    Illustrated instructions

    It is known that a person has several types of memory. In addition to auditory, there is still tactile and visual. Preschool children are advised to train on pictures. Bright illustrations are of interest, and even if some words adult kid listened, the image will be deposited in the memory.

    An example of a picture that is suitable for studying traffic rules for a preschooler:

    4 options game

    A rare child will sit behind the books and listen to poems. Especially if the sun has a sun and hourgings are waiting for the window. Do not get upset or irritate inattention. You can play with a child in an interesting game in traffic rules, from which he will probably not refuse. It is best to spend it on the street with other children, in the yard or kindergarten.

    So, we give 4 options for educational games.

    1. "And we have on the street." The action takes place in the sandbox. Children put cars, small soldiers, dolls, adults make road signs and traffic lights, markers and toothpicks. Further of slightly wet sand is recreated nearby road and buildings around. Children are divided into pedestrians and drivers. The first is the task: go to the store, to the hospital, take a bus, etc. Drivers are driving on the road, creating a danger.
    2. "Toy store". The occupation is carried out at the playground. A pedestrian crossing, the road, on the opposite side, is drawn on the asphalt chalk, where all the toys are being taken. Babys are divided into groups: drivers, pedestrians, 1 seller. Senior child or adult plays the role of the inspector and asks exam questions for drivers: when you can go when you can not, what is the road, sidebar, sidewalk, what signs you know. With the correct responses, the kids are issued cars. The second adult stands at the transition and alternately shows green, red, yellow card. Pedestrians are declared task to move the street, make a purchase in the store and return back, drives - drive down the street on all traffic rules.
    3. "Traffic light". Before the game, circles made of yellow, green, red cardboard are cut. Then the lead alternately shows them, and the child performs the appropriate action: at the sight of a red mug, walks back, the yellow signal is squatting, he reacts to the green in place.
    4. "Who will remember more signs." The group of children on the backs are attached with papers with the image of road signs so that they cannot be survived. Then the master declares the task: you need to see and remember as many drawings as possible, but at the same time hide your own. After 30 seconds, the stop signal sounds. Children are issued leaves and markers, and they are trying to remember and draw signs that they saw. After an adult tells what they mean, and awards the winner with a symbolic prize.

    Talking about traffic rules with a child often, not episodically. Turning the road, it is worth paying the attention of the baby to the traffic light signal. With older children, you can try to change roles - it is an adult, translates the little dad or mom across the road.

    Learning traffic rules never early. With a playing method of learning, the child will absorb the information very soon. Further is the case of repetition. In addition to the above methods, it can be done to fix the material with a baby crafts: to sculpt from plasticine traffic lights, zebra, signs, making cardboard layouts, appliqués. It is no less interesting than roll cars and comb dolls. Especially since the security of the child is on the horse.

    There are things that are never late to learn, but the rules of the road to study never early. Of course in a form available to a child, and starting with the easiest and necessary rules. Use any opportunity to tell the baby how to behave outside. Go for a walk or visit - fine! Just comment on your actions: Going the street only at a pedestrian crossing, we are waiting for the green light, look to the left, etc. Let the rules of the road become an interesting daily exercise for children, a fascinating game! Guess the child suitable riddles (about traffic light, road zebra, regulator, and others), if you remember, read verses (the same "Uncle Step", probably not forgotten from childhood). And perform a very important rule, not for children - for you: never break yourself!

    An example of parents

    Psychologists speak correctly, when they explain to parents that the baby begins to learn something not when he explains or tell. Everything happens much earlier - still sitting in a stroller, he remembers the behavior of his adults (moms, dads, grandparents, brother, sister, etc.).

    Therefore, moving the road with your child in a carriage or on the hands of themselves, learn how to follow the rules of the road, do the way, as you think, should do your baby in the future. It is unlikely that you will later find a reasonable explanation when the child asks - why you can, and it is impossible for him. Especially since you copy your behavior children at an unconscious level.

    The simplest thing is to control each other with the whole family and make each other comments. Do not beliqutenly, believe me, without this, there will be a little!

    Practical advice: If you suddenly break the traffic rules, think about how little time you saved, and is it worth it.

    Major Road Roads for Little Children

    - When moving the street, you need to stop, check there is no cars on the left, then to the right, and again look at the left before going

    - The road to transition only when the green light on the traffic lights already caught fire.

    - If possible, you need to search for a transition with zebra and traffic lights

    - You can not throw off the road right through the stream of cars, even if they slowly go

    - You can not play on the road and near her, you can not go around the street without older

    Preschooler of younger age should know:

    - Names of road elements: sidewalk, driving part, road road, zebra, transition, crossroads, pedestrian transition sign

    - Vehicle names: Machine (Machine, Truck), Trolleybus, Bike, Tram, Motorcycle

    - what are called and what traffic lights mean signals

    - How to move on sidewalks or roadbrains

    - How to sit down and get out of public transport

    - how to move the road

    - The fact that without adults to move the road and can not be in the carriageway!

    How to learn the baby's toddler rules

    1. Do not overdo: familiarize the child only with necessary quantity Information that he is able to assimilate, remember and apply.
    2. Road rules for children are primarily practice. Tell and consolidate in practice how to behave, prompt what is happening on the street, on the road, what transport you can see, on which ride.
    3. Walking around the yard, on the way to kindergarten, turning the roadway, use everything that happens for explanations and explanations - specific situations are very visual and remembered better than one hundred repetitions in words
    4. Pay attention to the baby on the violators, explain what happened and what threatens
    5. Teach your child where and how to move the road, how to ride a bike, scooter, rollers
    6. Do not scare expensive and street - knowledge and skills will not give it, but I will add psychological problems. Sometimes the fear of expensive and panic in front of the machines is no less dangerous than the inattentive and non-serious attitude.
    7. The fact that all knowledge is better masterful in the game is fair and here: Play with the child in the thematic games, buy a road alphabet, read poems, books on this topic, there are computer and tablet training games according to traffic rules, interactive toys.

    Skills of behavior on the street

    1. Attention and control when moving the street.

    It is necessary not to be distracted, not to talk on the phone and with friends, do not listen to music, but to stop and look around.

    1. Confidence and calm.

    Going somewhere better to go out in advance, so as not to hurry, calmly and carefully move the road, do not catch up with outgoing transport. Never rush across the street - such a hurry can cost life. Explain to the baby that it is not so scary to be late somewhere, it is terrible to be under the car.

    1. Independence

    Parental control is good, but the child must eventually be able to independently make decisions and behave correctly.

    Practical advice: more often "change roles" with the baby. Let him translate you across the street, will tell how the wrong passerby passed, running to the red light, will tell about how to come to the bus. Children like to feel adults, they appreciate confidence in spite of age. Just do not mock and do not tear over the baby, if he was mistaken, it's better to tell it quietly, correct it, and no matter what happened to continue the game.

    1. Ability to see danger

    Show the child "live" those objects and places where there may be hidden danger. For example, a place in the crowd of people at the bus stop is not so safe as it seems - the way can be seen bad, the child can be challenged on the roadway. Or show how it is dangerous to move the road to the scene or leaving due to obstacles (transport, bushes, trees). The road is visible bad and even if you do not rush, the car can jump out unexpectedly.

    There are no little things on the road!

    There are no violations of small. Each may have consequences. Therefore, do not allow any child to neglect traffic rules.

    And one more important moment! Of course, in the first time, the rules of the road for children are more game than studying, but still playing with the baby plots on the topic of road traffic, simulating different street events, we must convey to him that in life all these situations and accidents represent real danger.

    Children's reaction and opportunities at different ages

    Parents are required to know:

    IN three or four years old The kid is already distinguished when the car rides when it is worth, but does not understand that it can not stop instantly.

    FROM five to six years He knows the right and left, but it still can not quickly respond, does not know how to determine the speed means of movement (i.e. knows, but it does not always realize that the bike can not move the faster of the car). The lateral eyesight of the child covers about two thirds of what an adult sees, but to distribute attention to the attention and concentrate on the main thing, he still does not quite know how to determine what is significantly, and what is not even difficult for him.

    Seven-year-old child confidently feels on the street, it is less confused by the left and right, reacts faster and already has some experience and skills.

    At eight years the child can already react to a cry at the same time, he has the experience of independent movement on the street, he is already able or actively learned to ride a bike, rollers. It can determine the sources of noise (for example, the noise of the engine of the approaching car) on them to respond on them, sees the relationship between an increase and approximation of the item (when the machine is approaching it increases). At this age, the rules of the road for children are completely understandable, as well as their necessity.

    Usefulness: games, toys, cartoons

    You can purchase thematic toys: sets of road signs, board games (for example, the "young pedestrian" from the series "It is necessary to know"), training interactive posters, tablets with players on training traffic rules, gaming rugs With a whole city in miniature (you can move figures and machines on it, playing role-playing games at the same time studying traffic rules). Such toys are easy to order in online stores Child's world or MYTOYS.RU.

    Children love cartoons - show them the animated series Lessons of Aunt Owls (ABC of Road Safety), "Robokar Polly", "I am Nicolas - instilled roads for children" and others.

    On the Internet you can download videos and presentations, participate in games on children's television channels, for example, on the site of the Nickelodion Canal to children who are correctly answered by Quiz questions on traffic rules, you can download funny coloring and get a pedestrian passport.

    The site "Mom can all!" Collected the most interesting poems about traffic rules for children. They will help the kids to remember the rules of the road. And in order to take place even more interesting, we prepared poems in pictures.

    Reads a stupid elephant book
    On the bridge itself
    And the uncommon to him that he
    Risks head.

    Need to obey without dispute
    Traffic instructions:
    Need rule of movement
    Perform without objection.

    Everywhere and everywhere rules, they always need to know:
    Without them, they will not go into swimming from the harbor of the court.
    Going to the flight according to the rules of the polarist and the pilot.
    The rules of the driver and pedestrians have their own.
    As a multiplication table like a lesson,
    Remember the Rules of Movement of Nazubok!
    In the city, the street does not go just like this:
    When you do not know the rules, it is easy to get to come.
    All the time be attentive and remember in advance:
    His rules for the driver and pedestrian!

    Any intersection
    Trefood meets us
    And gets very simple
    With a pedestrian conversation:
    Cvet green- pass!
    Yellow - better wait!
    If the light is lit red -
    It means
    Move danger!
    Let the tram pass,
    Take the patience.
    Learn and respect the Rules of Movement.

    And Avenues and Boulevards -
    Everywhere the streets are noisy
    Come on the sidewalk
    Only with right side!

    Here is stitching, interfere with the people
    Be an exemplary pedestrian

    If you drive in the tram
    And around you people
    Not pursuing, not yawning,
    Come speed forward.

    Ride "hare", as you know,
    Cede the old woman

    If you walk just,
    Still forward looking,
    Through noisy crossroads
    Carefully pass.

    Red light transition
    With green even children

    There is an underground passage
    And overhead transition.
    We go on it
    From cars he will save!

    Mechat wheels
    On the way to.
    Above expensive
    Rush legs.
    This is me
    It's i'm running
    On horseback!
    I sitting
    And sit
    On run!
    And kachu cars
    And rolling,
    Where want!

    Here at any time
    Defext is dressed.
    He runs at once,
    Who in front of him on the pavement.

    No one can so
    One movement of hand
    Stop the flow of passersby
    And skip trucks.

    Traffic light - road friend
    Manages everything around.
    Red light is a formidable look.
    He is danger tatt.
    If the light burns such
    So like a soldier, stand!

    Here at any time
    A dexterous duty room.
    He runs at once,
    Who in front of him on the pavement.

    No one can so
    One movement of hand
    Stop the flow of passersby
    And skip trucks.

    Zebra in Africa lives,
    Striped very.
    Drinking water, chewing grass,
    It wants to cut down.

    And on the street we have
    Here at the intersection,
    Exactly zebra just right -
    Striped transition.

    Light green ray seed,
    He is like mom.
    Taking over the handle will hold
    Strins straight.

    If the sign in the Kaimka is red -
    So - to do so it is impossible!
    So - action is dangerous!
    Listen to him, friends!

    Need to obey without dispute
    Instructions of traffic lights.
    Need to rules movement
    Perform without objection.
    This will confirm all
    Good doctor Aibolit.

    Embed under the snow lawns with grass,
    Sliply machines on the pavement.
    Ice tightened the river bed,
    Teddy bear stood on skates.

    Only ride not on Kotka:
    He went outside with a stick in his hand.
    Ringing cars not far away.
    It is difficult to brake in the winter,
    Tires in the snow will slide.

    How long, children, here before trouble?!
    There is for hockey rollers and ponds.
    Only shoes with skates put on,
    Ice will sing under your feet all day.
    And bridge - a dangerous rink,
    You need to go back to the courtyard, my friend.

    Pedestrian, pedestrian,
    Remember you about the transition!
    Deep underground
    As zebra, ground.
    Know that only the transition
    From the cars will save you!

    Here at any time
    A dexterous duty room.
    He runs at once,
    Who in front of him on the pavement.

    No one can so
    One movement of hand
    Stop the flow of passersby
    And skip trucks.

    Where there is noisy intersection,
    Where cars do not count,
    Go not so easy
    If the rules do not know.

    Let them remember firmly children:
    That comes true
    Who only under the green light
    Through the street goes!

    Where there is noisy intersection,
    Where cars do not count,
    Go not so easy
    If the rules do not know.

    Let them remember firmly children:
    That comes true
    Who only under the green light
    Through the street goes!

    Movement rules
    All without exception
    Must must be animals:
    Badgers and pigs,

    Hares and crucibles
    Pony and kittens.
    You guys too
    All of them need to know.

    Tormezo driver. Pave!
    Sign - Prohibition in front of you.
    The most strict sign,
    So as you have driven around.
    Must sign, you observe
    "Under the brick" do not call.

    We make the guys a warning:
    Learn urgently traffic rules,
    So that parents are not worried every day,
    So that the drivers were calmly rushed!

    The city in which we live with you,
    You can rightly compare with the letter.
    Alphabet of streets, prospectuses, roads
    The city gives us a lesson all the time.

    Here it is, alphabet, above his head:
    Signs are hung over the pavement.
    Alphabet of the city remember always
    So as not to happen to you trouble!

    Children's playground at home
    According to the rules - the living area.
    Will tell the driver sign -
    In the yard - be vigilant.
    You go quiet, carefully,
    Park, where you can.

    A man is drawn.
    The earth roets man.
    Why not pass?
    Maybe here is looking for a treasure?
    And vintage coins
    In the chest lie big?
    They are here, probably insert
    Hid a very greedy king.
    I was told: "What are you, what are you!
    Here road works! "

    Round sign similar to the ball
    He prohibits the movement.
    Will not have time for the match,
    Who breaks off.

    Road rules
    Not so complex
    Only in life rules
    Very much need.

    Wonderful sign -
    Exclamation point!
    So you can scream here
    Sing, noise, fool?
    Or run barefoot!
    Or go with a breeze!
    People answer strictly:
    "Here is a dangerous road!"
    Very asks the road sign
    Go quiet, carefully!

    Here at any time
    Defext is dressed.
    He runs at once,
    Who in front of him on the pavement.

    No one can in the world:
    One movement of hand
    Stop the flow of passersby
    And skip trucks.

    The head twisted
    In circular motion.
    Devorate was played -
    In the Park Entertainment.
    And the driver does not play -
    In circular motion,
    The path in the arrow continues -
    According to the driving rules.

    Sledge, skiing and skates
    Make winter days.
    But ride, it's clear
    It is necessary in place safe.

    Speak with lifting crane in the distance
    At some foreign language.
    It sounds unusually:
    "Vira! Main!
    Vira! Main! "
    "Main" - the cargo went down.
    "Vira" - he is at the top of it.
    Crane understands perfectly.
    Lowers, raises.
    All that crane driver will say
    Performs at the same moment.

    Machines also need to eat
    Gasoline, gas refueling.
    And it will not ride, listen,
    Without fuel will be sneezing.
    From Dr. Recipe and Help,
    It will not help, will not save.
    Salvation - gas station - refueling,
    Gasoline will fill, you, only here.

    Girls and boys,
    All, without exception,
    Learn Rules

    Deli the guys caution:
    "Learn urgently, Movement Rules!
    So as not worried
    Every day parents,
    So that calmly rushed
    Street drivers. "

    Rides dad on hunting
    Rides in the field - "Russian jeep".
    Suddenly she grabbed his head,
    Forgot the gun - here is the Vlip!
    Pointer just right
    Rotate home can not
    Said to dad mom,
    What he rushes in vain.

    Red - "Stop!" "Get ready!" - Yellow.
    And the green light is "Go!"
    Be careful and persistent,
    Do not run - wait wait!

    Purpose: preservation of children's life and health; Combining the efforts of teachers and parents on the issue of familiarizing children with the rules of the road and their observance in life; The systematic and active distribution of knowledge about the rules of the road among parents.

    Form of holding: Cognitive-game competition.



    Child and road rules

    Purpose: preservation of children's life and health; Combining the efforts of teachers and parents on the issue of familiarizing children with the rules of the road and their observance in life; The systematic and active distribution of knowledge about the rules of the road among parents.

    Form of holding: Cognitive-game competition.

    Plan for

    1. Opening word leading parental Assembly.
    2. Pedagogical Community Stage. Speech by the traffic police officer.
    3. Stage show practical activities With children on the study of traffic rules.
    4. Summing up the parent assembly. Decision-making.

    Event flow

    Preparatory stage

    1. The decoration of the poster "The road does not tolerate pranks - punishes without pity!"; invitation to parents to the parent meeting, indicating his program; visual agitation (stands "Attention! Street", "Everyone", "Red, Yellow, Green"); The exhibition of children's work "We are going, we go, we go ...; thematic exhibition (selection of art words, books for reading children, visual and didactic manuals, games, etc.).
    2. Attracting parents to make attributes, equipment for games, benefits for studying children with road rules.
    3. Creating folders moving ("Caution - red light", "Traffic light").

    Organizational stage

    Posters are posted, the topic of the meeting; decorated:

    • Information and methodological exhibition on the topic of the meeting;
    • Photo extension "from the scene" (car accident);
    • Exhibition of children's drawings on the topic of the meeting.

    Opening word leading

    The cause of road traffic accidents often become children. It happens because of the ignorance of the rules of the road or inability to be disciplined on the street. As statistics show, the fourth part of the total number of traffic accidents with the participation of young road users belongs to children of preschool age.

    Analysis of all incidents with children conducted by the traffic police showed that our guys are dangerous to be parties to the road and as a pedestrian, and as a passenger, and as a vehicle driver, be it a bicycle or moped. Children do not comply with the rules of the road, do not know how to navigate in situations on the road, they have no experience, psychological preparedness and, most importantly, very often there is no positive example before eyes. Each road accident in which the child got, is a direct edge of adults.

    Today at the meeting we will try to answer the question: how to avoid dangers on the road?

    Starting from early childhood, the child must get the basics of road culture. "Then, for him, at any age there will be a natural culture of behavior behind the wheel or on a pedestrian walkway," says R.G. Bzzhev, talented teacher from the Republic of Adygea. Everything that the child will be in this age will remain firmly in his memory.

    (The subject of discussion at the meeting becomes the behavior on the street not only children, but also adults themselves.)

    Pedagogical Community Stage. Speech of the traffic police officer

    Traffic police officer:

    • Talks about the causes of child injury;
    • Explains what role an example of an adult in children's education is played;
    • Tries to convince the parents in the need to act in accordance with the rules of the road;
    • I introduces the parents present with the rules of the road, which should know the child of senior preschool age.

    Causes of children's road traffic injuries:

    • Road transition in an unidentified place, in front of closely coming transport;
    • Games on the roadway;
    • Inattention to traffic control signals;
    • Access to the roadway due to standing machines, structures, green plantings and other obstacles;
    • Incorrect choice of road transition site when landed from transport;
    • Ignorance of crossroad transition rules;
    • Walking on the roadway with the sidewalk;
    • Cycling on the roadway, which was not 14 years old;
    • Riding on rollers and scooters on the roadway.

    Psychological reasons:

    • Escape from danger in the flow of moving transport;
    • The inability of children to observe;
    • Inattention;
    • Undeveloped sense of danger;
    • Insufficient adult supervision for the behavior of children.

    Parents ask their questions. The traffic police representative replies.

    Browse a video "Observe Road Rules".

    Show fragments of children's cognitive educational programs according to the rules of the road: "Sesame Street", "Smeshariki", "Safety Lessons" (as a recommendation for use at home).

    The step of showing practical activities with children on the study of road traffic rules.

    Cognitive-game program "Red. Yellow. Green"

    Objectives: attract parents to joint entertainment to consolidate the ideas about the prescription of traffic lights and its signals; About transport of different types (cargo, passenger, air, water); on road signs (underground and pedestrian crossing); On the rules of the road; Cause the desire to act together, together; To give children the joy of communicating with relatives.

    Event flow

    1. Standing word

    In the hall where the parent meeting is held, children enter and sit on pre-prepared places.

    Leading. Dear parents and expensive guys! Today we met to play and talk together. We invite you to take part in the informative-gaming program "Red. Yellow. Green". But first we need to divide into three teams: "Cyclists", "motorcyclists", "motorists".

    We welcome the team and our respected jury. So, we start!

    2. Joint assignments

    • Remember and sing songs about any type of transport (Each team in turn performs one songs of the song). The team wins the team that will finish the latter.
    • Read the poem or make a riddle. Teams read poems or make riddles riddles each other. Wins the one who comes out.

    Rose to the edge of the street in a long boo

    Stuffed three-chapted on one leg.

    Where cars are moving where the paths agreed,

    Helps the street to people go. (traffic light)

    He has colored eyes, not eyes, but three fire.

    He looks at me on top of them from above. (traffic light)

    On the rubber go all the roads go around.

    All the ways are open to me. Do you with me along the way? (a car)

    Mole was climbed into the courtyard, Mole was climbed, the land is root at the gate.

    Ton in the mouth of the earth will enter if the mole opens the mouth. (excavator)

    The house on the street goes, everyone is lucky to work.

    Not on the courier thin legs, but in rubber boots. (bus)

    What a miracle this house is a light circle window.

    Wears rubber shoes, but feeds gasoline. (bus)

    On the rubber go all roads go,

    I'm on construction fit, I'm not afraid of work. (freight car)

    For this horse food - gasoline and oil, and water.

    In the meadow it does not walk, on the road he rushes. (car)

    Does not fly, not buzzing, the beetle on the street runs,

    And two shiny lights burn in the eyes of the beetle. (car)

    In the field the staircase is lying.

    The house on the stairs runs. (a train)

    Instead of legs - two wheels.

    Sit down and rush on it,

    Only better right steering wheel. (bicycle)

    Flies like an arrow, buzzes like a bee. (plane)

    Proud by sea floats snow-white ... (steamer)

    Rushing and shoots, grumbling patter.

    I tram do not sneak after this tarantor. (motorcycle)

    Gang up the eye of the beetle, overtook the green meadow.

    The road crushed Kovyl and left, leaving dust. (motorcycle)

    Slaya on four legs, in rubber boots

    The straight from the store dragged us piano. (truck)

    • Remember and call the proverb (Wins one who will call again.)
    • The quieter you go, the further you'll get.
    • Feel the troubles until they are.
    • Look in both, but do not break the label.
    • I rode straight, but I got into pit.
    • Draw a traffic light. Each team participant runs up in turn to the board and draws part of the traffic light.
    • Draw a vehicle. It is necessary to draw an unusual vehicle with closed eyes and explain - for which it is intended. Wins one who is original and expressively cope with the task.
    • Consider with children a series of pictures from a set of traffic rules(talk about the actions of heroes).
    • Dispatch and call signs.

    Road signs are:

    • Warning (red triangles);
    • Prohibiting (red circles);
    • Informational and index (blue rectangles).
    • To a specific (color) signal to perform certain movements (by type of play in the "traffic light").

    Red - without movement;

    Yellow cotton;

    Green - walking.

    The team wins, the participants of which were less wrong.

    • Invent your sign (for example, "DANGER: Thin ice!", "Sanka forbidden").
    • Tasks for children

    What does this sign mean? (For example, underground and pedestrian crossing).

    • Contests-relay
    • "Trip with obstacles" (drive on a bike, circling ketchi).
    • "Transportation of goods" (team members transport building materials and build a house).
    • "Whose bus will go further" (team members allow their bus from an improvised slide).
    • Pay attention (clap your hands when the lead calls a water type of transport).
    • Review the street (On the table there is a layout of the city: the streets, houses made by children pre-).

    What needs to be done to make this street look like this?

    What is missing on it?

    It is necessary to supplement the street with the missing items (road signs, traffic lights, men, different machines).

    • "What is too much" On the classification of transport (ground, air, water, underground). Each team shows a picture with a pictorial side.
    • The verbal game "This is me, it's me, these are all my friends"

    Which of you in the bus is closely inferior to old men?

    Children answer "This is me, it's me, these are all my friends."

    Which of you go ahead only there, where is the transition?

    Does anyone know that the red light means - "no stroke?"

    Children: "This is me, that's me, these are all my friends."

    Does anyone know that the light is green - "way open", yellow light - "Attention"?

    Children: "This is me, that's me, these are all my friends."

    And who of you, going home, walks on the carriage pavement?

    Children: "No, I'm not, no, not me, and all my friends."

    • "Question answer"
    • Who are all people and big and small when they go to the road? (Pedestrians.)
    • What needs to be performed and knowing that we are considered cultural (good) pedestrians? (Traffic Laws.)
    • What part of the street should pedestrians go? (On the sidewalk.)
    • Do you think it is most important when moving the street? (Have good review Cargo part in all sides of the street, be attentive.)
    • What traffic rules do you know? Name.
    • Tasks for parents
    • Explain to children the following concepts.

    1st team: DPS, highway, street, rod, traffic light.

    2nd team: gas station, pavement, beacon, adjustr, road sign.

    3rd team: traffic police, highway, square, siren, sidewalk.

    The team that more precisely and faster interlocks the terms, and is available to understand preschoolers.

    • "Question answer"
    • When the car goes, what wheel does not spin it? (Spare.)
    • Why are you always walking? (On the stairs.)
    • What is adjustable intersection? (Crossroads, on which the movement is regulated by a policeman-controller or traffic light).
    • How do you need to bypass cars near the sidewalk? (Just behind, to see the transport running behind them.)
    • Why do preschoolers remember the rules of behavior on the street, if they go along with adults and should strictly fulfill their instructions? (The child must consciously fulfill the rules.)
    • What types of pedestrian crossings are and what preschool children should know? (Adjustable, unregulated, terrestrial, underground, overhead.)
    • How should the child keep a hand when moving the street? (Firmly for the wrist so that the child does not break out.)
    • How should adult with a child enter the bus? (The child is first, adult behind him).

    The rules of the road in the light is not small.

    Everyone would not hurt them to learn

    But the main rules of movement

    Know how the table must be multiplying.

    On the pavement, do not play, do not ride

    If you want to stay healthy!

    In the city, on the street

    Do not go just like this:

    When you do not know the rules,

    Easy to get to you.

    All the time be attentive

    And remember in advance:

    His rules have

    Chauffeur and pedestrian.


    Host: Thanks to all for participation. Now we will listen to what the jury will tell us. Well done, won friendship! And now the participants and audience will be presented with sweet prizes.

    Summing up the parents

    Host: Street for a small man is a complex, cunning, deceptive world, full of hidden dangers. But, thanks to the joint work of a kindergarten and family to train children, the rules of traffic can be achieved great success in raising pedestrian children, reduce road traffic injuries.

    As a decision of the parental meeting, an appeal to all parents can be asked:

    Dear Parents!

    Do not your children have a part of the road to a red traffic light signal? What evaluation do you put yourself for your safety on your children? The task of each parent is to study the alphabet of the pedestrian movement on the road with his child.

    I wish you success! After all, excellent knowledge and performance of traffic rules are a security deposit of a young lifestyle conqueror.

    The road does not tolerate pranks - punishes without pity!

    Municipal budget pre-school educational institution "Kindergarten №64"

    Memo for parents

    "Safe steps towards safety on the road"

    1. What should parents know about their child?

    In 3-4 years, the child can distinguish a moving car from standing, but he is sure that the car stops instantly.

    In 6 years - by side vision, he sees about 2/3 of what they see adults; It does not know how to determine what moves faster: a bicycle or sports car; It does not know how to properly distribute attention and separate essentially from insignificant.

    At 7 years old - more confidently distinguishes the right side of the road from the left.

    In 8 years - can instantly respond to the eye, etc.; has experience in pedestrian movement on the road; actively mastering the basic skills of cycling (ability to cross out obstacles, make cool turns); knows how to determine the source of noise; establish the connection between the size of the subject, its remoteness and time (the closer the car, the more); It may refuse the starting action (stepped on the roadway, return to the sidewalk).

    2. What should the parents themselves do not have to do when driving?

    • Do not rush, go the road always measured step.
    • Going to the roadway, stop talking - the child must get used to the way the road must be concentrated.
    • Do not go through the road to a red or yellow signal of the traffic light, you only need to move on the green light.
    • Go through the road only in places marked by the "Pedestrian Transition" road sign.
    • From the bus, tram, taxi leave the first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the roadway.
    • Attract the child to participate in your observations for the situation on the road: Show it those cars that are preparing to turn, go with great speed, etc.
    • Do not go out with a child because of the car, bushes, without examining the previous road, is a typical error, and you can not allow the children to repeat it.
    • Do not allow children to play near the road and on the roadway.
    • In the car, be sure to fasten the belts; Child put on the safest place: in a special chair, middle or on the right side of the rear seat.
    • Do not be aggressive in relation to other participants of the movement. Instead, explain to the child specifically what their mistake is. Use different situations to familiarize yourself with the rules of the road, quietly recognize their mistakes.

    When leaving the house:

    • Immediately pay attention to the child to the movement of vehicles at the entrance and look together, does not come close to you, a motorcycle, moped, bicycle;
    • If the entrance is vehicles or grow trees covering the review, suspend your movement and look back - there is no danger for an obstacle.

    When driving on the sidewalk:

    • Stick to the right side of the sidewalk;
    • Do not lead the child around the edge of the sidewalk: an adult must be on the side of the carriageway;
    • Hold your hand tightly by hand;
    • Teach the child, going on the sidewalk, carefully observe the departure from the courtyard, etc.;
    • Explain to the child that throwing the roadway by stones, glass, etc., damage to road signs can lead to an accident;
    • Do not count the child to go to the roadway; strollers and sledges with children take only the sidewalk;
    • When moving a group of guys, learn them in a pair, performing all your instructions.

    Preparing to move the road:

    • Stop or slow down the movement, inspect the driving part;
    • Attract the child to observing the situation on the road;
    • Emphasize your movements: turn a head for street examination, stop for road inspection, stop for car passing;
    • Teach the child to distinguish the approaching vehicles;
    • Do not stand with a child on the edge of the sidewalk, since during the passage the vehicle can hook, knock, knock off the rear wheels;
    • Pay attention to the child to the vehicle booting to turn, tell us about the signals of the turning pointers from the car and gestures of the motorcyclist and cyclist;
    • Repeatedly shown the child as the vehicle stops at the transition, as it moves on inertia.

    When moving the roadway:

    • Go the road only by pedestrian transitions or at the intersections on the marked line - Zebra, otherwise the child will get used to move where it is necessary.
    • Do not hurry and do not run; go through the road always measured step;
    • Do not move the road to the scene; emphasize, show and tell the child every time you go strictly across the street that it is done for best observation for auto, motor vehicles;
    • Do not hurry to move the road, if you saw friends, relatives, acquaintances, the right bus or trolleybus on the other side. Do not hurry and do not run to them, inspire your child that it is dangerous;
    • Do not start moving the street, in which transport is rarely passing, without looking around;
    • Explain to the child that cars can suddenly leave the alley, from the courtyard of the house;
    • When moving the roadway to the unregulated transition in the group of people, learn the child carefully follow the start of the transport movement, otherwise it can get used to the transition to the behavior of satellites that do not observe traffic.

    When landing and disembarking from public transport (buses, tram and taxis):

    • Go out ahead of the child, as the baby can fall, and the older child can run out due to the standing transport on the roadway;
    • Come to the landing to the door of the vehicle only after its complete stop: a child, like an adult, can be stupid and get under the wheels;
    • Do not sit in public transport at the last moment when it is sent (you can press the doors); The front door is a special danger, as you can get under the wheels of the vehicle;
    • Teach the child to be attentive in the stop zone - a particularly dangerous place for him: a standing bus reduces the road overview of the road in this zone, pedestrians are more often in a hurry and can accidentally push the child to the roadway and the like.

    When waiting for public transport:

    • Stand together with children only on the landing site, and in their absence - on the sidewalk or sidelines.

    When moving a car:

    • Teach children to sit in the car only in the back seat; Do not allow to sit next to the driver if the front seat is not equipped with a special children's chair; Explain that with a sharp stop or collision, the inertia strength "throws" sitting forward, it hits the front panel glass; This is enough for the passenger to die or was badly wounded;
    • Do not allow the young child while driving in the back seat: when a collision or a sudden stop, it can fly through the seat back and hit the front glass or panel;
    • Do not allow children to be in a car unattended.

    When driving in public transport:

    • Teach the child tightly hold on to the handrails so that when braking it is not injured from hitting;
    • Explain to the child what to enter any type of transport and go out of it only with its full stop.

    "Parents drivers, remember!"

    The kids of preschool and younger school age do not perceive the dangers of transport. They still do not know what pain and death are. Toys and balls for them are much more important than life and health. Hence the rule: if the ball rolled out on the road - a child will definitely appear. Know it and in advance Pribramiosa.

    If the child looks at the car, it does not mean that he sees him. Fascinated by his thoughts, he often does not notice the approaching car. An adult, shot down by the machine, gets a "bumper fracture" - a fracture of the leg. Children hit the abdomen, chest and head. As a result, the child dies or gets severe skull injuries, breaks internal organs and fractures. The more car speed, the stronger the blow and serious consequences!

    Tips for psychologist

    The preschooler does not understand the danger that rests it on the street. Therefore, the child should not walk on the streets independently and move roads. The child has other features of hearing and vision. It is difficult for him to determine which party the sound comes. Hearing the car signal, it can make a fatal step towards danger.

    The child does not know how to effectively use peripheral vision and completely turns it off when he moves the road, focusing on any subject. He believes that if he sees a car, the driver also sees him and stop. The child can not determine, close or far away is the car, he is quickly driving or slow.

    Appendix 2. Parents should know that ...

    • Most often injuries happen due to the fault of adults. Very often, parents themselves violate the rules of the road.
    • Statistics reports that every 16th victims of the child broke out from the hands of adults accompanying him. When moving the road with a child, it is necessary to keep his hand tightly.
    • Children's learning rules of road traffic should not be reduced to the calls to comply with them. Due to the specificity and imagery of children's thinking, training should be visual and passing in a natural setting. Any suitable to be intelligible and unobtrusive to teach the child the rules of behavior on the road, in transport, etc.
    • A preschooler's child should not walk without parents if transport is passing through the courtyard.
    • Parents are obliged to bring children to kindergarten and transmit them to caregivers.
    • In the street, adults should not remain indifferent to the behavior of children who came to walk without escorting adults, elders.

    What submits parents can give children?

    Parents introduce children with the names of the streets, according to which they often go, with the meaning of sitting road signs, remember the rules of movement on the sidewalk and transition across the street (children should well assimilate that it is impossible to leave one, without adults, on the roadway). Parents can tell children about the work of the chauffeur, the magician-regulator, watch him behind the work of the traffic light.

    Appendix 3. Safety rules for children.

    Safety on the road

    1. It is possible to move the street only by pedestrian transitions. They are indicated by a special "Pedestrian Transition" sign.
    2. If not underground transitionYou must use the transition to the traffic light.
    3. It is impossible to move the street on the red light, even if there are no cars.
    4. Turning the street, always need to look at the left, and reaching the middle of the road - to the right.
    5. Sostly enough to move the street with a pedestrian group.
    6. In no case can not be run on the road. Before the road must be stopped.
    7. It is impossible to play the roadway of the road and on the sidewalk.
    8. If your parents have forgotten, from which side you need to bypass the bus, trolleybus and tram, you can remind them that these vehicles are dangerous to go around both in front and rear. It is necessary to walk to the nearest pedestrian crossing and go through it.
    9. Out of settlements, children are allowed to go only with adults around the edge (sidelines) towards machines.

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