• Plan of work with children on Montessori pedagogy. Maria Montessori System Montessori Development Program


    Municipal Preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Smile"

    Pedagogical project according to the methodology

    M. Montessori.

    "Help me do it myself"

    Compiled by: Valey T.V.


    In younger children preschool age tactile sensations, visual, auditory perceptions are poorly developed, which causes speech, memory, attention, and imagination to suffer. Perception occurs with the direct participation of the sense organs (eyes, ears, skin receptors, nasal and oral mucosa).

    The Montessori method is good because it completely immerses children in the world of the most diverse, transforming games that never end, do not break, do not get bored. Moreover, these games teach the child skills that will later help him to better navigate life, at home, and even in relationships.

    The qualitative development of children can be organized completely free of charge with the help of the most ordinary items that are at our fingertips.

    Objective of the project:

    Acquaintance of young children with the diversity of the world around them.

    Project objectives:

      To help the child acquire sensory experience in the process of orienting research activity.

      Develop ideas about the color, shape, size and other properties of objects.

      Develop an idea of ​​the sounds of the surrounding world (children's musical instruments, sounds of nature, human speech, etc.)

      Develop and expand children's vocabulary.

      Cultivate a keen interest in everything new and unusual.

    Project participants:

    Educator, children, parents.

    Forms of work:

    Working with parents:

    Advice for parents: “Help me do it myself”, “Walking in winter”, “Playing with water and sand”.

    "Mom's Books"

    "We are developing fine motor skills» (individually)

    Suggestion for parents:

    "We sew bags", "Let's make rattles", Let's make frames", "Make cards", "Assemble cogs and bolts",

    Methodology: didactic, mobile, word games, the use of didactic material, natural and waste material.

    Predicted result:

      The accumulation of diverse sensory experience, which at the next stages of learning will allow you to systematize the accumulated knowledge, acquire new ones, as well as use them in a variety of situations.

      Children have developed ideas about the color, shape, size and other properties of objects.

      Developed understanding of the sounds of the surrounding world (children's musical instruments, sounds of nature, human speech, etc.)

      Vocabulary activated.

      Parents take an active part in joint activities with the teacher on this topic.

      Expanded ideas about the diversity of the surrounding world.

    Stages of project implementation:

    1. Preparatory stage. October 2014

    Parent survey.

    The study of literature on the topic of the project.

    Development of a long-term work plan according to the method of M. Montessori.

    Selection of visual aids, sets of waste material.

    Setting up a parenting area.



    Water games: "Pour over", "Colored water" 1.

    Acquaintance with the properties of the liquid (flows, repaints)

    Introduction to color

    Educator and children

    Games with cereals: “Pour over”, “Fill the pan” 1.

    The development of fine motor skills. Learn to determine the amount of bulk material (a lot - a little, more - less, the same)

    Educator and children

    Children's games with boxes (on the sides of the hole): "Guess by ear" (touch)

    Development of tactile, auditory sensations, speech and vocabulary of children

    Educator, parents and children

    Filled bags

    Development of tactile and visual sensations

    Educator, parents, children

    "Shadows on the Wall"

    Making a shadow theater

    "Walking in the Dark", "Flashlight", "Candle"

    Development of visual perception (light and shadow).

    Formation of ideas about light and darkness.

    Vocabulary development (dark-light, dim-bright)

    Educator, parents and children

    Show Russian folk tale"Teremok" (shadow theater)

    The development of visual sensations, the perception of light and shadow

    Educator parents and children

    The game "Cold-warm-hot"

    Game "Wash the dishes"

    Acquaintance with the properties of ice snow and the state of aggregation of water

    Educator and children

    Games: "2 boxes", "Where is your place"

    Strengthen knowledge about the value in the course of practical activities with toys

    Educator parents and children

    Game "Call it right"

    Vocabulary expansion, the ability to classify objects into categories

    The game "Put the pieces in place"

    Introduction to geometric shapes (flat shapes)

    Educator and children

    Games with voluminous geometric shapes (of the same color): "Find the same figure", "Extra figure"

    Select the desired shape by visual ratio

    Educator and children

    Games with cords, buttons, hooks, loops, bows, Velcro, zippers

    The development of fine motor skills of the fingers

    Educator, parents and children

    Game "Put it in order"

    Expansion of ideas about wildlife. Vocabulary expansion (seed - sprout - sunflower; egg - chicken - chicken).

    Educator and children

    Game: "Cogs - bolts"

    Hand development, concentration

    Educator, parents and children

    Game: "Sunshine"

    Development of three writing fingers

    Educator, parents and children


    1. E. A. Yanushko “Sensory development of young children”

    2. The program of education and training in kindergarten. Edited by M.A. Vasilyeva.

    3. K. Doubtful (can. Ped. Sciences) “Help me do it myself” (Montessori school).

    Everyone is familiar Montessori technique created and proposed by the Italian physician and later philosopher Maria Montessori, who lived in the first half of the past century. At first, it was applicable to early and rapid development children. Over time, the method Montessori moved to a pedagogical system based on the ideas of free education. An important place in this process is given to the development of the senses, with the help of didactic classes.

    This method has proven to be very effective.

    This was proven during a knowledge test, which showed that children involved in individual method Montessori outperform their peers in writing, numeracy and reading skills. The result of the audit was the question of the inefficiency of the traditional method of teaching healthy children. Later, children with developmental disabilities, now called disabled or children with disabilities (limited health opportunities), were introduced to this method.

    What is the Montessori method

    essence The Montessori methodology consists in revealing its main postulate, which says "Help me do it myself." Based on this, we can formulate the main postulate of the Montessori methodology in the following form: "performing a child's action with minimal adult help" in other words, the development of independence.

    The Montessori method is recognized as an alternative to traditional pedagogy. It is used in working with children from 3 to 6 years old when they attend classes on their own, that is, their parents are not present. From 8 months to one and a half - two years old, children come to class with their parents. It may seem that the Montessori method is a completely unorganized system. But this is only at first glance.

    The main idea of ​​the Montessori methodology is a wonderful example from practical pedagogy in the implementation of ideas in the free education of children from an early age, contributing to their independent development.

    Five principles for working with materials proposed by Maria Montessori

    Basic materials necessary for organizing the training of a brilliant teacher are in our environment.

    • fruits for counting
    • clay, salt dough and modeling clay.

    A distinctive feature of children brought up according to the Montessori system are:

    • curiosity,
    • desire to know the world around.
    • freethinking,
    • independence.

    It is these qualities that allow them to find their place in society, while remaining individual.

    Every kid learns to communicate through a natural desire inherent in all children to touch, smell, taste everything. Following the opinion of the pillars of Russian psychology, "... the path to the child's intellect leads not through abstraction, but through the senses."

    Five principles proposed by M. Montessori

    1. child active. The adult acts as an assistant, his role is secondary. The child needs to be interested, and he will develop himself. Classes are held in a specially prepared environment.
    2. The child is his own teacher. He has full freedom of action and choice. Children teach each other on the basis of the principle from the oldest to the youngest, which allows them to learn to take care of others;
    3. The independence of decision-making by the child;
    4. Full self-development- this is a consequence of freedom in actions, thinking, feelings. The child becomes himself when we follow the directions of nature, and do not go against them.
    5. Respect for children- the absence of prohibitions, criticism and instructions. The child has the right to make mistakes and reach everything on his own.

    In order to understand what the Montessori technique is, it is enough to follow its theory, agreeing with the conviction that any child is a normal person, able to discover himself in vigorous activity.

    Organization of kindergartens under the program of Maria Montessori

    Unlike kindergartens that work according to traditional methods that treat children as unreasonable beings who are not yet at all capable of independent action, the specialists of kindergartens working according to the Montessori method treat any child as a unique, inimitable personality, with their own its own development plan, its own methods and terms of development of the surrounding world. This is because the main idea that the Montessori method “carries” is to stimulate the child to self-development. Having placed the child in a prepared environment that has a clear logic of construction and corresponds to his specific psychological needs, the specialist in every possible way pushes him to make his own decisions to realize all those desires that he has according to his age.

    In other words, the task of the educator, or mentor, as he is called in the Montessori system, is to help any child organize his activities in this environment, follow his own, unique path, and realize his creative potential.

    It should be noted that the principles of the Montessori system are now agree with the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard:

    1. The student-centered model of education implies that the Montessori teacher controls and corrects the mental, physical and psychological development each student individually. Adjusting if necessary;
    2. Education of a comprehensively developed personality: in a Montessori kindergarten, a child learns the world in all its diversity;
    3. Following the targets: development of initiative and independence in various types activities, development of imagination;
    4. Organization of a developing object-spatial environment: each content area of ​​education is selected with appropriate Montessori materials.

    Organization of space in Montessori gardens (zoning system)

    The common space is divided into 6 zones:

    1. Daily Life Zone- the child, being in it, acquires vital social and everyday skills. Montessori toys in this case, not props, but real household items.

    Advice to parents: following the Montessori method, it is recommended to introduce the child, in game form to household chores: self-care, caring for animals and plants, acquiring one of the most important elements of social skills - a block of communication skills;

    1. Sensory/fine motor development- the main materials are montessori games, such as the Pink Tower pyramid, red rods, color ladder and plaques ( for color and size), cylinder blocks. To develop tactile perception, everyday life materials are used, such as rough fabrics, natural resources: clay, sand, earth and food cereals, as well as salt dough, thermomosaic. For the development of hearing (noise cylinders, bells). In this zone there are objects for the development of smell and taste. The purpose of work in this zone is the development of the senses: touch, smell, learning primary skills, self-regulation emotional state relaxation; and preparation for schooling.
    2. Math Zone should be built taking into account the sensorimotor needs of the child, which shows a close connection with the sensory zone. Building a system for studying mathematics according to Montessori presupposes naturalness.

    The instruments are:

    • for counting within 10 (barbells, spindles, chips);
    • to get acquainted with the decimal system ("golden" material);
    • for counting up to 100 (beads, Sagan boards, colored chains);
    • to get acquainted with arithmetic operations (marks, dot game, tables of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division);
    • to get to know fractions;
    • to get acquainted with the basics of geometry (geometric chest of drawers, constructive triangles).
    1. language development- based on the principle of tactility. The goals of work in this zone are to expand vocabulary, teaching writing and reading.

    Advice to parents. In the first case, cards depicting objects are used.
    In the second - a movable alphabet, rough letters, hatching frames, boxes with figures for the first intuitive reading, captions for environmental objects, simple books;

    1. Natural Science/Space Development e. Work in this zone is aimed at preparing for the study of such school subjects as biology, history, geography, physics and chemistry;
    2. Play area- gym. Development of gross motor skills (motor development).

    Advice to parents: the material offered for study by the child is recommended to be placed no higher than one meter from the floor. According to psychologists, it is precisely this distance that is optimal for the child to perceive as a call to action and begin to study independently.

    Pros and cons

    With all the effectiveness and positivity of the methods under consideration, it is impossible to ignore its negative points .

    1. Practically no attention is paid to the development of creative abilities, that is, creative creative thinking;
    2. Does not take into account role-playing games that contribute to the development of social roles by children. For this reason, difficulties can arise in interpersonal and family relationships, since not everyone is taught according to the Montessori method.
    3. Maria Montessori's system is suitable only for moderately calm children. If the child is hyperactive or prone to autism, and also has clearly defined Creative skills inclinations., then the use of the Montessori system can cause psychological trauma or become the basis of a mental deviation.

    The advantages of this system include :

    1. It can be taught in different cultures, since its main support is the basic needs of any child.
    2. Children who have completed at least one Montessori level become students and pupils of the most prestigious educational institutions.

    An example of this can be the founders of two great companies, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, Prince William, writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the 42nd US President Bill Clinton, Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

    Children trained according to the Montessori system have good attention span, observation skills, are disciplined and independent.

    Montessori toys

    The Montessori system must be introduced to the child in stages (for example, the age from 1 to 3 years is called Toddler Montessori):

    • from 1 to 2 months, paper figures, rattle toys in the form of geometric bodies;
    • from 3 months it is recommended to stimulate movements. At this age, experts prefer wooden figures of bed flowers, suspended on special elastic bands. An example would be: a wooden ring or a bell that makes a sound every time the baby touches it.

    The main toys of a child up to a year remain objects of everyday life.

    Advice to parents: do not interfere in opening and closing drawers, as well as in the manipulation of things not intended for play. All dangerous and valuable items are recommended to be stored out of the reach of the child. And in one (two) drawers, which are accessible to the child by height, to store items from everyday life, playing with which he will not harm himself.

    Advice to parents. The best exercises for children from 1 to 2 years old - natural natural environment. At this age, the child begins to realize that water is perfectly poured into a bucket to the brim. And you can't pour sand like that. It can be poured. You can start collecting leaves from trees with your child or feed the birds on the street, you can also hang a feeder outside the window.

    Game library for a child from 2 to 3 years old - the main toy at this age is participation in everyday life. Helping parents in cleaning boiled eggs and potatoes (boiled in their skins), kneading dough, and cleaning up.

    A film about Maria Montessori

    The film tells about the life and work of the Italian doctor and teacher Maria Montessori. It covers the whole life of this interesting woman. In order to get acquainted with her methodology and personality, it is enough to look through it.

    Maria Montessori (08/31/1870 - 05/06/1952) - the first female doctor in Italy, scientist, teacher and psychologist.

    To date, the system of Maria Montessori is one of the most popular methods of child development. The development of children according to the Montessori method is freedom and discipline, an exciting game and serious work at the same time.

    Maria Montessori called her pedagogical methodology a system of independent development of a child in a didactically prepared environment.

    The essence of the method

    In a unique system of self-education and self-development of young children, the main attention is paid to the education of independence, the development of feelings (vision, hearing, smell, taste, etc.) and fine motor skills. There are no uniform requirements and training programs in this system. Each child works at their own pace and does only what interests them. "Competing" only with himself, the child gains self-confidence and fully assimilates what he has learned.

    The main ideas for the development of children according to the M. Montessori system

    The methodology is based on the following provisions:

    The environment has precise building logic. Books on o emphasize that in a specially prepared environment, absolutely everything is a learning tool.
    To minimize the intervention of adults in the development of children, Montessori materials are designed in such a way that the child can see his own mistake and eliminate it. Thus, the child learns not only to eliminate, but also to prevent errors.
    Basic rules for using Montessori materials
    Main principle Montessori systems - "Help me do it myself!". This means that an adult must understand what the child is interested in at the moment, create an optimal environment for him to practice and unobtrusively teach him how to use this environment. Thus, an adult helps each child find their own individual path of development and reveal their natural abilities.

    In Montessori books it is noted that all these rules do not apply to collective games based on communication and the ability to cooperate.
    The development of children according to the Montessori system implies that the child learns, first of all, by playing with objects. Montessori games are not necessarily some special toys. Any thing can be the subject of the game: a bowl, a sieve, a glass, a spoon, a napkin, a sponge, cereals, water, etc. But there are also special classic Montessori materials - the famous Pink Tower, Brown Staircase, insert molds and more.

    Compliance with 5 stages when working with the material:

    Children involved grow inquisitive and open to gaining deep and versatile knowledge. They manifest themselves as free, independent individuals who know how to find their place in society.
    Children have a huge inner need to explore and learn about the world around them. Every kid has a natural desire to feel, smell, taste everything, since the path to his intellect leads not through abstraction, but through the senses. Feeling and knowing become one.

    - The child is active. The role of the adult directly in the action of learning is secondary. He is a helper, not a mentor.

    The child is his own teacher. He has complete freedom of choice and action.

    Children teach children. Since children are in groups different ages, older children become teachers, while they learn to take care of others, and the younger ones are drawn to the older ones.

    Children make their own decisions.

    Classes are held in a specially prepared environment.

    The child needs to be interested, and he will develop himself.

    Full-fledged self-development is a consequence of freedom in actions, thinking, feelings.

    The child becomes himself when we follow the directions of nature, and do not go against them.

    Respect for children - the absence of prohibitions, criticism and instructions.

    The child has the right to make mistakes and reach everything on his own.

    Thus, everything and everything in the Montessori system stimulates the child to self-education, self-education, self-development of the potential inherent in it.

    The role of the adult in the Montessori method.

    Development environment.

    Development environment - essential element Montessori systems. Without it, it cannot function as a system. A prepared environment gives the child the opportunity to develop step by step without adult supervision and become independent.

    Exercise zone in everyday life - materials with the help of which the child learns to take care of himself and his things, i.e. what you need in everyday life.

    The zone of sensory education is intended for the development and refinement of the perception of the sense organs, the study of magnitudes, sizes, shapes, etc.

    Math Zone - to understand the ordinal count, numbers, composition of numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.

    The native language zone is designed to expand vocabulary, get acquainted with letters, phonetics, understand the composition of words and their spelling.

    The Space Zone is designed to get acquainted with the surrounding world and the significance of the role of man in it, to master the basics of botany, zoology, anatomy, geography, physics, and astronomy.

    didactic material.

    The material in the Montessori system is freely available, at the level of the child's eyes (no higher than 1 m from the floor). This is a call to action for the child.

    Treating materials with care and working with them only after their use is understood.

    The child brings the selected material and carefully lays it out on a rug or table in a certain order.

    In group classes, you can not pass the material and hand to hand.

    When working with the material, the child can act not only as the teacher showed, but also applying the accumulated knowledge.

    Work with materials should occur with a gradual complication in design and use.

    When the child has finished the exercise, he must return the material to its place, and only after that he can take the next manual.

    One material - one child to be able to focus. If the material chosen by the child is now occupied, he waits, watching the work of another child (observation is one of the most important ways of learning) or chooses some other material.

    1. choice of material;

    2. preparation of material and workplace;

    3. performing actions;

    4. error control;

    5. completion of work, return of the material to its original place.

    Disadvantages of the M. Montessori system:

    1. The Montessori method focuses only on the development of intelligence and practical skills.

    2. There are no role-playing and outdoor games in the system.

    3. Denial of creativity as an obstacle to mental development children (while research by psychologists suggests otherwise). It should be noted that the last two shortcomings are compensated by the fact that ordinary playrooms are necessarily created in Montessori gardens, and the child does not spend all his time in the kindergarten.

    4. After the democratic Montessori system, it is difficult for children to get used to discipline in ordinary kindergartens and schools.

    The Montessori system is more than 100 years old, but Montessori books were not available in our country for a very long time. The Montessori pedagogical system became known to us only in the 90s. At present, many different centers and kindergartens have been opened in Russia that teach children according to the Montessori method.

    Basically, the technique "covers" the age from 3 to 6 years.

    In 1896, while working as a pediatrician in a clinic, Maria drew attention to mentally retarded children who wandered aimlessly along the corridors of the institution and nothing could occupy them. Watching the unfortunate, Maria came to the conclusion that these children had no incentives to develop at one time and that each child, first of all, needs a special developmental environment in which he could find something interesting for himself.

    Montessori took up the study of pedagogy and psychology and tried to create her own methods for the development and upbringing of children.

    For the first time, the system created by Montessori was used in the "Children's Home", opened by her on January 6, 1907 in Rome. By observing children, Maria gradually developed sensory materials through trial and error, which arouse and stimulate children's interest in knowledge.

    Since 1909, Montessori pedagogy and its books began to spread in many countries of the world. In 1913, the system became known in Russia as well. And since 1914 Montessori kindergartens have been opened in many Russian cities. But 10 years later, the Bolsheviks closed these kindergartens. Only in 1992 did the Montessori system return to Russia.

    The task of the educator in the Montessori system is the development of children, assistance in organizing their activities to realize their potential. The adult offers only as much help as necessary to keep the child interested.

    Graphically, this system can be represented as shown in Figure 1.

    So, the main components of the Montessori system, which make it possible to realize the individual path of development of the child: adults, the developing environment, didactic material. Below we will try to briefly describe each of them.

    Despite the fact that in M. Montessori's system, adults should help children exactly to the extent specified above, the true role of the teacher is enormous. An adult, using his own experience, wisdom and natural instinct, needs to be imbued with the methodology, carry out preparatory work in order to create a truly developing environment for classes and select effective didactic material.

    The main task of an adult in relation to the child directly in the process of studying is not to interfere with him to master the world around him, not to transfer his knowledge, but to help collect, analyze and systematize his own. The Montessori system implies that an adult observes the actions of the child, determines his inclinations and provides the child with simpler or more complex tasks with didactic material chosen by the child himself.

    Even the position in space is not left without attention. To be level with the child, the adult must squat or sit on the floor.

    What does the work of an adult look like in the classroom?

    First, the teacher carefully observes the child, what kind of material he chooses. If the baby turned to the selected benefit for the first time, then the adult tries to interest the child in it. He shows the kid how to cope with the task. At the same time, the adult is laconic and speaks only on business. Then the child already plays on his own, and not only as he was shown, but by trial and error he comes up with new ways to use the material. The development of children according to the Montessori system implies that in the course of such creative activity a great discovery is made! An adult should be able to give the child the opportunity to create on his own! After all, even a small remark can confuse a child, prevent him from taking a step in the right direction.

    In this regard, the environment must meet the needs of the child. According to the Montessori system, the development of children should not be accelerated, but it is important not to miss right moment so that the child does not lose interest in this activity.

    A feature of the classes in which classes are held is the absence of desks that restrict children. There are only small tables and chairs that can be rearranged as you wish. And rugs that children spread on the floor wherever they feel comfortable.

    Maria Montessori very carefully developed manuals that would carry a teaching task and help children develop in various directions.

    Any exercise with Montessori didactic material has two goals: direct and indirect. The first contributes to the actual movement of the child (opening and fastening buttons, finding the same sounding cylinders), and the second is aimed at the future (development of independence, coordination of movements, refinement of hearing).

    In addition to the above, the very environment and the availability of absolutely all benefits encourage children to look for keys to the world around them.

    As with any system, it also has its drawbacks:

    It is difficult to fit the vast life experience of Maria Montessori, embodied in her system, within the framework of a small review. Therefore, in this article there is only the most basic. If you are interested in learning more about the system of Maria Montessori, it is advisable to get acquainted with the original sources. Moreover, the books of Montessori and her followers are now widely available.

    It should be remembered that today we have access to many methods and systems, and it is in our power to choose the best for our children.

    Marina Yurga
    Plan of work with children on Montessori pedagogy.

    Month: JUNE

    1. Exercises with constructive triangles: Teach children to make shapes by moving one triangle around another and by flipping

    2. Sound games: Teaching children to distinguish sounds by ear

    3. Trees, shrubs, grass: To teach children to divide plants into trees, shrubs and grass, to identify them by characteristic features

    4. Definition: To teach children to identify parts of a whole and make a sentence from parts.

    5. Map of continents: Teach kids how to draw a map of the continents

    6. Maps - liners: To introduce children at a sensory level to the shape and location on the map of continents and countries.

    7. Plant development from seed: Clarify children's ideas that plants grow from a seed, show the process of plant development.

    8. Books for reading: Teach children to read sentences, match text with a picture

    9. Constellations: To form in children the idea that the stars are connected into constellations, recognize the constellations, find them in the sky, teach children how to model constellations.

    10. Seasons: Continue to reinforce children's ideas about phenological changes in nature

    11. The development of fish with complete transformation: Show children the development process of fish

    12. Playing with nouns: Give the concept of the function of the noun - the designation of the subject.

    Month: JULY

    1. Introduction of adjectives: Give an idea about the function of the adjective, that it denotes a sign of an object.

    2. Natural areas and their inhabitants: To introduce children to natural areas, to note the adaptive features of animals to a particular habitat.

    3. All year round : To teach children to determine the sequence, change of seasons

    4. Trinominal cube: Teach children to collect a cube.

    5. Experiments: Teach children to experiment.

    6. Small hexagonal box: Show the children that a regular hexagon can be built from two trapezoids, six equilateral triangles, six isosceles obtuse triangles and three rhombuses

    7. Exercise in silence: To teach children to feel complete silence. Exercises in silence while sitting in Turkish.

    Related publications:

    Report at the teachers' council "From the experience of organizing the environment using the methods of M. Montessori" Report at the teachers' council "From the experience of organizing the environment using the methods of M. Montessori" Developed by the educator Karagozyan Rimma.

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    Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

    « Kindergarten general developmental type No. 7 "MO

    "Leninogorsk municipal district" of the Republic of Tatarstan

    Working programm

    additional educational activities

    "Circle Montessori"

    For children of the first junior group

    (2 - 3 years old)

    Compiled by the educator

    first qualification category

    Galimova Liliya Rikhvatovna

    Leninogorsk 2015

    Explanatory note

    The Montessori Circle program is designed to work with children from 1.5 years old. It contributes to the comprehension of everyday life by young children, their independent development surrounded by simple things. And it is aimed at the early development of children. The program includes exercises according to the method of Maria Montessori and her followers. Early development is the intensive development of a child's abilities up to 3-4 years. Getting information for a child is a necessity. Techniques early development exist just to help the baby cope with this difficult task.

    Why is the program based on the ideas of M. Montessori? There are many developing methods, but the method of Maria Montessori is not only recognized - in some countries (Italy, Japan, Germany), it is the leading one. The Maria Montessori method awakens and develops a natural desire to learn, to learn new things - to the extent that the child is able to master. He does not just what he wants, but what he is ready for.

    In the process of personal development, there are periods of ups and downs. When a favorable (sensitive) period comes, the baby becomes most receptive to the formation of certain skills and abilities, and the abilities inherent in him develop without much effort on his part. But favorable periods come and go irrevocably. Unfortunately, it is impossible to influence this process. But you can at the right time create the most suitable conditions for the development of the baby. You can also anticipate the next favorable period and prepare in advance for it. So, the period from birth to 6 years is a period of active development of speech, from birth to 5 years is a period of active sensual (sensory) development, from birth to 3.5 years is movement as a way of knowing the world, from 2 to 4 years is a period of formation ideas about order and accuracy, from 2.5 to 6 years - the period of assimilation of the norms of behavior in society.

    Exercises according to the method of Maria Montessori allow you to create conditions for the development of certain abilities.

    The main motto of the methodology: "Help me do it myself."

    Basic principles:

    Create a developing environment by providing objects for study;

    Do not interfere with the child to independently acquire knowledge, helping only if necessary, or if the child himself asks you about it;

    Help the child to get used to the world around him, prepare the conditions for this;

    Maintain children's interest.

    Program goal:

    Exploring the world around us in a way that is accessible to the child - based on sensory experience and the development of fine motor skills of the hands.


      Educational and developing:

      Teaching practical life skills and developing independence;

      Sensory development of the child;

      Development of mathematical abilities;

      Expanding the horizons of the child;

      The development of the child's speech through the development of fine motor skills of the hands.


      Creation of favorable emotional background The child has;

      Organization of the most suitable conditions for the development of the child.


      Formation in the child of interest in working with different material;

      Assimilation of social norms of behavior;

      Development of communication skills: to teach children to play without interfering with each other; be able to negotiate.

    Methods and techniques:

    Visual, verbal, practical

    The Montessori Circle is held once a week. 10 minutes each, from September to May 2015 – 16 hours. of the year.

    For the method of Maria Montessori, there is no concept: children should. There are criteria:

    Children naturally develop math skills;

    Differ in the developed vocabulary;

    The culture of speech is developing (learning to listen to silence);

    Self-esteem develops (freedom of choice);

    Empathy develops.

    Forms of work with parents.

    Parent meeting"Pedagogy of Maria Montessori" - familiarization of parents with the DOD program


    Non-traditional parent meeting "Journey to the Land of Sensory"

    (game practice)


    1. Making aids for the development of fine motor skills of hands

    2. Competition "Best didactic game waste material"


    1. Master class for parents "Learning to play with children"

    2. "Evening of questions and answers" - discussion of questions of interest


    Parent meeting "How I play with a child" - parent presentations


    Showing a video lesson on DOD


    Photo exhibition


    Open display of DOD for parents "Open Day"


    “Mom, dad, I am the best family” - discussion of the results achieved,

    long term plan circle work

    "Circle Montessori"




    Methodological techniques


    Line building

    Teach children to do the task, develop balance, motor activity,

    Visual demonstration of the educator

    Walking the line

    Demonstrative movements. Explanation

    A strip 4 m long and 4 cm wide, drawn on the floor (ellipse),

    finger exercises

    Show. Explanation


    Line building

    Teach children to complete the task, develop balance, motor activity

    Visual demonstration of the educator

    finger exercises

    To teach children to follow the teacher, to develop fine motor skills of hands, speech, memory

    Show. Explanation

    The book "Hello finger" 2-4 years T.Yu. Bardysheva

    Frames with clasps

    Teach children to tie and untie bows, develop fine motor skills of hands.

    Visual demonstration of the educator

    Frames with ribbons

    pink tower


    Walking the line

    Teach children to walk along the lane line, put their feet completely, develop balance

    Visual demonstration of the educator

    Stripe 4 m long and 4 cm wide, drawn on the floor (ellipse)

    Finger game "Family"

    To teach children to follow the teacher, to develop fine motor skills of hands, speech, memory

    Show. Explanation

    The book "Hello finger" 2-4 years T.Yu. Bardysheva

    Silence exercise "Come to me"


    Noisy boxes

    Display with demo content

    Two boxes of 6 boxes. Boxes of 2 colors - blue and red, filled with various materials and sound effects (loud - quiet "


    Walking in a line with a toy

    Teach children to walk in a line holding a toy, develop balance

    Visual demonstration of the educator

    A strip 4 m long and 4 cm wide, drawn on the floor (ellipse). A toy

    Silence exercise

    Teach children to sit quietly, not to talk, to develop perseverance, patience

    Auto-training (music for relaxation)

    Disk. audio recorder

    Frames with fasteners - buttons

    Learn to fasten and unbutton buttons

    Visual demonstration of the educator

    Frames with clasps - buttons

    Jars with scents

    Teach children to distinguish between different smells, develop a sense of smell.

    Display with demo content

    Jars filled with pungent substances


    keyboard board

    Display with demo content

    Water transfusion

    Visual demonstration of the educator

    Vessels with water

    flavor jars

    Teach children to distinguish between different tastes, develop taste qualities

    Jars with different flavors

    Water coloring

    Teach children to paint water in different colors, develop perception

    Visual demonstration of the educator

    Gouache water jars, brushes


    Walking the line with the bells

    Teach children to walk in a line holding a bell in their hands, develop balance

    Show with visual aid

    A strip 4 m long and 4 cm wide, drawn on the floor (ellipse). Bell

    Finger game "Salting cabbage"

    Visual demonstration of the educator

    The book "Hello finger" 2-4 years T.Yu. Bardysheva

    pink tower

    Form the concept of big - small, develop the ability to arrange objects

    Display with demo content

    10 pink painted wooden cubes. The length of the smallest is 1 cm, the length of the largest is 10 cm.

    Display with demo content


    Walking the line with the bottles

    Continue to train walking in a line, following the chain one after another, maintaining balance, holding a bottle in your hand

    Show with visual aid

    A strip 4 m long and 4 cm wide, drawn on the floor (ellipse). Water bottle.

    Water transfusion

    To teach children to pour water from one vessel to another, to develop coordination of movements, perseverance, accuracy

    Visual demonstration of the educator

    Vessels with water

    keyboard board

    Teach children to distinguish between different surfaces, develop a sense of touch

    Display with demo content

    Board covered with various materials

    Finger game "My soap .."

    Continue to teach children to do finger exercises

    Visual demonstration of the educator

    The book "Hello finger" 2-4 years T.Yu. Bardysheva


    Walking the line with cups

    Continue to train in walking along the line, following the chain one after another, maintaining balance, holding a glass of water

    Show with visual aid

    A strip 4 m long and 4 cm wide, drawn on the floor (ellipse). Glass of water

    Games with fasteners - locks

    Teaching kids how to fasten and unfasten zippers

    Show with visual aid

    Fastener frames - clasps

    Noisy boxes

    Teach children to listen to various noises, develop auditory perception

    Display with demo content

    noise boxes

    Groats sorting

    Develop fine motor skills

    Show with visual aid

    Cereals of two types, plates


    Walking the line to the music

    Continue to train in walking along the line, following the chain one after another, maintaining balance,

    visual display

    A strip 4 m long and 4 cm wide, drawn on the floor (ellipse). Music

    Box with pieces of cloth

    Develop sense of touch, motor skills

    Show with visual aid

    A box filled with pieces of fabric of different textures and colors

    Construction from triangles

    To teach children to construct from triangles, make figures, develop logical thinking

    Display with demo content

    Set of plastic triangles

    Groats sorting

    Develop fine motor skills

    visual display

    Cereals of two types, plates


      Khiltunen E. A. Practical Montessori Pedagogy: a book for teachers and parents. – M.: Astrel: AST, 2010. – 399 p.

      The book "Hello finger" 2-4 years T.Yu. Bardysheva

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